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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. And to be sure...they make good on their goods...so they are sending me queens....great site...I recommend at this point.
  2. Apparantly...these are larger Foxtail nuts. One thing or another happened...I went looking for queens...and am pretty sure I ordered queens. But these are foxtails and obviously a one-off mistake....so no worries.
  3. Update: Recanting the warning. So I orderd some palm nuts from this site called The Cozy Nest Box (cozynestbox.com) and was suprised with what I recieved. Wait till you see this picture.... Yes...that is right...this is no trick of light...that nut is bigger than my birds head. I have a whole pound of em like that. So I sent them the same picture back asking what the heck..and I will let you know what happens. This my friends...is rediculous. Maybe a Macaw would enjoy this. But my Grey just gives up. EDIT: There was a mix up in ordering somehow...they are making good on it...quite respectible...again..no worries. The ones they sent are foxtails...I was looking for queens.
  4. I bet you could not towel Issac! He flies and he is good about avoiding things he does not want. I just bought two cement perches today in hopes that I can dull those razors. My hands are really messed up. I could try to distract him to clip...that works on a limited basis...but he would fly like crazy the moment a towel was within 5 feet. He won't be towelled.
  5. Issac has really come and changed my life a lot. Firstly, I love the little guy so much it's scary. The other day when he copied the sound of me swallowing water, I nearly blew water out my nose. He gives kisses and jams his little head into the crook of my neck to show me love or to ask for scratches too. He will make efforts to take what ever toy he wants to play with and bring it as close to me as possible so that he can be near while he whittles away. I have a mission with my little grey. It is to give him the best life he can get in my home. I have those days a lot when i am overflowing with love for him. It also never fails that at some point in the day, I am thinking about him and getting back to him to give him some out-time. I will tell friends that I can't go out because my bird hasn't had enough free time yet. Sometimes I have to lie because they just don't get it. I am willing to take it all for Issac. I am able to accept all the poop no matter how much he does it and\or where. (Which is everywhere). I feel for him all the time. I keep him closely insulated from any accidents, people who don't understand birds, and in general keep him away from anything that he could be afraid of. In return, I have a bird who is so gentle. Unless it comes to nail clipping....lol...he just despises that. More often than not...I let the nails go and take the many scratches on my hands, arms, and back just so he doesn't have to endure it. I will often surrender personal belongings to his curiousity or entertainment. You should see my shoes! In general though, Issac is extremely trusting and allows lots of hugging, petting and kissing. There really is nothing like having a parrot that would otherwise in the wild fly like hell away from you if you came within 50 feet of him, rub his head up against you and fluff his feathers up for human contact. I look to Issac as a reflection of myself and what kind of person I am. It drives me to constantly give of myself in order to see just what kind of a wonderful Grey comes out the other side. So far it looks like I am doing good, as I feel like I have a wonderful friend and companion. I really love Issac.
  6. Ha! I tell Issac 'bless you' after he does his little sneezes. They are just too cute. Swallowing and crunching! They are just amazing little creatures. The way Issac looked at me after he did the sounds was too cute too. Almost like a stare waiting for a response. LOL...He got one.
  7. So Issac has really been expanding his variety of noises which I find super endearing. I will tell you about two of the funnier ones. The first is a little bomb dropping sound...you know..."PEEEEEeeeeeeewwwwww..splat". He has taken to doing this one a lot lately. Love it. This next one is a bit funny. I had Issac on my shoulder and I was walking around. I had my morning cup of water which I sometimes drink more quickly than other things. So I am drinking away and I hear this new sound from Issac and I am wondering....what is that? I think for a second and start drinking again and realize....it's the sound of me swallowing! LMAO. It is PERFECT. Because when I took my next sip...I heard the identical sound, put two and two together and nearly blew water out of my nose at how perfect it was. Now he does that a lot. It's so freaky to hear.
  8. What is the difference between a porcupine and a BMW driver. With porcupines...the pricks are on the outside.
  9. There are times when I know that I cannot kiss Issac. But I regularly do on his head, beak, back, tummy, and his fluffy little legs. He gets tons of kisses.
  10. LMAO...yes...I was thinking the same thing....who is the stranger one here. I also have a thing I love doing with Issac. When I take him out of his cage when I get home, he always does his wing stretches to get ready to fly around. Well when he does this...I hold him up and kiss his belly very lightly making little kissy noises. Recently, he has taken to making the same noise I do as I do as I do this to him. I love doing this as his tummy is super soft and kissable. This makes me a bird nut. LOL
  11. LOL....by the way...Issac makes his 'toot' noise at about 1:23 in that video....just noticed that....HA!
  12. By all means go watch the video thread.
  13. Thanks all for watching my baby go crazy and sharing the joy. Thank you for all the nice comments too. I will keep sharing Issac's life.
  14. What an incredibly nice thing to say...thank you.
  15. He is a link to a little info. About halfway down there is discussion of grey variations. http://www.avianweb.com/africangreys.htm
  16. I do not have a grey with this feature. However, it is well documented that some greys get the red feathers around the neck (and other random places)...and some call them 'King Greys'.
  17. I discoverd his desire to flip himself around quite by accident. Before...it was a little piece of rope with a piece of wood on it that he enjoyed spinning around on. He quickly chewed it away and it actually snapped during one of his acrobatic shows. It must have scared the poop out of him as he flew to my leg with his head way up high looking like he was thinking, "What the heck just happened?" Apparantly, he is one to get back on the bike when he falls. I created a new one that would be harder to chew through out of cotton type rope with a little bell toy at the bottom. Ohh man...he is happier than ever with that one. I love watching him go.
  18. I think I heard someone say that they don't have the same liquid in their ears like people do so that they don't get dizzy. Something like that. Thanks all for watching my little acrobat. He just started doing it again while I am typing. He is getting better at this. LOL. Cracking me up again. Seems he likes to do this when I sit at the computer.
  19. So I managed to get some video using my Droid.....Here he is...spinning his heart out.
  20. I will just have to set the camera up somewhere inconspicuous and let it run for a bit. I will catch the little guy. It cracks me up watching him.
  21. So I have this little rope that hangs between Issac's atom and his cage, and recently....he has taken to hanging from this thing...getting all sideways.....flapping a wing...and spinning himself up like 6 or 7 times...then letting it unwind. He gets pretty animated while doing this and I did catch it with my phone camera, but I am having problems getting the format converted. I will post as soon as I can. I guess he doesn't get dizzy cause sometimes he will fly off...do a circle then come back. Definitely one of his new favorite activities. I am somewhat amazed at how he gets going. It just a quick flip of one of his wings...and he spins like a top. Anyone elses Grey love to spin out of control?
  22. Long time no see. Great to hear about Harvey. Welcome back
  23. I am interested in the responses as well. Would actually like to find the best toy parts stores.
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