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Everything posted by Gwen

  1. Janet: I had to watch your vid twice !!! I can't believe Louie stepped up !!!! He has come such a long way from no contact to landing on you.... now step up. Way to go Louie!!!! You make your mommy proud !!
  2. Yes.... Thank you so very much for the personal tour !! We are planning on driving to the east coast (SC) from FL or IN -- looks like it might worth while to side track to see this place
  3. Happy Hatchday, Beau!!! Hope your a spoiled baby..
  4. 0-2 !!!! Go team Penny !!!! Boy, do they keep you thinking to stay ahead....
  5. Yes.... I couldn't get him out of there fast enough !!! He deserves the best of everything because he had nothing !!!
  6. Wow, Karen !!!@@! We must be having vibes back & forth & not know it.... I was thinking of Bunsen the other day!!!! BECAUSE, Gabby has been doing the wild thing in her food bowl, along with the screchy, squeekys thing when I happen to touch her tail.... I've been looking in her cage thinking she's gonna lay an egg anyday... She also doesn't want me to leave the room & has been chirping non-stop when I do. Also, the past few evenings Roscoe is still being his sweet self w/ his tent but will beak my finger & hold it to look at me as if to say, "go ahead, dare me to bite down!!" Little feisty booger. Sometimes he will get hyper & rub, kiss, fluff, & start to regurgitate. I don't know if he's bothered by Gabby, a little hormonal himself or maybe didn't get enough sleep & is a crabby baby.... Like birhouse says, maybe cabin fever or they are cycling hormones ??? Keep me posted
  7. I just shutter to think about the last time he was in the car... The day I brought him home !!!! I went to my co-workers house.. (3 large dogs jumping & barking in a very small living rm. Boyfriend sitting chain smoking UGH!!) Anyway, she went into this storage room & pulled Roscoe's cage out to the middle of the living rm... no toys (just a rock on a chain in the back corner), perch, no water & his food bowl had dry dog food in it. She told me, "he's a biter" !!! "good luck & good riddance". I asked her how do you take him out?? she didn't know, never had to.. She proceeded to open the door & chase him around the cage w/ the little cockatiel carrier I had brought with me. After half an hour she finally got him cornered & with screaming all the time, he finally crawled into the transport carrier. I loaded up & down the road I went.. All the way home I just kept saying it's ok, it's alright. He chewed at the screen on the carrier all the way... If it had been much farther, he would have broken free. (only a 15 min. drive) I just only hope he doesn't associate that with things when I try to take him to my daughter's..... That's why I think a trial run would help... then, it's leave, travel & back into his cage with no trauma !!!
  8. Yes birdhouse that's what came in my travel cage !!! I really like them & so do my birdies... I've shopped around & use the larger diameter for my grey & the smaller for my tiel
  9. Interesting... I do think that warrants more discussion, Ray...
  10. Penny: Keep those pens & pencils handy !! HAHAHAHAHA............
  11. My husband just asked me why I was sobbing & I tried to read "The Rescuers Creed" to him out loud.... Needless to say, I had to stop a few times. Friends... please read this 3 or 4 times, not once!!! Each time it means more, and I received a flood of visions of birds, dogs, cats, calves, reptiles... All who have deeply enriched my life.
  12. DawL... Got a big lump in my throat but a joy and blessing in my heart when I read that !!!! Thank you so very much from me and all God's critters I have ever watched over. Yes, Ray....... This indeed is what this room is all about and it should be our byline of just why we are here together. THANK YOU BOTH................
  13. Thanks for helping me brainstorm, Dee !!!! I NEVER thought abt. the direction of the perch in conjunction with the road -- but it makes perfect sense & I will make sure I do that !! I'm sincerely hoping that he will understand that I'm taking him with me for 5 days instead of leaving him w/ that scary man (daddy). Gabby will stay w/ him. They like each other & she flies to him & calls when he leaves the room. I would rather have him w/ me & mad than leave him knowing he can't come out of his cage !!!
  14. Soooooooooooooooo..... What is your strategy for tonight ???? I'll bet if Nilah likes pens so well that she'll fall for it again tonight !!! What does everyone else think ???
