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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. LOL....awesome. My daughter and I love it when Isaac does this. But we call em 'toots' because it sounds like he is tooting.
  2. Trust me...I have already thought of this...that is how I know I am ready for this. There is a solution to every problem as long as you care to solve it.
  3. I am going to my Volunteer Orientration on January 14th @ 10AM. I am excited. I guess I never thought about how cool it would be to work with animals and particularly birds. Having Isaac really brought to the surface, how wonderful birds are to me.
  4. Yes, birds consider their cages to be a very safe place, and they would definitely prefer to sleep there under covers. Just my observation.
  5. I love playing peek-a-boo with Isaac. I will hide behind a corner and pop out and say 'Peek-a-booo' to him. Sometimes I will pop out and wait for him to say it...and he does. Most of the time, Isaac is somewhere near me preening or watching what I am doing. He doesn't like anyone touching his toys or his "perceived" toys. Any time I am home, I feel like I am spending quality time with him especially since he is the only one there with me most of the time. I tend to think and talk out loud to him so he is always hearing me. I must tell him how much I love him with a great big smile as I am feeling it a hundred times a day. Every time I look at him he reminds me of what is good in my life. I think making sure that Isaac has everything that he needs would constitute quality time. He just seems to like being close to me. Perched on my knee preening while I am watching a movie. I will help him out a little by rubbing his head and giving scratches.
  6. Absolutely not. I am loving up on my bird and spending it with my daughter and a few of her friends. Tilting some beers....life is good. So happy that I do not have to go anywhere.
  7. Wow...just wow. She blamed you because she was dumb enough to try to read texts while driving? LMAO! She is nuttier than squirrel shit!
  8. Save any bird that might be in pain.....please....please try as much as you can. If I could only tell you to go take that bird when no one was home...i would. I know I know...not quite practical...but...I just can't take it...I lose some tact.
  9. http://www.projectwildlife.org/volunteer.php Whoo hoo...looking good! So I just filled out the application and submitted to be a volunteer. We will see where it goes and i will keep you posted. I have no idea what awaits....all I know is I want to change the course of some little bird lives.
  10. I have to believe a city as large as San Diego or somewhere nearby here in CA will have something similar...I will find something. I would love to take my daughter and show her this kind of thing. Maybe one of the best ways to change the world is to change its children. Show how love is not always kissing and hugging...but sometimes it means gaining trust. As my love for birds seems to keep on growing....I am constantly amazed at how connected I feel with birds. The mere sight of a bird will always make me smile...it simply never fails. So my aspiration is to share my love with as many as I can. I kind of saw this coming when I was at a pet store kissing all of their birds. LOL. But I feel this drive to help mishomed birds even though I cannot personally home them myself. I guess this is what my best friend Isaac tought me. I have totally changed since he came into my life.
  11. Quite honestly, I would find a way to steal this bird. I would make it my personal mission to save that bird! Anything good in the world willing...I'd get away with it. If I lived closer to you...I'd be on my plan right now! I am dead serious. I do not and will not accept that kind of treatment. When there is a will...there is a way..and I would go to some serious lengths to do it. But that is me. (If it is as grim as I read it) It would take everything in me to not physically hurt the responsible parties as well. It blows my mind that this has been going on so long and absolutely nothing can be done. So at this point...I would take matters into my own hands...and hope for the best...but definitely save that bird. I mean seriously, you are describing abuse and there is nothing that can be done legally? This needs to change, in the meantime...if you know of any birds in the San Diego area that need saving....I will be there. Also, anyone who would not do everything they could to love and take care of the pet they have taken in, is no friend of mine...and is only borderline human. Let her read this and tell her to thank her lucky stars it's you she is talking to right now. If I had the cash, I'd fly out now. I am not saying this is the course you should take...lol...for sure.....but it frustrates me and that is how I feel. I am done seeing animals suffer at our hands.
