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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. My wife and I have had and been part of the life of 13 foster kids in almost 40 years of marriage. We also have a spec. needs adoptive son who we got when he was 14 mo. old he is 35 now and still lives with us. The one thing that I can say about a rehomed parrot is that it`s no differant than a child in need. No mater how bad the old home was they know what they had and want to stay there because that is all that they know and what to expect. Evean when the new home has love they wait for the boom to fall and go back to what they had before. There are 20 nonhuman members in our family and over half are rehome. Time and kindness is what makes the differance in the outcome and to know that they don`t have to go back to what they had. In the new year may all pets of all kinds find a place that is safe and comfortable and they don`t have to go back.
  2. Wear off I don`t know. We have had cockatiels for 39 years and evean they still supprise us every now and than.
  3. I bet that wasen`t the first time and it won`t be the last. She has got you. I know the feeling.
  4. Try and try and try again and one day they look at you as if to say.(why did you not do that in the first place)
  5. They are masters of manipulation and don`t you forget it. In there words as they say.
  6. And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours from all of us and a big welcome
  7. To you and yours the best in 2011
  8. If you play your cards wright as they take their bath they can also wash their cage.
  9. Don`t worry Elvenking as they get older it gets better they can bite harder.
  10. When there is a bond between birds and human the two of them can over come more than you think and be better for it in the end.
  11. I posted the bird bath pictures in the grey lounge in it`s been awhile


  12. Wrlcome to the forum. We love pictures and storys and will help if you have questions
  13. My grates are all left in for all the reasons above. My birds are all over their cage.
  14. Doesen`t that make you feel good. And it gets better with age.
  15. Don`t feel bad I have spent years trying to out smart my grey and I am still trying
  16. Look at all the toys they must have been good little doggies and bird.
  17. This is the bath in each of our birds cage. It`s about 8 in. each way at the bars and almost 3 in. deep
  18. Hi Birdnut The bird bath that we have in our birds cage is a corner rabbit litter pan that mounts to the bars of the cage. I will take a picture of it as soon as I can and post it. It works out great.and they seam to like it a lot. The cost is about 5 bucks
  19. Welcome to the forum and we also love storys too
  20. Each of our birds has a bird bath that hangs in their cage and our grey Corky will use it on a regular basis. On the other hand Cricket our Blue front zon will jump into her bath tub when ever my wife starts to vacuum. It`s funny to see
  21. Hi jasperk Both stands look great as long as you have room for them. We have one big tree stand that is shared by our CAG Corky and our BFA Cricket and two cockatiels not all at the same time. It`s kind of a rotation
  22. First things first. Welcome to the grey forum. If this grey is ment to be with you than things will work out and I wish you luck. Sounds like each of you will could have their own spec. (bird or person)(lookind at it both ways) We are lucky that Corky our CAG is a people bird and seams to take to almost every one What ever you do let us know as we love to share storys.
  23. Thank you for the birthday greeting


  24. Happy hatchday Averi and may you have many,many,many more
  25. Emma is a joy to listen to and watch. Love your vids.
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