  15. I really feel fortunate when it comes to bedtime w/ my birdies !!!! (Knock on wood !!) Little Gabby has never been a problem. She would go to bed at 6pm if were her choice. Even with the plant light on next to her she goes to her little hidey corner in the back of her cage & TV, Roscoe or myself don't phase her. Now Roscoe... Usually as the evening grows later, he starts to nod off on the top of his cage door. The same minute either the light goes off or the TV, he wil begin his, "Go to bed!!" every 30 seconds.... Repetitively, he is the King who tells Mommy & Daddy what to do. As soon as he sees us enter the bedroom door -- complete silence !!!! Never another peep until 8am the next morning Lately, he has been hanging around me on the floor and soaking up scritches. This has changed our bedtime routine slightly... Once in a while he will bend forward & bite my hand as I carry him back to his cage just to let me know he doesn't want to be put back. The other night it was so cute... he sort of didn't know quite what to do when I asked him to step up. He put his little head down like a snowplow & walked around in circles. It was hilarious... He did that 2 or 3 times for a minute before finally stepping up... Once he gets to his cage door he's right back on track & rubs his head on my hand, makes kissy sounds & I say quietly, It's time for night, night. Get in your cage. He 100% of the time complies... Sometimes I feel bad 'cause just for no reason my hubby teases him & will say "Get in your cage" !! No matter where he is or what he's doing, Roscoe gives Charlie a dirty look & goes in.....
  16. Good idea, Karen !!! Those two are really jealous of each when it comes to food... Maybe, with Gabby on my shoulder, I'll sit in front of Roscoe & put some peanuts in the travel cage, place Gabby in and say, "Bye, see ya later"!!! I could leave, drive around the block & then come back. A few days later I'll try it w/ Roscoe.
  17. Hello Alan !!! Welcome ..... There is a wealth of knowledge here and all you have to do is ask & someone will have an answer for you. Actually, you probably have some answers for us.... look around
  18. JeffNOK: You two are doing just fine !!! Those tricky, intelligent Greys have a way to get from you what they want & need. Too cute for Gracie to look for her Knight in shining armour to be on stand-by for a rescue & then perform.. Just when I'm talking sweetly to my rehome -- he will, out-of-the-blue, say "Shut up" !!! Yes, it hurts my feelings but that's baggage he brought w/ him & I understand he pops up with things we don't say in our house!! What's hurtful (mentally & physically) is petting him & for no reason-----he bites me !! I've put him back on his cage & gone in the bathroom & cried. At that point, my feelings are hurt but I try now to not let it bother me: he didn't mean to do that or something I didn't realize triggered it... AHHHHHHHH..... Life with a Grey
  19. It will be mostly express-way so I do have the opportunity to at least pull over... Quite possibly I might take our Jeep... that way he could stay right in his own big cage ???? The only problem would be is that the cage would be laying down @%^&*@!!!! Test drive might be a good answer...
  20. Thanks... I'm feeling a little more at ease about this whole thing with your encouragement. My daughter has 2 cats and a cockatiel. Both cats are extremely afraid of her bird, so I'm not really worried about them. I'll be able to stay in one of the bedrooms downstairs so I'll keep Roscoe w/ me. My grandsons both will be in school all day so I'll have lots of quality alone time w/ Roscoe !! My 10 year old grandson enjoys being around Roscoe so evenings will also be playtime for him. Come to think of it, he'll have me 24 hrs. a day for 4 or 5 days all to himself. I just hope the fact that he won't be home doesn't make him freak out. Thanks, judygram, I do plan on talking to him in the car all the way up there. I hadn't thought about explaining what we are doing though. It might be fun for a change -- he always says "see ya later" when I put my coat on..... to actually take him instead of making kissy sounds, saying I'll be right back, I Love You, it's ok, Bye!!
  21. I've come such a long way with Roscoe in the (almost) 2 years with him. I am so afraid I will traumatize him if I don't handle this situation coming up properly !!!! I REALLY need some input ...... I will be staying at my daughter's house the end of Jan. for 4 or 5 days. Rather than leave him alone with hubby (who he doesn't like) I've decided to take him with me. It will be his first adventure away. I purchased a travel cage a few months ago & placed it below his permanet cage. He has been using it to climb down onto the floor but hasn't ventured in. I place treats inside but he stretches & pulls them out. I don't think he will be happy in it for the trip .... (only an hour away) I'm taking his big cage & just laying it on it's side. Do you think he'll be happy to just stay in it ??? Also, I'm thinking that he will be ok in a strange house because he will have me & the only cage he's ever known. Is that enough???
  22. Happy Hatchday Louie !!!!! He's such an energetic clown on his boing ... What a happy guy who is beginning to realize he loves his mommy... He definately completes you & your grey family, Janet !!!!
  23. Loved your 2 videos... Rikki sure likes her game !! I think I'm glad Roscoe doesn't venture into the kitchen yet !!! The closest we come to Rikki's expertise is listening to quarters bouncing on the stone fireplace hearth... There's something about loving the sound of two objects hitting each other over & over & over !!! He also has two small stainless steel bowls sitting in the bottom of his cage with foot toys & treats in them. Roscoe LOVES to pick them up like Rikki does and listen to metal hitting metal... Wow... I shutter to think of how much less clean up I have than you LOL !!!!
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