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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P

    Food Photos

    The one thing about a grey is they are a pain in the butt when you want them to try something. Just keep offering them the vegs and it may not be today or next week, but one day they will try it and think it`s the best stuff in the world. It`s like who can out last who when it comes to what they like. It`s like they don`t want to told what they like they want to find out by them self. (ah kids I mean fids)
  2. Welcome to the grey forum and likke talon said we love pictures. Oh and a lot of us here suffer from MBS.
  3. Willie sounds like a great grey, give him time to settle in, and Welcome to the grey forum
  4. Buddy is a good looking greay and Barbara gave you some good advice. Also don`t rush your grey, give her time to settle in and get to know how things work in your house. Buddy will come around and in time you will wonder how you lived with out her. Remember that if one day you were put into a new home with strangers with no warning how would feel.
  5. It sounds like you and Ivan are off to a great start. Keep us posted.
  6. The big bad zons of the world have a soft side. Let`s tell the nonzonners about their gentle side. Cricket has missed me a lot because I went and got a part time job, and she lets me know as soon as I come home. Cricket will cling to me in a way that is so sweet and loveable when I come home. It`s like I was gone for a year. She will climb up onto my shoulder and push her body tight to my head and than put her head down for a rub. She will make this little noise like she is so content. Tell me what you zon does to tell you she loves you.
  7. Ray P


    My grey and my zon love peppers. They eat green peppers like candy
  8. A match made in heaven. Good luck with your new compaion.
  9. I retired in 2007 and about month ago I took on a part time job that is turning into a full time job, not that that`s what I want, but asked if I would. Any way cricket does not like me being away so long and when I am home she will not leave me and just hangs on me for all she is worth. So my time with her is extra special. her bond with me is more than I ever excepted. As I type this she is all over me trying to get my attention. So for now I have to give some me time to cricket. Be back in a bit
  10. It is so nice to here about a zon that has turned the cornner and is becomming a family member. Keep up the good work it is so worth it.
  11. My CAG Corky will be eleven in Dec and she will do the dig thing in her cage on the kitchen table the carpet the wood floors the bed. It is a grey thing and they never stop.
  12. Hi braveheartdogs. The first thing I would like to say is welcome to the grey forums. I do not have a TAG, but I do have a CAG a Blue Fronted Amazon and cockatiels. I have had cockatiels for about 40 years. Baby and rehomes. My grey we have from a baby and my zon is a rehome and it does not make any differance baby or rehome you love them the same. One thing that every member here will tell you is that a grey will change your life. They are some times to smart for their own good.(thats a good thing)
  13. Cupid I was reading your post and I know you would like to rescue this good looking zon and give it a loveing home and make it a pet, but a breeding male could be a hand full. If this zon was used for breeding he may never come around to be a pet. He is beautiful and I can see how you would want him. The man wants to sell or trade the zon. I would think the man never spent much time with this zon so wild might be an understatement. Just think long and hard on this.
  14. If you read my post Crickey history you will know how Cricket was than as I was told. Cricket is not the zon everybody said she was and I am not suer anybody ever looked for that zon that was hidden inside of her. What I want to say is those bad ass amazons arn`t that bad and I am going to share that trip from than to now and hope you will have a understanding of what and who they are. Three years I did not know what zons were or are and I did not care. Today I am a differant person and it`s because of a zon. I hope you enjoy my trip with Cricket from than to now
  15. Yes I agree with a zon being differant than a grey. Cricket walks to the beat of her own drummer, but as differant as they are I see a lot of the same thing in both of them. When I think back on how I almost did not take her I would have missed out on an important part of my life and that makes me love her all the more.
  16. I have just gone back and reread all the sticky`s in the amazon room. I have not read them in awhile. So many of them were started by our good friend Jayd (get well soon) and a lot of my knolage comes from the sticky`s and our back and forth post over the past year that I have been a member. I know that I miss his post and I look at Jay as a friend one of many that I have made here and to keep his hard work and the work of Talon, Dave007, danmcq, and luvparrots. Amazon Room mods. going. so How did you get your zon, was it planed or like in my case dropped in your lap, was it a rehome or a baby, from a breader, pet store or like in my case an outlaw I mean inlaw. I would just like to know because a zon was never in my plan, but I got one anyhow.(would never give her up)
  17. Corky loves her posta and she has some often. string posta elbo mac. She likes hers cooked so when we have it for supper my wife always makes Corky our CAG and Cricket our BFA a plate. Our cockatiels love it to. Some birds will eat it raw but ours like it cooked

  18. Hi Griffin and Griffin`s people and welcome to the forum. Griffin is a good looking TAG and I love your set up. Lucky TAG
  19. My birds do not have a foot fetish, but my dogs do. They will just sit there and wait for some one to take off their shoes.
  20. 3 years ago just before we rehomed Cricket our Blue front the only thing I new about amazons was that they were green and they were aggressive. Well I know better now, they are beautiful, all of them and I did not know that there were so many differant zons. That was 3 years ago.
  21. Welcome back. I know the work thing. I retired in 2007 and just took on a part time job a month ago that has turned into a 40 hour week.
  22. The only two birds I have in the same cage is a pair of bonded cockatiels. Both birds are also very bonded to we me my wife and son. Are oldest tiel is over 21 years old and has been with us all his life. My grey and my zon each have their own large cage and are supervised when they are out together.
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