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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. It is crazy the way they do that. It occurs to you, that since you love this bird, and you don't want to hurt him you are in a real pickle when they decide to go rogue on you. Try and catch them when they don't want to get caught. And oh, I would never want a macaw version of this activity.
  2. Hahahaha. I am keeping an eye on my little parolee. He was certainly not relaxed. He was in one of those moods he gets in where he is flying around more than he sits. Like he was on a caffine rush of a bird kind. I am sure you are familiar. From the cage top, to the microwave...to the fridge....to the cabinet door that is open....to my shoulder...to the sink...back to the fridge...to the lamp.....to my ear....tweak.
  3. I had gotten used to tilting my head whenever he gets in his acrobatic moods while I sit at the computer. He will go spinning on his ropes and making the loud battle cries and then land on my shoulder for a quick tweak. But he was damned persistant today. While I was vacuuming and such. Now he is all about head scratches, beak rubs and being cute. Whatever. LOL.
  4. LOL...after a grueling 5 minutes in his cage. He is out again. I think maybe it was the fact that I was cleaning this afternoon and there are plenty of thing he can't have when I am doing that. I can't be sure. But he was being such a whack job.
  5. Now of course I am exaggerating. But...I am not sure what has gotten into Issac....but he has nipped my ear about 10 times this afternoon and drew blood once. He apparantly is upset about something. He is in his cage now being punished. What the heck, I hope he doesn't keep this up..because if I have to be afraid to have him out...that doesn't work for me.
  6. Issac is the same way. Even if a single millimeter sized drop hits his body, he becomes super shifty and will fly away. The one time I got him under the shower head, he squawked and tried to tear up my arm with his talons. Super not bath friendly and I am not sure what to do about that. Still an area of work for me and Issac as well.
  7. Issac is a little over 13 months.
  8. I have been meaning to set up a voice activated recorder to see if this very thing is true. I have come up the stairs a few times to hear chatter going on from him before I come into the house. He is sooo sweet. It's rediculous how much I love this bird.
  9. It is funny how Issac's progress in the vocalization area is very much like that of a child. Baby steps. I swear this mornig he was trying to put some stuff together. I was laughing the entire time I was showering.
  10. Yes. I too love all of the sound experiments. He does them the most when he sits on the shower curtain rod in the morning while I get ready. I can always count on an update as to what sounds he has been working on there. What amazing birds.
  11. I never trust a soul that uses a Hotmail account. Sheister alert.
  12. This morning he was trying even harder it seems. Repeating the efforts of yesterday morning over and over. I actually took a much longer shower this morning because he was so entertaining and was a little later to work that usual. Ha. He is so funny.
  13. I would love it if my boy would say a word...and not shut up. He goes a lil. Bring it on baby boy...I love you.
  14. Please don't blame yourself...just try your best to please help that sweet bird. Please. Tell them that every bird is someones baby..and their mother wanted them to have the chances that they had. And when we took them away from that...we stood upon a responsability to keep them safe, fed, warm...just like their mother would have wanted. And if they got lonely, they could fly to you, and preen themselvs right next to you becuase they like being close to you. They consider you their flock. And you consider them yours. These magnificant beings are just as sentient as we are and should be loved as so. I don't go on like this often....and I don't think you deserve to feel any guilt based on it. I only want to give you a podium (and this thread) to stand on when you go and fight for this bird as I know you are going to do. I know you love birds just as much as any one on this site. And I know that you cannot let the situation stand..otherwise..you wouldn't be reading this. Now get creative...and save that bird. PS: I Love Greys (well and other birds too but greys are my favorites..but conures..and cockatoos too..and pelicans...a few sand pipers...lol...why not all life) too
  15. These birds are much more sentient that many would ever believe. It's sad that they can be bound to anyones care when the terms are like this. Not sure what to say. I can ask this. What is it that they like about this poor Grey? Why do they keep him so? Who loves a pet and keeps them so badly? << See bird lover.
  16. Awe thanks for the words of encouragement regarding my lil friend. I just adore everything he does. My daughter and I both heard him say hello this morning. It was cute, my daughter got all excited. She is still a little afraid of him. He is getting more curious about her and wants to actively come see her when she first arrives now. She is the only 'little person' he really gets to see a lot. And she has been around more than others. He is soooo curious. That is quite an understatement.
