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Everything posted by Gwen

  1. That was awesome !!!!!!!!!! Everyday my fids teach me, if we're only "intelligent" enough to be aware. They each have their own unique personality & it's up to us to bring it out in them. Interaction and just observing sometimes is where it's at. Thank you for the insight !!!!!!!!
  2. Way to go, Nilah Baby !!!! What a wild woman....
  3. Jayd: Thanks for the good & fun Contest.... I think every parront is picture crazy & I really enjoyed it. Good work !!!
  4. Carla,

    Just wanted to make sure we keep in touch to see how OUR progress goes w/ our 2 rehomed CAGs. Any recent breakthru ?

    Roscoe still puffs up when my hubby comes in the room & doesn't talk much when he's around. As for my own progress, I'm touching the top of his head when I ask for a scratch but won't actually allow me to scratch. I would love to rub/scratch but he doesn't offer long enough & holds my finger in his beak until I pull away.

    One thing that's cute, if I'm sitting in front of his cage, he will come down off his cage door & while hanging on the side will put one foot out & step onto my hand & I can set him on my lap. Also, when he's walking around on the floor he lifts one foot up when I ask "wanna go back on your cage?" He lets me carry him on my hand back across the room to his cage door.

    How are things w/ you??

  5. She's getting more beautiful everyday !!! Such a sweet innocent face
  6. Audi is getting beautiful feathers !!! She's a cutie keep up the good work I have a grey & a cinnamon cockatiel. Our families are alike
  7. My vote is for Talon's Nilah !!! (the one where she is looking underneath from the back) so cute !!! Honorable mention is: Janet's Louie He is so beautifully feathered and what a clown for the camera !!!
  8. Gwen

