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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. I am going to indulge in my favorite addiction in about 2 hours when I go home. I also have a mama Dove that is nesting under the eaves out over the porch of my apartment. I will post some pictures in a different thread later, and i will be sure to get pictures of the lil babies. HOORAY BIRDS!!!!
  2. I check about 8-10 times a day hoping to see the one post I want to see. I hope something good happens soon.
  3. Ohh thank goodness. When I saw those first pictures my heart was sad for the little guy. Now, in the most recent pictures, he looks wonderful! So glad to see that this baby found his way into some caring hands. Get yourself ready for quite a ride with these lil guys. They are incredible little creatures.
  4. This kills me. I know how you must feel. I am often frightened by the amount of love I have for Isaac. If he ever got away he would definitely fly off with the best part of me. Even just the 24 hours without him were some of the worst I had. I don't know what I would have done if I had to settle on him being gone for good. I am so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time finding him. I know that when Isaac was gone I was just hoping that someone would find him and just take care of him if I never found him. I wish there was something I could do to make it better my friend. Just keep hoping the best for Murphy. Try as much as you can. I still hope for your reunion.
  5. I had the perfect dream once. I was running down a decending hill that was close to my house. When my feet lost grip and I took air...then I glided in semi-circles toward my house..and finally landed in my driveway. This was possibly the most memorable dream I have had..and I would give anything to relive it. So yes...I know exactly what it is like to fly. It's amazing..I think its there within me so that I know. So to look at my baby, see him fly..and see him making his noises in happiness..to throw things off my fridge and say uh ohh...to land in front of me and say "Hey boyee"...or to just beg for my attention while I am on the phone by laying on his back in my arms and hooting..man...I really have an amazing friend. I love to watch him fly. Nothing makes me happier. It never gets old. How long can i go on...I lust love him.
  6. Now just hold up. We are here to help..your situation is complicated. It can be anything with what you described. There is an 'ah-ha' moment just waiting here for sure...but what it is is anyones gues. Something major happened to your bird and as a bird its big for them. Try to think of new things added to the situation. Do you have kids. Children can do things that are unknown to you and freak a bird out. Something traumatic happened beyond your perception..and its very real to the bird. Its not just some unknown behavior out of the blue. If you can't figure it out. Just move on as normal. Sometimes the feeling that something is wrong is enough to throw the bird off. So go back to a frame of mind that nothing is wrong. Emotions are a big influence on birds. Manifest destiny. Its complicated. In conclusion, just be good to your baby, try to listen, and just do the best you can. Just be there for your bird. Give more detalis if you can..I will be here for ya.
  7. Something about a bird. They are majestic. Flight...it's amazing. I want to be them. What a gift! Flying! And my lil friend chooses to use it to come to me. I am just soooooo...soo honored beyond words. Everytime those little talons hit my shoulder.
  8. I seriously know one thing. I am a bird lover and was probably meant to be a bird. My heart is with the birds. I look into the eyes of my Grey..and I am lost. I just feel for him all the time. The way they blink, their attention, flight! Ohh man..I love it. I feel like I could retire as a person who just cares for birds. I just need a place big enough. I would love to create a huge aviary where I could take all the birds in the world that don;t have a home..and give them a home. Pet trade is a very touchy subject. And I would just love to home all the birds that don't have a place in the wild or a loving family.
  9. Elvenking


    Man...thrid time watching this movie and I just love it! I can't get through it without welling up yet. How embarassing. The way he is there with her at the beginning of the movie...brushing teeth, eating breakfast....I mean..that's my life..I can so relate. The parts that really get my emotions going are when he is going through all the activities with her in the beginning, first flies, and when they part with a little 'high five' act at the end and he flies off. And over all they give the birds such expression is very impressive. Watching it with my little companion makes it all the more fun. I have to look at him every time I feel for him. He just makes me love him. Right now he is pushing thing off the table near my daughter and saying "Uh ohhh". I love it. We are cracking up. Just had to spread love for birds..thanks.
  10. By the way...where ever you saw him last..go there and call the most. That is how I found Isaac.
  11. Uhhhg this is so heart breaking. I can so relate to what you are going through. It is then you truly figure out how much a part of you they are. My best wishes are with you so that you may find your little friend. I know all too well what you are going through and will be here for any advice if you need it. I offered 1000 dollars or an identical bird to who ever would recover Isaac when he went missing. Just to rule out the possibility that someone would find him and keep him. Other than that, scour the village and keep calling out! Whistle do what ever gets him going. Please Murphy make some noise!
  12. Canvas a 100 yard radius around your home. Keep going. I felt defeated so many times. I cried many times for my baby. Just use the whole day to do it. Give it your best.
  13. Ohh man I know the empty feeling of not having him there. I got up multiple times to look in the cage to just hope it was all a dream when I lost Isaac. But hold tight. He is in the trees hunkering down for sleep. Get up at first light (assuming you sleep) and get out there contact calling. I found Isaac first thing in the morning preening in a tree. I will cross my fingers and send my best will to you finding him. It will happen. Go looking where you saw him last. They will be very chatty in the morning so be sure to be out there looking. It took me all day until 4PM that next day to get Isaac to come to me, but it did happen.
