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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. I absolutely never get to see Issac eat his vegetables. It occurs sometime after I leave in the morning, and before I get back from work. Then they end up in a pile on the floor of his cage in numerous bits and pieces.
  2. Oh and so does Issac....lately he has been flying to that atom right when I let him out....going for the little plastic bunnies on the toy in the middle. I have to get like 4 more just like it. Plastic little goodies are the trick...he will spend hours just tearing them apart. Well....in 15 - 30 minute doses. If you look close, the little plastic thingies above the wiffle ball looking things...used to be bunnies...no matter...he will work on them until they are gone!
  3. Thanks Dan. Yes, I try not to make it a wrestling match. I so want to get that association going with him that he can get out and see the world if he just suits up. He doesn't seem to be missing it at the moment though. He is totally happy just flying about my humble abode at the moment...chewing up my keyboards. I love the little guy. I am having a moment....I want to hold him.
  4. My Conure does this all the time. I say, "speak your demon language". Ha!! I played it backwards...it says, "Seed is lord, lord is seed...feed.....feed!"
  5. I'm out . I could not see how my original post would blow up...but it did. I was coming from the veiw of a bird lover and 'all for the bird kind' of attitude. I can readily see that this subject parallels that of how we would raise our human children. we would want to see them cared for in a certain way and we would certainly not all agree on it. I am happy to say that the people of these forums care for their birds for the most part the way I would care for my bird. I also see that there are really not many people, if any, on this forum that would follow the methods that Dr. Pepperberg employed in their entirety as well. So that said, I hope I have established some common understanding of what is being debated here. I think i refined my understanding of it myself. We are all parronts. There is no 'right way' that I personally was trying to promote as gospel, just that...that is not how I would raise my fid....if you will. Cheers all.
  6. Dump the guy...keep the bird. LOL. Just kiddding. (Sort of)
  7. Actually, this is a treat he will leave less than 15-25% behind. I am totally shocked with how much he loves this. It gets his super excited when I ask him, "You want some noodles?" He starts hooting and whistleing and making the sounds of the microwave that will reheat some noodles. And then when I serve, total silence and peace. He may come back to them twice, but in the end....he leave very very little behind. Certainly something I can easily call his #1 treat. The noodles are whole grain and the amount of red palm oil I put on is very small...so I am figuring I can't be doing him wrong by it. He also gets his veggies and baby food in as well...so I feel he is well rounded.
  8. I had originally watched the harness video and was expecting to have a lot of difficulty initially. However, the first three times, it was not much of an issue to get him in the harness. After that, it's like his nemesis. He doesn't mind it getting near him...but its that darned part that has to go over his head. I am going to watch the video again and see if there are nay tricks I am not remembering. I really really want to get him out. I think in the next week I am going to order a travel cage. However, I am not sure how satisfied either of us will be with him sitting in a smaller cage outside. I want my baby to meet other people though. Also, thank you all who regularly follow Issac's progress. It is so nice to know that people are following me on this little adventure.
  9. From stumbling around...to flying like a real ace....yes...the time does fly.
  10. I can only go by my feeling when I watch the videos. I had always seen her bouncing things off the birds beak...pressing for answers...and I kept thinking gosh...how long and often is this done? If it were me, I would be like...get the damned thing out of my face and I will answer you just give me time. Back off! Maybe if I hd seen videos of her having the bird out with her family and enjoying life...i would have been more impressed...in fact...I am more impressed with the majority of grey owners on this forum than I am with this 'experiment'. Maybe it would be equal to say that I value a heart-wise bonding relationship more than the facination of the science of the bird.
  11. I neglected to post my suggestion of letting him have this treat nightly. He just loves it tons and I feel that giving him 5 or 6 noodles on a nightly basis is fine. Just checking though.
  12. LOL...today...I figured out this sound Issac is trying to do. After i saw your video, I decided to try to teach Issac to do the piggy noise...he is on his way....look out. I will post a video when he has it down.
  13. This is just a difference of view we have and it won't get solved. All I can say as that I would rather see a Grey just be a Grey rather than seek his full potential for the benefit of others. I mean, we are not going to teach them to go to the moon or anything and the experiment merely serves to teach the lesser of the human species that yes...animals do think too. I am of the group of people who already have known this without having to have it explicitly proven through science and experimentation, there is already enough evidence in just interacting with animals to know that they are all quite intelligent and have desires and feelings. Even in animals that will forever be unable to talk to us, you can see desires, requests, and emotion. I am not coming at this from a 100% disapproval standpoint, I am just saying I don't share the vision into the value of proving it all if that makes sense.
  14. Thank you, those were taken fresh this morning while I was getting ready for work. I love when he gets on his back in his atom and plays.
  15. LOL....I love the way the Grey's eyes are just closing with pleasure. "Ahhhh thank you, that spot is tough to reach...ahhhhh yes"
  16. Well we have differing opinions I suppose. Looks like a big experiment she was doing to me. I can tell you that if my bird actually had the ability to tell me that he wanted to go back to his cage, I would be kissing him and taking him back to where he was happy. Worse things have been done with birds, I simply do not share the experimentation aspect of the research, and it only proves what is already known, Grey's (as well as many other animals that cannot talk so well) are very cognisant of what goes on around them. Grey's just have the ability to convey this in English, making them extra remarkable.
  17. Many know that one of Issac's favorite treats is Penne Pasta (whole garin) noodles with a light coating of red palm oil. Is it too much to give him a little dish of these, about 5-6 noodles with the slightest bit of Palm Oil on them? I figure it's a small serving. He eats his forumula and vegies good too.
  18. Darn it...you have already tried Pine nuts. It is a trick to find something that they love and is also quick to eat. Issac will accept Sunflower Seeds for a few positive reinforcement training runs, but he can be picky. Things I know he would just die for, pasta with red palm oil, plam nuts, and pine nuts all take time to eat, so not as weildy. All I can say is that takes time, but you will inadvertantly find something he likes. Good luck.
  19. I'll take 3 Lol...seriously so cute. I love the disproportionate heads...so curious and innocent looking all the time. I wish the stream was better than 1 frame per second. I can see the option to make it faster, but that doesn't appear to work.
  20. I don't have a cockatoo, just my grey. It is impossible to say how they will get along. My brother does have a cockatoo and she is as docile as a lamb. Wouldn't hurt a thing in this world. I think the member with the tag of JayD also has a cockatoo, maybe he will chime in for you. All of his birds coexist quite well from what I hear...LOL.
  21. Let's not get too upset in this case, the story is kind of funny since nothing bad ended up happening to his Amazon. I think we are all well aware of how responsible we should be with flighted and non-flighted birds. Cheers all.
  22. I am curious about the 4 feedings a day as well, and also the method of feeding...by spoon or syringe. Also, how much over the course of 4 feedings is being given to him? However, Issac still takes his formula in the morning and night and i happily give it to him because I know he gets the nutrition he needs there too. So it's not a bad thing if a grey still takes forumla at this age. I could probably take Issac off completely and he would be fine, but that meal is so easy to give him and he loves it still...so I continue to give it. Issac is nearly 6 months. They all said he would refuse it one day, but I doubt that very much.
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