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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. We respect your decision to do what you think is best at this time for Brandi. In time things may change and she can than be full flighted again. Jay has given you some options to try that may help untill she knows better. We understan your concern for Brandi `s safty.
  2. I agree with Jay. Some times you have to do what you have to do, but remember you are there to save them, and they will remember and love you for that.
  3. Give him a little time and you will be able to write a book. lol
  4. I am checking because I have to make sure I don`t give Cricket credit for Corkys Work. The two of them will sometimes double team me and share their creation.
  5. Hay Jay. Between you and me we have to spice up the Amazon room. Its been a little slow and Cricket does not like that. She wants some action. Lets get our zoner friends off dead center. You know our zons are always on the move and looking for trouble. I know they are not on vacation, and if they are, they are still getting into something. What is the biggest thing our zons have destroyed beside our ego ???? There has to be a good story here some place.
  6. Corky here. I love riding. My longest ride we were on the road for a month in our motor home and covered 15 states on that trip. I have been to a total of 25 states and many of them 5 or 6 times. Cricket also goes with us, but she has been with us for only 3 1/2 years so she don`t have the miles I have ha ha.
  7. Hi Cindy and welcome to the grey forum. and yes we love pictures
  8. Hi DiabloGrey and welcome to the grey forum. Me along with most of the members here have greys as companions and are not into breeding. We do have a member who did breed greys and he may check in later and give you some advice.
  9. Good luck to you. You are a saint !! P.S. What species is Bubba. If he is not a grey I would like to add him to one of our honored list
  10. Hay Salsa. You have to remember that Cricket is my sister. Have you never herd of sibling rivalry.
  11. Ray P

    Hay you guys

    Hay you guys look at me. My name is Little One and I am so cute I can hardly stand it.
  12. Shadow looks great. The one thing you are going to enjoy is the difference between Shadow and Lola. And when it comes to trouble, what one don`t think of the other will. Enjoy.
  13. I just love amazons, and there was a time that I had a fear of them. Great pictures Jay.
  14. Great picture and I can`t wait to see more
  15. Kyra is awesome. Love the pictures. Oh she is on the other birds honored list of the grey forum.
  16. Sounds like by the time your grey comes home he will be able to tell you how to run your house. How are you at taking orders ??
  17. Corky here. Hay cricket shutup. I have been here longer, so I`m the boss. Look at the picture to the left Cricket . Who is on top.
  18. Hay Salsa Cricket here I`m hangen from the top of my cage and dad is walking on the ceiling. Hay Nilah what`s up (the ceiling ha ha ha). Hay Nilah and Salsa we have to make sure we get our fair share of time in this new room don`t you know. Can`t let them greys get the better of us.
  19. You hang in there Susu, Nice talking to you.
  20. You have to supervise their outings and watch what they do when there out. With mine they would talk back and forth when in their cage and I would bring them out onto the table and let them walk around. They new each other from talking back and forth. You have to watch them and see what their reaction is to each other so if there is a problem you are there to interviene. Some times they do go beak to beak but thats why you are there. Some birds never will get along and there is nothing you can do about that. Always supervise when they are out even if they get along.
  21. Hi my name is Cricket a Blue Fronted Amazon and I think Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wed., Thur., Fri. and sat. should be my special day. I want my dad to be with me all the time, but he is not. I have to change that. Corky, Little One and Willie have had him for years before I came along so I have a lot of catching up to do don`t you think.
  22. I have a Congo African Grey named Corky and a Blue Fronted Amazon named Cricket. Now as to weather they are friends or not, who knows, but they have learned to tolerate each other They will even eat off the same plate at the same time, but will go off on their own to do what they think is fun for them self. When they are in their cage they will talk back and forth for hours, but out of the cage they do their own thing. Every thing will depend on the two birds as to what they want to do.
  23. After 7 1/2 years you still cry at the memory of your first grey. That tells me how much you care. Zulu is one lucky grey to have been found by you. You are each others future.
  24. Koekie was having a great time. Awesome video
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