  14. Ohhh gahhhd nooooo! I so hope you find him. I have followed you since you got Murphy, and I have lost my baby once before so I know how it is. Keep contact calling. If you have a food you know he comes to, keep it with you. If yer still seeing him he will probably stay close to home. Do not give up, you will get him back. He may be like Isaac was, just happy to be able to see you and hang out outside. You just have to wait till he is ready to come to you. It will happen though. Keep report with him and keep trying. I used Isaac's feeding cup to get him down. If you find him, try both close to the tree as well as the 45 degree angle. Isaac ended up hopping down from branch to branch right to my hand once he was ready for his food.
  15. It must be all in what they ate prior to regurgitating, but it does sound like she wants to 'share' with you. And it is an honor.
  16. My computer chair 2 Keyboards A droid phone All 4 of my crystal beer glasses and numerous other glasses 3 pairs of shoes About 3 belts 4 pairs of pants (tore the seams and pockets off) 2 Floor lamps 3 Dish wands 2 hair brushes A few USB cables AC adapters ...and that is just what I can remember off the top of my head. Totaling about 1000 bucks worth of damage over the last year. Many happened while I fell asleep while he was out. And I love him like nothing else.
  17. No..he was not weaned..and with education..I elected to feed him myself. I have had experience feeding babies and wanted to really take care of my sweetie. I dont recommend it to the casual bird lover. I love my baby to levels I nwver thought would happen. I knew that I loved birds...but my Isaac has tought me so much. He is sleeping o. My knee as I type this message. He is amazing. And..he is really a wonderful companion and a best friend. Hope there are not too many mistakes..I am doong this on a smart phone. Sorry to break topic. In short...I would say thay if you have a pure heart when in comes to taking on one of these magnificent creatures..you will do well. Its the people who are looking for a 'really cool pet' that scare me.
  18. Dayo is awesome. What a little character. Isaac still doesn't talk much...but today I came home and let him out and he flew to the microwave and said, "Hey boooyyee". I loved it. So it seems he knows how to talk a little but chooses to do it very conservatively. Way to go Dayo..he's a performer and a smartie.
  19. I got Isaac a bit early...around 9 weeks. I also went to visit him while I was waiting to take him home. Doing that, the transition was wonderful. He warmed up to me very quickly. In fact, that is why I picked him. He was the one in the clutch coming over to see me and wedge himself next to me. I know that some greys will have a little bit of adjustment time. However, I think it can be minimized by keeping a very calm environment, soft speaking..and just love and care. Cannot go wrong with those ingredients. Before you know it, your grey will be in complete control...not to worry.
  20. As others have said...they will take you to both extremes. I would say that one of the trying things about having these little companions is when you really have to focus on something you need to do around the house...and they want to be involved and 'help'. Issac will try to nibble the hose on the vacuum cleaner...things like that. You just have to be ready for that, and over time....everything gets easier to handle as you figure out how to handle it. I don't believe that I would ever consider re-homing Isaac unless I was absolutely physically unable to take care of him. I wouldn't send him away any more than I would another member of the family. He is very much my best friend. I was really into admiring him this weekend for how sweet he is. How he is just always there for me no matter what. The flights directly to my shoulder just never get old. A wild bird that wants to be right there most all the time. It's an honor. The little head rubs against my neck when he is asking for a little scratchin'. Ohh man....nothing beats it. But you really have to open your home up to these little guys. It is no small venture. Be sure to expect more than you expected. In addition, having Isaac around has made me appreciate birds even more. These pets so often find themselves in the wrong hands. It makes me want to actively make sure it doesn't happen to any of them. But sadly it does. I will go to pet stores these days and take note of how the birds are cared for. how long they are at the stores...if someone nice found them and bought them. The closer you get to loving these wonderful creatures, the more you realize that as an owner, you owe everything you can possibly give to them because they are willing to give you their loyalty, companionship, and even their affection. I really love my Grey.
  21. Awe, super sweet. It sounds like you are getting along good. Now when you say missing a 'talon' are you talking about a nail, or a whole toe? If it's a toe, I see how this is a problem. In that case I guess you have to feel out what works. Hopefully someone who has shared a similar situation will chime in. It looks like you have a nice little friend there though. Good luck.
  22. Have you tried to spend a little quality time with your new grey? The first few days I had Issac home there was nothing else, I sat and talked with him. Placed him in my lap and stroked his feathers, talked softly to him and absolutely just fawned over him. (Not a lot has changed really...LOL). How are you doing on interacting with your new baby?
  23. Thank you for saying. He does spend a lot of time sitting on my knee while I watch TV preening and preening. So he works hard at it. I do admire his beauty.
  24. Yea...I fawn over all of Issac's acheivement and milestones like a doding mother over her child. He just really fills my life will fun and love. Thanks for coming to look at his butt. Ha!
  25. Issac lost his last grey tipped red tail feather just now. He is now officially on his second set of tail feathers. All bright red. He handed over the last baby feather to me tonight. Beautiful!
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