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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I also posted this on anouther thread. I have a Scunci Steamer, Portable household steamer that has many attachments
  2. Ray P

    Steam Cleaners

    We use it in the house and there is not much water as it evaporates into the air. It`s good when it comes to getting the hard stuff. Some times with the hard stuff you might have to do a light wipe, but that`s about it.
  3. Ray P

    Steam Cleaners

    This is what I have. Scunci Steamer, Portable Household Steamer. Has many attachments.
  4. Ray P

    Steam Cleaners

    This is what I have
  5. I have had cockstiels for many many years and the one nice thing about a tiel is they do very good on their own. When you are home show them the attention and play and interact with them and when you go away and come back just take over where you left off. Make sure you spend the time socialising them and you will have a bird the family can enjoy.
  6. Awesome looking play stand Clifford Has. I see you also have two budgies beside youe sun couner, What are their names.
  7. I am doing some research on other bird species that live with grey forum members. I am going to try and list the other fids species that we share our life with because they are just as important to their care givers as our greys and amazon are. It will be something like the honored amazon list but for all our other fids. I would like to know if this is something that would be of intrest to the members. I also share my life with two cockatiels and two peacocks. I would like to know what kind of birds you share your life with and may be other members would be intreated also. I would like some feed back as this will take some time to put together and I am not sure of the type of layout I will use.
  8. I am glad that they grow out of that ugly stage. And that face only a mother could love. In the end mother nature makes another beautiful bird.
  9. Ray P

    I enjoy it

    A true grey parrot lover knows what you are talking about and I am lucky enough to have a amazon and cockatiels to add to that joy !
  10. Hi Mego and Bongo and welcome to the grey forum. Love the pictures of Bongo. What a cute baby.
  11. Socializing, trust and bonding go hand and hand. You reward the good and ignor the bad. Discipline is not the way to go.
  12. The number is random. As I found the amazon species and care giver they were added to the list.
  13. So you want a parrot and you go down to the local pet shop to see what they have. You see one that looks nice and you plonk down many $$$$`s . It`s your choice, Not theirs ! You look at cages and the big one cost a lot of money. So you buy a smaller one. It`s your choice, Not theirs ! You think to your self that you don`t want to chase this bird around the house so you have it`s wings clipped. It`s your choice, Not theirs ! You buy plain seed because pellets cost a lot of money. It`s your choice, Not theirs ! You take this parrot home and put it in that small cage put the cage in a corner and go watch TV. It`s your choice, Not theirs ! You did not take the time to build a relationship or to form a bond and your parrot is alone. It`s your choice, Not theirs ! You find smoething new and now you don`t have the time to spend with your bird. (what little time you gave) It`s your choice, Not theirs ! If my fids had a choice. I hope their choice would be. To spend their time with me !
  14. welcome home Buddy. Sounds like the trip home went well
  15. Does Cocoa have a building project and that is why she is at the hardware store ?? I just love all of your pictures.
  16. I sent you a PM and I will post info when I am off work Ray
  17. Oh yah when they find a sound they like they will drive you nuts with it.
  18. Hi OtheG and a welcome to you and Willow and your clan to the grey forums. P.S. We love pictures
  19. OK Penny here is little one and she has been with us for 7 years and is a rehome that was found on the roof of a house. She is very sweet and loveable. And there is Willie our 21 year old male. I think you need a cockatiel. They are a small parrot with a BIG PERSONALITY.
  20. You might think your not tasty, but Louie does.
  21. So much for a quite street. Come back tomorrow for episode two.
  22. My wife has a steam mop and she likes it very much. It only takes a minute to heat up. We also have a steam cleaner that is used on the cages to clean them and it works great.
  23. I have had tiels for over 40 years and they are a great small parrot to have. All of my cockatiels were and are tame and shoulder sitters. Most of my male tiels talked. I had one tiel that could say over 25 words and was king of the house. I have one tiel now that is 21 years old the other one is 7 years old. I loved them all.
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