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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. If you look at my avatar, my birds are sitting on a Eden Pure heater. They are safe, No Teflon, All copper hear exchanger, and always cool to the touch and they don`t cost a lot to use. In the winter mine run 24/7 at a cost of about $1.00 a day.
  2. Hi Deltadawn and welcome to our forum 1. We love birds. 2. We love pictures even more. 3. We love sharing our lives and birds. 4. we love sharing your life and your birds.
  3. The world must start to honor and protect their wild life while they have it.
  4. Next project is a bust of George Washington.
  5. I had taken Corkys toys out of her cage to clean and rotate and closed her cage. By the time I got the camera she had opened the main latch and was flipping the parrot proof tab to get out. Cocoa and Bacon are both afraid of Corky and always give her a wide berth. Just 5 minutes of our morning. http://s942.photobucket.com/user/raypogo/media/100_0084_zps7cf8fdee.mp4.html
  6. Lets see. Tactical gear, Helmet, Face shield, Leather, gloves, Biker boots standing there looking at this little TAG with her wings raised and a look of fear on Dees face. I think I would pay to see that.
  7. Ah Sully is awesome and he is practicing his new words. He is going to be a chatter box. P.S. Enjoy the baby dark eyes.
  8. I read your other post and Tony looks great. Just give him time to settle in to his new home.
  9. AHH Tony looks awesome. Give him time to settle in to his new home, take in the sights and get to know you. Every thing is new and strange to him so sit and talk to him ,offer treats and kindness.
  10. The real depth of a grey is a unknown to any one that has never lived with one. We the grey caregivers have been telling the world about greys and their abilities for years and science is just finding out what we the caregivers have known for many years
  11. Sounds like she is giving you the what for.
  12. Welcome Carrie and Baby to the grey forum, and I would also like to say sorry about your grandmother, but with Baby she will always be with you. You have been given some good advice by the member ship and it sounds like things will work out OK for you. This is a caring forum with a caring membership so if and when you need help just ask and some one will be there.
  13. Some greys love to shower, Some greys love a bath and some greys don`t like either. You are the lucky one as they need to bathe so enjoy.
  14. Welcome William and George to the grey forum. George looks great and you are in for a life time of adventure with your new companion.
  15. One of the biggest joys of this forum is sharing our life with our birds and sharing your life with yours.
  16. Your post wasn`t that long. I did stop for lunch about half way through. LOL Living with a grey is an adventure and in fact living with any parrot is an adventure and we like to share that trip with you. Sooo keep on posting.
  17. It was down in the 40`s last night and will be in the upper 60`s today. Just right to enjoy the all outdoors. I can`t take the heat.
  18. Your flock looks great and happy. There is something about greys and amazons, they seam to go together even though they come from worlds apart.
  19. Ray P

    New baby

    Welcome jgerardo and Luna to the grey forum. You are about to embark on a life time journey.
  20. That's a good question Rick. I will have to check into that.
  21. Hi dannybaeh92 and welcome to the grey forum. All those are great things to know to make your new grey feel comfortable. The next is up to you, Give your new companion time to settle in to his new home. New home, new people, different sights, every thing will be strange to him. Sit with him and talk, offer treats, some times just sit by him and read or even sing. You are going to hear about grey time and that is the time when they are ready to except and trust. Don`t try to rush things, give them that time to make up their own mind. Good luck with your companion.
  22. You can rule the world. http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad265/raypogo/100_0018_zps0ec97f42.jpg
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