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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. So it looks like my boy is currently focusing on words and short phrases now. He has said things in the past, but mostly it's the rare occasion. The last few days, he has been saying what he knows a lot. I praise him lavishly when he does, and he seems to feed off the excitement. He says, "Hey boyee", "Little Boy", "Peek-a-boo", "Uh-oh", "Booohhhyyeee"(when I get cross with him...I will kind of say boyee a different way and he copies that too), and of course...."Hello". He also calls my daughter by my pet name for her...which is 'growl'. He does it perfectly...it's cute and my daughter loves it. He also appears to be paying closer attention when I am saying things directly to him. I think my little friend may be dazling me more yet. One thing he does that I love, is when I give him kisses on his back...he will either purr like a cat, or he will say "Whhooooooo"...like 'ohh that's nice'. Super endearing. He's also doing laser noises, bubbles popping, water gurgling....too many to list but those are some of the newer ones. What a fantastic joy to have in my life. It never changes....I look forward to coming home every day, and I am just as happy to see my boy as the first day I came home to him. I stay home so much more lately, and I enjoy it a ton. Afternoons with my grey are something I look forward too. So I tend to spend a Saturday or a Sunday just hanging out and letting him fly all day long. I love when they get going with their sounds and words. Issac will sit there sometimes with droopy eyes, totally relaxed...kicking out imitations of everything he has heard and said to date. Love it! On a side note. I watched this movie the other day that I would recommend to the community. "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill". It's a great story about how a homeless man befriended a flock of Red Crown Conures and developed a relationship with them all and knew all about the flocks relations. Great movie. Grab a box of tissues. Well that is all I have for now, but I am glad to see that Isaac has taken an interest in saying some words...it's a big step for my lil guy..and I am proud of him
  2. Well...I am not going to be gone so long that I think it's going to trigger too much of a reaction yet. Maybe a future event. For now it's just an extended day, anywhere from 10-13 hours away. He is used to the 8-10 hour day. But I always talk to my baby about what I am doing. I am going to be sure that he has good toys and probably leave some movies queued up on the computer for him to watch. If I ever have to go away for a whole day...I think I will cry. LOL. I think for my little guy soooo much. We are totally a little team. Love him!
  3. Yeah...I am just going on a day trip for the day on Thursday, but I could be back late on a chance. So he may be in there for 12 or more hours. Then I am going to come home and let him race around the house. Also, like you said, he has pooped in the cage before so he will probably do it if needed again.
  4. I am gone anywhere from 8-10 hours during the weekdays...he has gone up to 12 hours....and I have seen him on a few occasions...actually poop in his cage...so I don't think he thinks he is going to let it get to a point where he hurts himself. I am just wondering what others have observed if they have seen this behavior in their bird.
  5. So here is the case, and I remember reading (or talking) a little about this. Isaac only poops in his cage on very rare occasions. I mean...I have seen it probably 10 times in his life. So above having him getting his proper out-of-cage time and getting fed by another person....I am scared to be away for say...one night....due to the fact that I am afraid he will hold his poop for too long. Is this a valid fear? If I do have someone come watch him, I wouldn't have to make them let him out of the cage, they could refresh his food and water bowls and just hang out with him for a bit. But I want to be sure he doesn't hurt himself holding his poop. Thoughts please?
  6. That is the way it came for me...you just realize one-by-one....things you can do to manage it. It's worth it.
  7. LOL....So sorry but I could not keep from laughing. If you EVER figure this one out...let me know. I have fully resigned to being a bird magnet and turd cleaner for life. If he poops in designated places...you should color yourself extremely lucky. As for wanting to fly to you...as much of an honor as it is...I know how it can disturb while trying to do chores. You just have to decide if you can deal with it at that time...or place him in the cage for a bit while you do what it is you need to do. Having a flighted bird has forced me to manage my patience, but I love that he can fly.
  8. Elvenking

    Snap peas

    I have given them both raw and cooked. I come home and he has neatly slit the green bean down the middle and removed all the beans.
  9. I came here just like you asking about keeping them flighted...and leaning more towards leaving them flighted. Isaac is a very confident little flier now. This is both amusing and trying at times.....but I would never have it another way. He follows me everywhere throughout the house. I really enjoy knowing that whenever he wants to be close, he just comes. I simply can't see taking away the birds primary form of locomotion. It really never gets old seeing them soar from perch to perch with such accuracy. Isaac had two mishaps on his first few flight attempts. Now, you would never know there was any problem at all. I haven't seen any in a long time. He seems to know what windows and mirrors are. Both choices are made for the same reasons, I guess it's just a matter of how you wrap ethics around bird companions.
  10. Elvenking

