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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. That's awesome. I do also notice that Issac will start trying all his words when I walk out of the room. That is the few times that he doesn't follow me to where ever I am going. I hope Issac gets to that point where he sounds like me. I love to watch him progress. Also, when you describe Dayo, it reminds me of Issac so much. Dayo is awesome and super smart.
  2. Report them here... http://www.avianwelfare.org/action/report.htm
  3. Issac used to chase the mouse pointer around the screen when he was younger. Now he just sits on top and poops off the edge.
  4. Yes...upon visiting, it's amazing the level of dedication. I cannot beleive how many people got thier babies from her.
  5. That's the breeder I got Issac from. Eva is great with all of her birds. So technically...you got a baby from Issac's Mama Parront. I live about 25 minutes away from her and often want to go back just to see all the babies. But then I am sure I would be thinking, 'Hummm, two?'
  6. LOL...now that you mention it....maybe he does think I am entering some kind of ritual. Cause he can hear me breathe while I do that and my head is forward. Now with my mom....he has never met her. Our conversations are relatively short...as are many that I have when Issac is out. He is either chasing my phone from shoulder to shoulder trying to get it, or panting and putting on a display...and it seems to be most obvious when I talk to my mom. It is incredibly cute to hear them pant...but I was wondering about the triggers and why. LOL.
  7. Gets so horney when I floss my teeth or talk to my mom on the phone. When ever I floss...he does not want to miss out on it and he pants in my ear while trying to grab the floss. Also, I was on the phone with my mother the other day and he is all drooping his wings and panting and trying to get the phone. What is he trying to tell me?
  8. Okay...Issac started using 'uh-oh' in context yesterday morning. He was dropping a toy off the top of his cage and then looking down and saying 'uh-oh'. Then he went to the refrigerator and tossed somehing off and said it again. What a cutie. He is still working on clear pronunciation of the words he is working on. But to see him trying is so much fun. 'Uh-oh' does come across the clearest.
  9. Yes I saw that. It is an episode with some extremely disturbing scenes, but the guy has a huge heart and had found a way to cope with the loss of his wife my making all these rats his family. A real exploration of where the mind can take you left unchecked.
  10. The ability to fly makes them so confident doesn't it? Too funny...at least after the fact.
  11. My rabbitair let's me know when to vacuum the filters...and I have to do that every six to eight weeks
  12. You took the words right out of my mouth. I thought Issac would be sweet forever as long as I loved him with all my heart. It's not 'mean' you have to worry about.....its FUN you have to worry about. LOL. In time....in time. Is your grey going to remain flighted? Oh...and I beleive they all have a 'no' sound....it just takes a bit of observation to notice. Usualy a fluff up and maybe a head duck will accompany a 'no' sound.
  13. Not yet..although I am enforcing that now..(even if I have to drop something on purpose ) But at first...he is so happy to do something that gets a reaction like it does out of me...that he repeats it crazily for the first few days. I love anything new from him...and he loves to make it happen.
  14. Apologies if my interpretation of the gravity of the situation is out of proportion...but....I think you need to tone back the defensiveness. It only makes what you are trying to do here more suspect. My call is that you are trying to make money off birds. That is what I get from your attitude. I don't feel the compasion for birds and find the things you say to suggest so quite scripted for a community of people who really do love birds. Your urgency to get started is rediculous...and I have a feeling that you will get no help here. The breeders on this forum...and there are very few....are extremely committed and have stories to tell that communicate the fact that they are quite in love with birds. Your cynicism toward this community and it willingness to help is a big red flag. As for help...I would suggest this. You have posted 10 times....some are sarchastic and cynical posts. I would suggest showng us that you have a real connection with greys before shunning us for being extremely cautious. We here are bird lovers from another level. Our birds are family. We respect them an incredible amount. We recognize this in those who share that connection. We do not see that here.
  15. My baby said "Uh-Oh" today for me and my daughter. It was super funny and he has been doing it all night. He is so awesome.
  16. Ohh my...I spent a lot of time photographing Issac in flight when i first got him. It is majestic. And amazing to see them go. I have many of those shots where the wings appear translucent due to shutter speed and such...love that first one where it appears that you can see his head through the wings...very cool.
  17. Here is the deal with this as far as I see it. It will be worth it to let your breeder fully wean them if you can wait. I got my baby at about 9 weeks because I had a strong desire to do some of the feeding and abundance weaning. I so wanted to take part in that process and loved every moment of it. I would not make the decision just to have your baby for an extra day. It sounds like your breeder is pretty responsible. Mine was too but I begged and wanted to hand feed. So it really depends. If you do decide to take him\her home...I would suggest getting very good lessons on how to hand feed and really stick 100% to professional guidence. It's no joke and can be easily messed up. Everything has to go just so. If any of that scares you...let the breeder wean yer baby. Just make a preference for flighted or not...cause most breeders will try to clip without a very stern request to not. My 2 cents.
  18. I know nothing about breeding, but I do know that more than enough of these birds find their way into the hands of people who have zero right in owning a Grey. So I can understand the reservation of those on this site with regards to getting someone started in breeding.
  19. It's funny you mention reading them like that. You begin to know exactly what they are going to do next...most of the times. The way they duck down and look up when they are about to fly. You can see the calculation of push off, effort and then bam...fly! You can tell when they want you to come closer or stay back. That hyper extended neck when something has really caught their attention. I love watching him...it just never gets old.
  20. I love this thread..thank you all for coming forth with yer stories of no sounds. I just wanted our greys to be heard. Even though they may not speak english somtimes.....they can tell you...and its wonderful to know what they mean. As I type this...Issac just said 'hello' perfectly.
  21. Early on they will loose a lot of those downy feathers. Issac started losing larger ones on a regular basis around 12-13 months. With him it's neck feathers and body contour feathers. Then I saw some tail ones here and there. No wing feathers at all yet.
  22. I named my grey Issac after Issac Newton. I almost named him Pepper but then changed my mind. I wanted to pick some historical physicist to name him after and Einstein had been used many times. Also, it seemed kind of cool to have a flying parrot named after the father of gravity.
  23. I saw this morning that Issac has a brand new red feather pin coming in. I am so looking forward to the second set of red ones.
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