  12. Is there a way to help rescue birds without actually taking them into your home for life? I live in california and would entertain the opportunity to give love to birds who really need it. But I live in an apartment and cannot take on a ton of new birds?
  13. They should be playing a video like that in a pet store with a sign that says "If you buy us, please love us". (Again, I have not watched but I have seen enough like it) Too bad there is no place where people go for common sense or some natural indicator to people who treat animals badly which corrects their understanding of how these animals feel very much like we do. Being a member of a forum like this among bird lovers, we are all acutely aware of the situation. I always look directly into Isaac's eyes and thank him so much for being my companion and being the center of my love. I am the lucky one for sure as he has already given his freedom to be with me. So every single day, I feel for him as I leave the house and again come home. If I have to stay at work as much as a couple of minutes later than normal...I immediately begin to feel for my baby. I am so strongly connected and in tune with my baby that when I see something bad happen to a bird, it guts me clean. How someone could allow something so devestating happen to such a beautiful creature. It makes me think of how people on Earth have in the past starved to death, or were imprisoned under harsh condistions with minimal food and freedom, and how that effects those people and the world that gets a gaze into such horrors. It is my greatest wish that we make all life equal and know that what we do to animals is an equal weight of what it would be like to have it done unto you. Again, preaching to the choir, but it's too bad there is no common place where "humanity morons" congregate. Most are doing it out of ignoreance. How long can they ignore the world around them is what I ask. Is there no common aspiration to become greater as a species. Nope...too much money to be earned and too many asses to be saved by narrowing the focus and just getting down to business. Anyway, I ramble...thanks for listening.
  14. I will not be able to watch this video at all given what you are saying. I have no reason to get that upset this morning.
  15. Warms my heart to see you happy. I am sure you will have a great experience with your grey. I went to visit Isaac every other day..and Eva was quite inviting....it was super sweet. at the time..she had about 7 greys that were babies varying ages. Isaac came and snuggled by my side on my first visit and took comfort in me early on. That is why I picked him. From there...my goodness...my life has changed soooo much....I am in love with a grey named Isaac.
  16. This is where I got my baby Isaac from and Eva is a great breeder. Very highly rated on birdbreeders.com. Located in Encinitas which is North County \ San Diego area. http://www.emrexoticbirdbreeder.com/
  17. Guys, if you really....really love your bird. I think you will find the right answers. Just think about the Grey and put yourself in their shoes. Think about how you would feel. I'll say no more.
  18. Yeah...with Isaac...he is Mr. Destructo. I think he gets board if he can't see progress. So I buy lots of wood pieces and make him toys he can tear apart. Some take longer than others.
  19. LOL...Isaac is a lot like that. He loves it when I rub around the beak area...especially the lower area where it meets the skin. When they are leaning into your hand and closing their eyes, you can be sure they are loving it. I can see nothing wrong with gentle touching of the beak...besides...they will let you know if they don't like it. Just don't grab the beak and hold it.
  20. Dooohhh yeah...the whole, 'I think you love that bird more than me' thing. It's a fine line....careful...caaaarefulll.
  21. When you ignore your bird as he is tossing things on the floor for attention, When you have researched the best tools for cleaning surfaces of poop and have an extensive arsenal, When you keep your open drink in the refrigerator because he is trying to get it, When nearly no loose items are out on your counters, When you have to hide in the back room to eat your burrito, When you know what ninja moves are, When you have replaced 4 keyboards, 5 dish wands, two pairs of shoes....ohh forget it...lol When you are never alone on trips to the pantry anymore.. Or.... When you are the luckiest person in the world to have an African Grey as a friend.
  22. I liked the Rabbit Air series of purifiers. They are super quiet and move air pretty efficiently. I did notice a reduction in dust accumulation speeds. It will not eliminate dust problems but it seems to help a lot. http://www.rabbitair.com/?gclid=CM_W-tmm2qwCFQmAhwoda0XHpQ
  23. Seriously....if I had paid 2000 for Isaac...I could never feel cheated. He's my best friend.
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