    Snap peas

    Yep....Isaac enjoys these. Pops those peas right out of the pod. He likes to do this with green beans too.
  11. Horney bird alert. Yep...that bird looooves what yer doing. LOL. Just don't encourage it.
  12. Elvenking


    I have one of those Pet-Pedi's or something of the sort. However, it scared Isaac. And Isaac also has nails like needles. The event I have to go through in order clip his nails is one hell of a thing. Trying to wrestle him down with one hand and clip with the other is a MAJOR pain. Literally...I will take a serious bite if he can get at me. It's finding that second person who is willing to hold him that I cannot seem to get. Are there any for hire???
  13. I have on occasion given a cork to Isaac to play with. I will slice off the end that makes contact with the wine\beer and give him the top part. He shreds it to bits. He doesn't seem to care for corks too much anymore though.
  14. Isaac LOVED my toes for a while. I would kick my bare foot up on the table and he would fly down in the next heartbeat. Rubbing his head all over my feet and begging to get his head scratched by toes. He doesn't do it as much anymore....I think it's a phase.
  15. LOL...I have lost a total of 3 keyboard due to this (4 if you include my Droid 2 phone). They love to pop those keys off. I have stuck to having a keyboard with a few missing keys cause seeing a new one get pecked at just does nothing good for me. It's funny in retrospect.
  16. Very nice response...thank you for taking the time to share these thoughts. I tend to believe the same thing. I am going to try to be consistent and see if he catches on.
  17. LOL...that might just be the case. Hopefully some have had ways of guiding their feathered friends in some constructive way.
  18. Yeah...I wonder how many experience the possessive thing. Isaac will step up for cage time...oh he will step up and then run to my shoulder where he will then fly away and make me chase him around for an undetermined period of time. Sometimes he will go right in on my hand. Other times he flies up to his Atom and I have to use a wooden stick to get him to step up off the Atom and ride down into his cage. Constantly talking to him and letting him know what good birds do. LOL. Every time I get him the cage...I give him some Pine Nuts in his dish too. I can't let my daughter walk around with anything he might want. I fear he might bite her to try to get what she is holding. So I have to monitor what both of us are doing so we don't get bit. I like to ahve him out of the cage constantly, but if we get into an activity that involves things Isaac can't have, I am afraid I have to put him away for a little bit. I hope he forgives me. I have an insane amount of love for my lil baby, but he can present his challenges. Sometimes I feel like he is getting a bit too comfortable and begins to think that he runs the show. Hopefully I can gently show him that he can only go so far. I hope more will chime in and tell me how they mange their flighted birds. As this will not likely be a major issue for the clipped ones.
  19. Ohhh my that is the cutest thing. It does make you want to have a baby one again. I remember when Isaac would sleep on my chest. *sob* *sob*
  20. So...it's been a little while since I asked a question and one occurred to me last night. Isaac does have some behaviors I would like to work on. One being when I pick something up. He will often come over and want whatever it is in my hand. Sometimes to the point of biting my finger is he meets the task with no success. I am thinking slowly breaking this behavior, if I can, by continually telling him "no no no boy" and setting him on a nearby perch. How would you treat the situation. I never really paid too much attention to it because I am a pretty tolerant person and allow him to get away with a lot. However, I don't want other people to encounter this behavior when he is socialized to them.
  21. I have often wondered this as well. Isaac will pick something up, like the "Uh - Oh" game and do it all the time....then he will go 2 weeks without even anything close.....then he will start up again. I love it when he does talk in the limited ways that he does, but it seems no matter how much I love it, he is on his own schedule and does it when he likes.
  22. When I see a connection like that...it is just as magical as life gets for me.
  23. I have not read the book....but I hear it is just about the most touching story. http://www.amazon.com/Wesley-Owl-Remarkable-Love-Story/dp/1416551735 Someone at work recommended this...as I go on about my love for my bird a lot at work as well and people know I am wrapped around my baby Isaac. I heard that the lady got really sick, and when she was laying in bed...the owl would fly down to her and spread his wings over her chest. That is when I was like, "ohh my...stop...I can't take it"
  24. Okay...I am not sure if I am just late to the game or what...this has probably been noted somewhere....but this is the most touching thing ever. The relationship this woman has with this Owl...ohh my...I get it.
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