Well..my life has been totally transformed since I have both brought an African Grey Parrot into my life, and joined these forums. This little guy has me so...so close to him. The way he looks at me...it just gets me every time. I feel so incredibly lucky when it comes to Isaac. He is my heart. And the people here have helped me in ways that have made life with my guy what it is. I love the fact that I came here for advice in raising Isaac.
Isaac has been doing a lot of new things lately. Namely talking...now..he doesn't talk like most greys..and I am sure it is my fault. But....he is super cute all the same. Cause I can tell what he means..and that is really all that matters. I love him.
You know that it isn't always kisses and roses though...there are times that he gets his jungle on..or he decides that I am not doing something conducive to what he is considering....oh yeah....ninja games start. I sometimes have to fling him skywards when I am tuning in a channel on the Tv with a remote...he doesn't want me to use remotes. It's EEEVIIILL! Also, while sitting here typing that last sentance..he did a fly by ear nip. WTF....you lil shit..and then he pulled out the speaker plug on my sound card right NOW!!! Ooops...gotta be quicker...just tossed the camera I used to upload the video to youtube on the ground...ahh crap..biting the power cord. He is super jealous right now cause he can tell that I am enjoying what I am doing while typing.
I swear...that happened to me while typing this!! That is living with a grey. But you know they love you..cause they have that big strong beak on their face....and when they choose to lay it on your finger just carfully enough to hold on and not bite...ohh man...can you feel it...yes...YES! That is care for you..and that my friends...is just sweet.
(Isaac hanging on the back of my seat says...."Litah boooyyeee!", then purrs and growls....lmao)
One thing he likes to do in the morning when I give him breakfast is do fly-bys on my head. I can feel his feet graze the top of my head. So he is fly bying my head top. LOL....I love it. Sometimes with a "Whhooohoooo" in flight...he kicks my arse.
Here is a link to a quick video I put together..its not much and maybe downright silly with my talking like a doofis. But there is my baby.
He seems to like to knock his beak against everything lately...he is funny. The end there...he aced me...they never found me...mwmmwwhahahahah