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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. By the way...it will be snowing tiny downy feathers for quite some time. Sometimes Issac does this and i have to hold my breath as plenty of tiny white feathers rain down around me after he shuffles his wings.
  2. I sometimes have trouble getting Issac off my shoulder when it's time to leave, but that is just a game we play together, I really don't get bothered too much by it. Also, I let Issac come to my shoulder at will, which can be trying sometimes but if I place him back at his cage enough times, he gets the picture. Most of the times, I find his homing skills remarkable and I don;t mind the attention. As others have suggested, negative reinforcement will not work. Use positive, use a treat to lure him onto where you want him to go, then give it to him along with much praise when he complies with desired behavior. It will eventually yeild good results but you have to be consistant. You will eventually be able to work away from the treat and just give lavish praise. Good luck.
  3. The way you describe her puffing up and charging is somewhat funny...but I understand how this is really trying. Well, you can do like I did and find something that she does not like and place it in that corner. Issac was constantly flying to my vertical blinds and I could not get him to stop, until I placed a bird omen on the top of the rail where the blinds hang. He has not even gone close to there now. How old is your grey?
  4. Ahhh...who needs people anyway. Uhhmm...can I come over?
  5. I think you should play the song 'Pop Goes The Weasel' with that video.
  6. Yay...someone finally got the spelling of 'clique' right. Candy for you.
  7. So just a few days ago I had a total handful on my hands with Issac being seemingly hyperactive and biting all the things he shouldn't. Last night, I come home and feed him. Then he proceeds to hang out in his play area for at least 80% of the night. Playing with the toy I hung inside his atom over the weekend. Like, "Here daddy, take the night off". I still kept talking to him and watching the cute little guy. FYI, the bird evil toy omen still seems to be working for keeping him off my vertical blinds. Then when I put him in his cage last night, as I was covering him up...he did the most perfect wolf whistle, I started cracking up....super cute! I have only done that with him a very few times. I love this bird, my life hasn't been the same since he came home.
  8. You have an unusually talented escape artist. There have to be some things that you can do to make the bolts and such unremoveable...it is going to take some creativity to beat this. I actually find it quite amazing that Cosmo can do that. All I can say is game on and try to make it so the bolts cannot be removed...show me a photo of the hinges and I will give you ideas....but I know that there is a way.
  9. I know...I see him digging and I think, 'ouch ouch ouch'. I do love it when they kind of sneeze and you can feel the little burst of air shoot out the nose. It's cute...I tell him 'bless you' when he does it.
  10. Yeah...yer doing fine...just remember to give her some space and you'll be okay.
  11. Yes...he will do that in combination as well....or scratch the nose! Really dig a talon in there. LOL
  12. How many days have you had Maggie? They do need some adjustment time so don't push anything or move to fast with the relationship. Heed all warning to not pick your Grey up when they look like they want to bite. If it persists for a long time, then you can use some positive reinforcement training to overcome that. If this is still the first week though, give the bird time to get used to everything. You can go over occasionally and see if she is in the mood, but be sure to respect her wishes as much as possible.
  13. LOL...that is cute...a feather in their ear. That would totally make sense too, because it looks like an effort to clear something up more so than an involuntary yawn.
  14. Well all seems well then. Congrats on your new baby.
  15. LOL...why do you not answer the important questions? There is this glaring gigantic gap in information and I am curious at the least to ask...how the bird came about..because at that age they are not conventionally for sale. With all due respect..please explain.
  16. I have to wonder if there was some understanding between you and said seller. Because the unusual nature of this is obvious. So I have to ask why the seller was selling so young. However..I am happy that the bird seems to be in good hands...I am very much a bird lover so I am sorry for my earlier speculations. But you just don't get threads like this every day. Anyway...if its yer first grey...get ready for the ride of your life. And for the love of all good....send pictures
  17. I was actually able to get away with a couple clips tongiht...I am working on the whole foot here...LOL. Things are going okay.
  18. How did you happen upon such a tiny baby grey? How are you takin care of the lil guy?
  19. Which pub are you going to...I am there all the time
  20. I would think it was a yawn, but when he does it 10-15 times back to back...I wonder. Almost like his beak is aching and he is stretching it. Dave...say wha? LOL. Is everything okay?
  21. Sometimes, I will see Issac do this thing with his beak where he appears to be stretching it. He will open his beak really wide and kind of work it around, close...then repeat sometimes for a couple of minutes. What is that he is doing...just stretching his beak?
  22. Only reason I picked a Congo Grey is because of that beautiful bright red tail, and I wanted a nice big Grey. I think personality wise, every bird is unique, I honestly cannot give you and opinion on a Timneh, but I am in love with my Congo.
  23. I love the way the little head comes up for a second...then you hear all this noise....then POP! LOL!!
  24. Hhahahaha I love it! Warning and praising herself...incredibly cute.
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