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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Congratulations on your new birdie In terms of size, a 24 week old grey is full size. My Grey is currently 25 weeks so they are very close in birthdays. However, yes she is gonna act like a little baby for sure. they are too cute. Post pictures when you can.
  2. I can't let Issac on my shoulder anymore when I floss my teeth, he wants to help so badly that he pants and paces back and forth on my back at the anticipation of helping daddy get his teeth clean...which is very cute. But I have had to go in a nother room and floss as a result...lol. They love to help, so sweet.
  3. So Issac is now one week away from being a whole half year old. Humm...what has happened with my little baby over the last week. Well, as some know, he did show me how to use the keyboard....it seems I had it wrong all along. Speaking of toys, I got two toys over the weekend that were both hits. One was a toy that had milk caps on it. He managed to completely strip this thing of around 10-12 milk caps in two days. So, I am actually going to go to a bulk supplier of these caps and get about 250-500 of them so that I can make mobiles out of them for Issac. they make him so happy. The other was a mobile with small wiffle balls and little plastic hollow bunnies on it. He loves to chew the plastic bunnies all the time. It has kept him in his play area more than any other thing I have seen. He also continues to diversify his set of sounds. He has started doing the wolf whistle too. The first time he did it really good, I was covering him up for the night...I nearly fell over....I just thought it was so funny. I didn't have to do that in front of him very much before he started picking that one up. He is also sounding like he is really trying to say things. It's hard to describe other than a little bird voice trying to nail some words down. He amazes me with his efforts and I love him for trying. Well suprise suprise, he still enjoys his formula, much like I thought he always would. I don't think he will stop enjoying it either. No matter though because when I think of how easy it is to feed him this little meal, it really doesn't get much easier insuring he gets something good for him. So I am kind of lucky I guess. I fear I will never get the harness on him again. As soon as that small part has to go around his head (which is the very first thing that has to happen), he vigorously yanks out and flys away. That sucks because I want to take him out and socialize him as not many people come over. Three times is all I ever got it on him. Any suggestions on an approach to that issue are welcome. In general, Issac has been the total sweet bird he has always been. I love having him close to me and constantly look forward to being home with him. We play peek-a-boo a lot and he loves to do this. I love the morning showers, I find it a good time to do talk training as he is most chatty then. I love all his noises. Sometimes he like to fly over my head doing a loud pterodactyl-like cry. Like doing a fly by on my head. Sometimes he will actually fly by and do a kick-off on my head and keep going. LOL. Funniest thing ever. I adore him. That is all for now, I look forward to celebrating his 6 month milestone next week with a special post. Until then. Happy Greys to all.
  4. Ohh yes..these are what i used to call little nose puffs. Then I found out what it meant as well. Issac did this so much for about the first 5 weeks I had him home. He eventually did end up regurgitating on me, and that is a sweet moment because that is as close as they will get to really loving you and showing you how much. He has all but stopped it now. He will still do it for some reason if he sees me flossing my teeth. I think he wants to help but he definitely cannot do that. PS: They do this when they get randy too LOL. That is why you hear people say not to encourage it.
  5. Ohh boy did you just stir the pot....LOL. But yes...do reconsider clipping..espcially since you are succeeding with the harness as well.
  6. Super cute, I always look forward to the suprises these guys give. How old is Chloe?
  7. I love watching them preen. Such gorgeous lil guys.
  8. This reminds me of what happened when i cooked some chicken in a pan a few weeks back. I was still getting used to the stove in my apartment and ended up really blackening one side of the chicken...filling my place with enough smoke to make it looke like fog had rolled in. Took about 2 or 3 days to completely quell the smell. I am glad all the animals are safe and things didn't go any worse.
  9. He continues to gnaw on the keys that were beyond repair. Good little toys. He probably felt like the luckiest bird in the world, wondering why I wasn't taking it away from him....or simply laughing all the way as he notices that I am sleeping and he has the run of my place all to himself. And the way he was so kindly perched in his cage waiting to be covered when I woke up. LOL....cute lil guy.
  10. He had his choice of two and I am glad he chose my movie PC keyboard...as my other one is a bit more expensive. I wasn't even mad at him...what's a bird to do. LOL
  11. Yes...I woke up at 3AM to him sitting in his cage and this next to me on the couch where my HTPC is.
  12. So...well lets just say I dozed off last night while Issac was out...and.....
  13. Great reply Jayd...yep..it really depends..you have to watch them.. Issac interpreted my actions this way...you have to be in tune with yer bird for sure..that is paramount..take time to learn them...it will happen no matter what..just know that you cannot command understanding between you and yer bird. It takes time. we can only speak upon instances...all greys are not made the same. Issac seems to see that I don't like certain things and he does not do them...such as biting. And I thought it might be because when he does this I tell him...ya just never know. I do think it is important to respect them if ever they do not want to be touched or handled...in some way. I have had Issac for most of his lie..and i found that when i yelped when he clamped down on my finger to test it...he backed off. Bottom line..if you want a relationship with yer bird...yer gonna figure it out..the fact that you care is an excellent start...just keep thinikng..it comes to you..
  14. Lets not worry about cliques...we are done with this. Cheers all!
  15. I have to remember to set up video in the morning for Issac's calibrating sessions. I love him so much.
  16. Just one thing that comes to mind for the food doors...you could get the screwable radiator hose clamps and wrap em around the bars. He could never ever defeat that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hose_clamp
  17. Yep...they do it in their best attempt at first it seems. I have heard I love you and hello from Issac in this bird type voice. I imagine it will calibrate soon. It's a good sign.
  18. Yes! Talk to them like they understand...you will be suprised where that leads! Keep the dialogue simple and consistant..and your Grey will learn things you never thought.
  19. One other thing...I find it valuable to yelp, 'Ouch' the momoent your grey gives you pressure on your finger you do not like. I find Issac will let go and look at me like, 'Oh? That hurt"...so he knows what it takes to let me know. Just another 2 cents. But if they toally ignore you and keep going..time to put them down on a perch.
  20. Actually he is very good at bedtime...zero problems getting him back...it's the morning cage time before work he avoids.
  21. While there can be no doubt that a lot was learned from Alex, I also think it was the to the detriment of the bird. I far more value and emotional bond with animals and working towards an effort that makes life wonderful for them. It is respectful to know how cognicent they are...but I think beyond this...it doesn't need to be put to the test.
  22. I think it's amazing what she trained Alex to do, but I think the bird was heavily stressed. Watching him say that he want's to go back while she is drilling him for tasks seems a bit much. It makes me a bit sad. Sticking things in his face all day. Then not connecting with the bird emotionally. We may know about greys, but poor Alex in my opinion.
  23. You have to hammer the end of the bolt so that it kind of mushrooms out and does not allow the nut to be undone. Or get a lock nut..I can think of many things that would work. In the end, you are looking for something that requires strength, not wits to open.
  24. Thank you for your kind comments on Issac. He is my baby.
  25. It could mean that he would like you to hold your hand differently....just my wild guess. If there doesn't seem to be enough firm support for them to stand...they can try to tell you this way. They also do this when they want your hand to bring them somewhere in particular, closer to the ground or towards another perching location. Is your grey clipped or flighted? Again...just me feeling in the dark for answers. Resist the temptation to grab the beak back, their beak is sensitive and you wouldn't want someone grabing you by your nose or mouth. This will also only encourage more 'beaky' behavior. Just put the bird down and come back later. When the bird complies and sits kindly on your hand, praise lots.
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