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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Yes, that is understandable. The new news stops and such but the love carries on. Just like new human babies are always fawned over. When I come across stories about them passing on here on the forums, it's greatly concerning. Especially when you don't really hear about the ones who are 30 plus years old. I love Issac tons and it continues to be fun to talk about these guys, not sure when or if that will wear off for me. I love reading about the new birds and old in peoples lives and seeing what these guys do. It's really wonderful.
  2. I just hope that Issac lives for a very long time. I get worried hearing about birds leaving us at such seemingly young ages for Greys. Thanks for some of the older Grey references.
  3. As some have recognized, there have been a few sad stories regarding Grey's in the last few days. It got me to thinking, you know, I don't hear about too many old Greys on the forums. All 20 years old or less..and very rarely at the top end. I am wondering, do you think it is just the trend of the forums to have active members only with younger birds, or is it more that case that they don't often make it that far in life. I would like to collect thoghts on this. Does anyone know of some older Greys? Thanks.
  4. They waste no time matering this art. That first time they get loft is always precarious. I can remember running underneath Issac the whole time on his first few flights. Truly an exciting time. It just keeps getting better too. Soon they learn how to fly straight up to a perching area right above their heads. The banks and turns get sharper and they can even tuck their wings to get through narrow openings. I constantly marvel. Issac flys to the moldings of doorways and clings there like spider-bird. Most fun I have ever had having a pet. Loveable creatures.
  5. I had to endure only the idea of this pain when my Grey Issac flew away. I recovered him in about 24 hours, but I completely understand about the life being sucked out of your home. I was extremely sad. Your story wrenched my heart and I really feel for you. The only positive thing I can say is that at least your Grey is not hurting or in any pain. I sincerely offer my condolences and hope you find some way to move on, I know it has to be hard.
  6. Ohh I always praise him good for making talking attempts. He mostly tries when he is sitting on the shower curtain rod in the morning. I probably use a little more water than I should...listening to him. I will keep it up. I always talk to him and associate things. I am mostly alone with him so when I am talking, it's always to him. He definitely knows verbal cues. He gives kisses when I ask by making a kissy noise, he goes absolutely nuts when he hears, "Wanna Eat?" or "Want Noodles?".
  7. It is nice to know that they may start up at any time. Issac is about 10 months now. I occasionally hear what sound like attempts at talking but nothing clear yet. Tons of sounds beeps and whoops but no words yet. I keep crossing my fingers. I so want to hear my baby talk.
  8. Thanks, I know that it's just me gushing about my bird, but it's nice to know that I can share that kind of thing here.
  9. See...they are cute even when they crap. What amazing animals. Hahahahahahhahaa!
  10. LMAO!! No...Issac will do this with the really big ones. That is hillarious!!! It's not like a really loud grunt...but likt a little puff of air out the nose. That look on their face is priceless too. This thread is twisted....LOL.
  11. I came home yesterday after work and was just over joyed to see Issac stretch his wing out and look at me with anticipation of getting out for some flight around the house. I have this thing I do when I take him out. He always stretches his other wing out by the time I have him on my hand and I will come under his outstretched wing and kiss him on his soft little chest. It is so super soft. He just sweetly accepts it and hops up on my shoulder. He has been a total sweetheart lately and really good with company. He has been less prone to getting into things that he shouldn't. I haven't had to protect much of anything around the house from him. Maybe it's just to the new arrangement, I am not sure, but he has been on his best behavior. He may crap like he is on a mission to fill the place, but he sure has been making himself more than worth all the effort that it takes to be on poop patrol. What a wonderful bird. I am looking forward to coming home to him again today. Hope no one minds me sharing my thoughts of Issac. Thanks.
  12. Yes...the majority of times it is the 'SPLAT' that is heard.
  13. Well it is a very quiet sound. My favorite ones are when I am wearing a shirt with a pocket and the poop goes right in. Good stuff. I have never been so crapped on in all my life...should I be honored?
  14. The lil one is so darned CUTE! Issac didn't do much more than that untill around 9-10 weeks. From there...you watch...get ready...LOL.
  15. LOL....don;t worry...yer okay. I can hear every little last poop Issac does. Even if it's small. I am tuned to it. He gets away with a couple here and there...but I definitely hear the vast majority of them. A lil squishy sound.
  16. Hello there and welcome. 5 1/2 weeks is super young to be bringing a Grey home. I cannot speak much to the details of how to take the extra special care, but it sounds like the feedings are about right. This place is really great for advice and I am sure one of our expert members will respond. Take care of that little guy and keep him warm and cozy.
  17. Elvenking


    I just tried the spray bottle with Issac this last weekend. I didn't even aim it at him...I sprayed up and let the mist fall. He does not like this at all. Moving out of the way, and looking at me like I am some kind of saddistic mad man. So I backed off. I will try again soon, but I don;t want to traumatize him.
  18. Hello. Gorgeous bird. Love the baby pics too. Welcome to the forums. @judygram: I know what you mean about seeing them in the stores. It's tough because they look back at you with a trusting and inquisitive look, and in that moment, you want to take them home with you. Uhhhg.
  19. THis is still one of my favorite posts I am owned by an African Grey...thank you
  20. Well at least Diego does that much. Issac seems to think that it's okay to unload where ever and as often as he likes. Just this morning, he pooped like three times in ten minutes, not big ones but little ones. Sometimes he seems to just do it to relieve even the tiniest bit of pressure. Then he holds off in his cage, especially lately...I haven't had to change the paper too many times. Maybe when he is out, he is trying to poop to impress me. At least it seems that way. I can tell you that if i actually enjoyed him pooping...I would have a TON of joy coming my way. Well...at least I can be sure that his digestive system is working. I just cannot believe how much poop I have to clean sometimes. If you are trying to get other stuff done...and trying to keep the poop situation under control...it can be like keeping a bunch of plates spinning. My goodness. I do tell him, "Good Boy!!" when he poops in the right place. But I don;t think he has the reason for the praise down yet. Like i said, the way he poops, I think he might be doing it to impress me. LOL.
  21. My eyes are opened to a world of crap eating pets....amazing.
  22. Last night, he learned how to turn on the kitchen light. I think he was very proud of himself because he did it like 4 more times after I turned it off. I laughed every time. He is playing with his toy again right now. But yes, Issac loves the lids to everything. Again, another way Issac and Dayo are alike.
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