  17. Hello all. Been a while since I have been on fawning over my love for my baby Issac. Rest assured, he grows closer to me every single day and another thread of his life is woven into the fabric of mine. Now on with the news and questions. With the new addition of a Dyson and a Bissel to my bird-mess-fighting arsenal. Managing poop stains and bird cage fallout has become a most efficient activity and it doesn't drive me nearly as crazy as it used to. I am my own Santa, and that is what i brought myself. I gave Issac birdie dreads for Christmas, his favorite toy. Pedro my conure got a little bell toy as he loves to shake bells. Now, about talking. Issac is super funny in this area. It appears as if his tries are getting more deliberate, but I am not sure if his progress is the same as others have observed. He has not outright just come out and said a word, but I can tell what he is trying to say. He does a kind of whistle that sounds like, "Lil Boyeee" and just this morning, he started saying what sounds like the beginning of a better 'Hello'. Is this the way others have observed the evolution of talking. I praise him wildly when he makes an obvious attempt. Just wondering if other greys just started talking and sounding like their owners on the first words. I still feel he is going to get it, he works so hard at it. Other than that, he is just as sweet as a Grey can be. We still play some games when it's time to get in the cage. But it is cute the way he does it. He will not let me get him below my shoulders because he knows I can put a hand on top of him and guide him into the cage then. Other times, I just tell him that it's time to be a good boy and go in...and he will allow me to gently lower him into his cage on his perch. Sometimes, he get's really into playing on his swing ropes. For those who haven't seen...there are two ropes that hang down from his atom and he loves to spin and swing himself around. He gets going and starts that pterodactyl cry...then flies to my shoulder. I cringe and wonder what is next...because often it's a brief tweak to my ear and then shooting off to repeat the whole thing over again. I get a bit nervous then. That's all for now, any thoughts on the talking for those of you who have talking birdies. Thanks for reading.
  18. Hay Jayd. So great to hear from you. Issac says 'Hello' too....well almost. Hehehhe. He almost has it nailed.
  19. Yeah, whoever owns this bird would not like what I had to say. My Issac's wingtips cross right over and are of the same length as his cute red tail. If I ever saw a set of scissors sitting next to him I would freak out. LOL...now yes I am extreme. Some people will not give in to a level of seeing what it might be like from the birds point of view. Whether that or it is more convenient for them to just deny that the bird has feelings at that level. Bottom line is, this person is not meant to, and does not have the appropriate level of evolved thinking to own a parrot at this time. That said, they have a Grey and something should seemingly be done about it. I usually convey my feeling regarding clipping and why I personally do not clip to others in this way. I ask them why it would not be appropriate for us to cut the toes off of our children so they can't walk too far or fast. They might get into danger and are much harder to manage with full motor control. Again, an extreme example...but really...it is the same thing. It's just more self-evident that humans have feelings...and in addition, they can also speak at a certain point and we would quickly know what a devistating thing toe removal would be. Also, they look exactly like us...so jeez...they must think the same way we would and whoa....ouch. Anyway, I am getting off track. Dave put it best with his comment. There is really almost nothing you can do. However, I would at least present information as to how it is super bad to clip them as in the pictures you provided as they can die from a fall. If one is going to clip....there is a right way..and at the very least it should be done that way. Otherwise, this problem may solve itself in a bad way. This bird is mamed in my opinion. I cannot imagine he would have taken a clip like that happily. What you can do is up to you. It's certainly not your responsability, but you appear to be the closest one to the bird who really cares. I can say no more. I have to move on as this disturbs me too much.
  20. Well...for a new vacuum...I ended up biting the bullet and got a dyson DC-17. Yes...a bit on the expensive side but a vacuum I will have for at least ten years or so. After testing it out around the house...I love the thing. Sucks everything out of existence. I never thought I would acually get one of these things but I am glad I did. With this thing and the spot bot, I think my carpet woes are a thing of the past. Thanks for the help folks.
  21. So I ended up ordering a Bissell Spot Bot (139.99 From Bissel) for the poop cleanings. I am still looking for a vacuum and am strongly considering the shop vac dave recopmmended for its cheapness and effectivity. The dysons for sure do this very well...but I am wondering how much more I want to spend on a vacuum right now after i bought the carpet spot cleaner. The real thing was getting these poop stains under control. I might just renew my bags for my current vac for the moment. I appreciated all the suggestions. Thank you all for leading me in the right direction.
  22. Looking at this one now. It has a lot of good ratings. http://www.amazon.com/Bissell-SpotBot-ProHeat-Hands-Free-12U9A/dp/B002KCMH70/ref=pd_sbs_k_9
  23. THis appears to be very close to the kind of thing I was looking for. Thanks.
  24. You either have a shoulder bird or you don't, but from what I ahve read...no dominance issues. Issac loves my shoulder and riding around and I could never think of taking his place there away from him. He is pretty well behaved there and seems to make it his destication anytime I get up to move somewhere in the house. Some ahve problems with clothes chewing and such...but that can be tamed...and if not...in the end...just not a shoulder bird. In addition, a bird being flighted or clipped has a lot of influence here too. If your bird has the choice of flying...he may make your sholder his destination. If he\she is clipped...may not have the choice...and given the chance....might just want to be mischevious when given the chance. And all permutations from there. You just have to determine how it works for you. Issac was climbing my chest up to a cozy place by my head at his earliest age of 9 weeks. I loved it and have let him be there ever since. As others have surly said, you always run the risk of a startled moment where you might get bit. You just have to experiment and decide. But no need to obey hight rules as far as I have seen with my Grey, Issac.
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