    Baby Wynn

    janet: So FINALLY you get baby Isabella!!! I'm so very happy for you and anxious to see pics and know how Ana Grey likes her baby sis... She is so fortunate to have a good mommy like you. Please let us know everything!!!!
  9. Thanks.. I was waiting for SOMEONE to answer my thread. This was a one time toy, but he looked so cute like a baton twriller (sp) and it's so easy for them to hold.
  10. Was filing my nails & Roscoe "insisted" that I give it to him to play with. He spent a long time chewing & playing with layers from my paper nail file. Needless to say, he destroyed it but maybe he filed his beak a little. Has anyone given their bird one to chew up? I don't think there's anything in it to hurt them? Any comments? Also, he loves the plastic lids from his food containers. I poke a hole in it & hang it tied to a leather strip near his top perch. Since he works so hard carrying toys to his perch & drops them, this is handy just hanging there.
  11. Janet I thought they were all males?!$!???? I have following your mission and am sooo happy for you!!! Please post pics of your baby, Isabella. She is so fortunate to have you & Ana Grey. Just how many days until she comes home??
  12. Thanks everyone for the info. I tried to answer yesterday and found out my session timed out and I lost my post. Yes, I agree he probably wants a scratch and after he bows he comes up on the side bars and rubs the top of his head on the bars for a scratch. He melts my heart and I usually end up letting him out. Roscoe is an 11yr. old rehomed CAG I got a year ago. Being my 1st grey, I didn't know body language, but watching him he has gone from a nasty, screaching, biting monster (W/ ALOT of baggage) to a sweet, talkative and happy boy!! He loves being on a daily sch. and since my hubby & I are both retired; Roscoe gets both of our attention fulltime. He watches every single thing we do and has us both laughing at the silly little clown he is. He eats when we eat and while I'm waiting for his food to cool down, he makes smack, smack sound and says, Good,Good. (just to make sure I know he's waiting) I could go on & on, but I'll save it for later.
  13. Recently, my CAG started bowing his head down when he says hello. Anyone know what this means?
  14. After almost a year with my first (rehomed a 10yo) grey, I have made my newest break-thru but now I'm not surewhere I go from here. My husband & I are both home retired and slowly I have gotten closer to my baby. I open Roscoe's door and lay on the floor across the room. He comes down and causiously walks over and likes to play tent under a blanket. He feels secure and has started regurgitating over & over for 5 or 10 min. while I quietly talk to him. He is very disturbed & fluffs up if my husband gets up or moves around during this timIe. He then looks up at his cage and when I ask him if he wants back up on his cage, he holds his leg up for me. This goes on for hrs. and every half hour or so he repeats the same sequense. He "hates" my husband and won't talk when he's in the room, but the minute he leaves starts whistling, talking and being himself. The tent play is precious time for me but how do I get him to do different things? He is basically trying to communicate and interact w/ me with what he wants but now I would like to try something new. All this regurg. is starting to gross me out. I used to wipe it off in a paper towel but now he quickly and very gently eats it off my fingers and brings it up again. Where do I go from here?
  15. Oh, how well I know this!!! My little tiel is sooooo focused to sneak in, pry up the laptop key and run away across the floor w/ the key in her beak... Since I'm laying on the floor w/ it; she will climb down and sneak up--pushes the newspaper off and starts prying the first key she can get. At this point, it's a race to see if I can stop her. So far, she wins!! With all that exercise there's not enough fat on her to roast. Hee,Hee (just kidding)
  16. I'm trying SO...hard to get my grey to snuggle! I work w/ him everyday. When I handfeed, he turns his head for a quick scritch on top of his head after every bite. Then when he's down on the floor playing "tent" under his blanket; he emerges all warm and toasty. If I'm laying on my side on the floor, Roscoe puts his head down on the floor and tries to go up my shirt. I've let him cuddle for a few minutes (it's the only time he lets me touch him anywhere on his body] but I'm leary he's going to take a chunk of my ribs..... I think he likes the body heat. Does anyone have any ideas how I can expand or change this playtime so I can be cuddly longer??
  17. Thanks to all who helped me get my signature from petsaretop.com !!! It took awhile but I got Roscoe and Gabby's pic (as well as mine) so everyone can see who we are. Visit and leave a message.... Update: How do I edit signature pic??? I went to petsaretop and Greys edit but can't find a way to change my signature. I can't upload from my computer to switch from option 1 to 2. Any suggestions?
  18. Hello to all.... My profile pic is me with my daughters on each side.


    Thank you for everyone's help about getting my banner up !!

  19. Hi.. Newbie here. I'm Gwen, Sassy(CAG) & Gabby(teil)'s mom. Been an animal lover my whole life. Had dogs, cats, lived on a farm & worked vet surgical asst. for 20 yrs. Five yrs. ago my Newfoundland died & I said NO MORE PETS. Well,enter the world of birds and I'm lovin every minute. Adopted a homeless tiel 2 yrs. ago and 9 months this wonderful CAG adopted me. He/she is 10 yrs. and had been shut in a bdrm alone for 3 yrs. Sassy has adapted well but I'm still learning and need all the help I can get. This forum seems just the place since I have never talked to a grey's owner and not familiar w/ birds. I'm bonding and Sassy talks up a storm. She doesn't like my husband and he hasn't touched her(also stops talking when he walks in the room.Anyone have advice??
  20. Thanks luvparrots... I didn't know where to start and have never posted online before. (:
  21. Gwen: (Sassy's mom) This is my first post--I'm a newbie. Had teils for 5 yrs. & 9 mo.s ago go a rehomed grey. It's been trial & error (i'm a member of Bite Club) but nail clipping has been surprisingly EASY!!! As a matter of fact, I just clipped 3 or 4 nails before I got online. I use lrg nail clippers and talk to her thru the bars while she hangs up side down. She is only getting to trust me, but still decides to bite for no reason. We backed up a few steps a few weeks ago and now she lets me scratch her head but hasn't put her foot out to get on my hand yet. I'm sooooo ready to love on her but she isn't.
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