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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. He knows what he wants and he will get it for him self.
  2. He is a real chatter box, Love the video
  3. Well than welcome Einstein and Einstein`s human Marcia, Glad you came around and made your first post.
  4. My way is Roughing it Smoothly.
  5. We do all our camping in our motor home that has two large built in cages so I am not much help unless you plan on getting one than I can help you out.
  6. You can`t teach them to like something, They come up with that on their own. Keep giving them what you want them to have and they might surprise you.
  7. I like the name Egan and the way you came up with it. And he is a GOOOOD looking boy.
  8. I bet you are a happy mommy.
  9. Greys always seam to be a cut above the rest. Owners of other parrots please don`t be to hard on me I love a zon to.
  10. OH that long long wait. I remember that. Beautiful baby grey.
  11. Hello Molly you look great
  12. chezran Cricket`s bonding to me was very quick, but it took over two years before she would play much with her toys and about the same amount of time before she would fly much. She still comes up with new stuff all the time. She does say some words but she is a clown and fun to watch. Our bonding took less that 2 1/2 months.
  13. Jay just to let you know we miss your knolage and wit. Hope you are doing better?
  14. Cricket is a blue front zon and is about 15 years old now and is a rehome. She has been with us for 2 1/2 years. When she came to us she had many issues but we won`t go into that now. What worked for me and Cricket is first we put her into a larger cage and changed her diet. She had lived in a cage that was 16 in. x 16 in. x 24 in. for many years and was on a all seed diet At first we did not let her out of her cage because she had a aggression issues but every day and many times during the day I would sit and talk to Cricket. I had a stool next to her cage that I sat on and talked to her and I would eat a carrot or other vege and I would offer her some After two or three days or so when I sat on the stool she would always come over and take a treat. After about three weeks when ever she saw me she would run over to the side of her cage where my stool was and wait for to come over and give her a treat. At that point I opened her door and let her come out on her own and climb to the plat top on her cage. At first she went to the other side of the cage top but I sat on my stool with a treat and she came over. To get her back into the cage I took my arm and would guide her to the door to go in and I would always have a treat in her cage. This went on for about a week or so. One day when she was on top of her cage I left my stool to do something on the other side of the room and she flue after me but she was still very over weight and went right to the floor. At this point I had never held her and when I bent over to pick her up I was ready for a bad bite. I bent over and said step up and she did. That was the day I lost my fear of a zon. That was the day we became best friends. That was the day I will always remember.
  15. They call that sibling rivalry. I will have my grey on one shoulder and my blue front zon on the other and they both want there head rubs at the same time. Corky the grey does not like raw almonde untill she sees Cricket with one and than she wants one. Cricket does not like peanuts untill she sees corky with one and than she wants one. Just like the kids so go the fids.
  16. OK it looks like the camra made it ok. The bird took some good pictures. That was fun to watch thanks.
  17. Yes. I would move Echoe to the active part of the house so she can see what`s going on, get to know you and feel as part of the family. Let her come out of her cage on her own for now and sit and talk to her sing and offer her treats. so when she sees you something good happens.
  18. When you want to live your life with a grey that`s good enought for us. Welcome to the forum.
  19. Five looks like a ten. Gooood loking grey
  20. Happy hatchday Cody and we hope you have many,many,many more.
  21. Hi seantrotter and welcome to the forum to you and Coco
  22. To be part of an african grey`s life (CONGO OR TIMNEH) is something to behold and never taken for granted. If you buy a grey to talk and to do tricks you are missing out on so much because they have a lot more to give than that. If you buy a african grey to talk there is no guarantee it will. If you want to buy something guaranted to talk than BUY A RADIO with AM FM and CD player. A grey is not a radio that you turn on and off they are a living joy that can make you laugh, cry and find things about your self you never knew. Sorry I had to vent.
  23. Eva looks great and so does BB Chu. We have a CAG and a BFA and when they are out together they do their own thing, but they will eat off the same plate at the same time.
  24. Me and all your friends on this forum are so happy for you and want to share your joy.
  25. Ray P


    I do not like snakes eather, but mice and rats I like less. We have chickens, ducks, rsbbite and goats and when you have that much feed around in the barn you get rodents and one good black snake will keep them in check. When the rodents are gone the snake leaves.
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