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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. My baby, Isaac, always loves a good game. I guess it's all his life is about really. LOL. One thing he loves to do, and can really get to me when I am tired, is baiting me. He will fly to things that he knows I don't like him to be on or by and give me a gleaming look like...'Game on!' For example....he'll fly to the top of my speakers for my stereo and threaten to poke more holes in the grills. Or he'll stand my my keyboard and shout, "BOY! BOY!" liike he knows I do when i am telling him to get away from them. He also doesn't seem to like when i have to shake anything. He'll attempt to attack the hand that shakes...say....a jug of orange juice.....but I guess shaking is just too out of bounds for him. Then I will scold him and he becomesa little baby again. However, there is just no replacing coming home and peeking around the door and watching him flex his wings and say, "Heeeeyyy boooooyyeeee!"
  2. Thanks for watching my crazy boy. I have another vido of him asking to get out of his cage that I will post later as well. How is Dayo doing??? I wanna see that little guy.
  3. Thanks for watching my little boy. He continues to bring much magic to my life. I'll have to capture more of him on video. He does the funniest things. My daughter got to hear him beat box the other day...he thought he was groovin' too funny.
  4. I am only so happy to know that a simple plastic cup can be so much fun. LOL.
  5. The upload can take a few mins...so stop back if it isn't ready yet. Taking a bit longer than I had expected.
  6. Okay...so...it's no secret that Isaac likes his cup. But let me show you how the play level has elevated in the last three days or so. He had been doing this for about 30-24 minutes before I decided to capture him on video. Kind of have to sneak the camera out and it's been hard. However, last night I caught my playful little guy for almost 3 minutes of play. At this point, he is actually panting a little bit because he is tiring out, but rest assured....he is having a blast...the more I laugh...the more fun he has. Anyway...on with his game.
  7. Hey Isaac.......Your shoes are untied! Ha ha!!
  8. LMAO! I love that! HA! From one SWE to another.
  9. All these are great!!! Laughing my butt off!
  10. It really is amazing watching him. He is just like a little kid running....well.....flying around my house, playing with his cups, flying to the counters, following me on every adventure to the food storage areas. I cuddle, kiss and love that bird up soooo much. He is such a good friend!
  11. LOL....love it! Maybe I should have made a captioning game out of the picture.
  12. This picture did stick out when i was going over pictures of Isaac. Thanks for looking
  13. "On closah inspecshun...theez ahhh loafahs"
  14. Oh come on! What is with the feet??
  15. Pretty strong feelings get stirred up when it comes to Alex it seems. It feel it just means we are very in tune with these birds and love them an incredible amount. Otherwise why would any of us stop to say a thing about them at all. The root emotion is love for Greys. LOL...I mean any argument for the love, kindness and fair treatment of Greys is a good one.
  16. Show us your grey's little head (or all of him/her) and there will be a better chance your grey can be identified as a boy or girl.
  17. I love reading about how much people love their birds. It really is amazing isn't it?
  18. Awe...Dayo want's to come hang out with Isaac? I am sure they would have a great time together dive bombing heads and causing mischief. I think he will keep you around though. Yeah...I will have more time now. Had to make some major course corrections in life and spend time on my mental health...lol. Things are really great now though. My daughter is warming up to Isaac more too. She was always quite wary of what his beak will do...but this last weekend she kissed him right on the top of his beak and gave him neck scratches. He really is such a nice little guy. Isaac and Dayo do seem to be kindred spirits.
  19. That is a sweet picture of Dayo. So adoreable...he reminds me so much of Isaac. My avatar is my favorite one of Isaac.
  20. Hello guys. It's been a while since I posted so I decided to put a little picture up of my boy playing with his favorite cup. I don't know what it is...but this is a long running toy for Isaac. He loves....loves....LOVES that damned cup you are looking at right there. He flips it up side up, he flips it upside down, he'll fly in circles on the ground wrestling it. He just loves that there cup. Anyway, I love this little guy so much it's insane. He just whistled at me, made a kissy noise, and said 'Peek a boo' right now while I was typing. I mean...he kills me. When I come home from work, he is in his cage shouting, "Heeeyyy booooyyeeee" and "Litaahh booooyyeeee" in every form of inflection I have ever spoke it in. His excitement is a wonderful greeting. Then he proceeds to follow me where ever I go. Both a blessing and a curse. LOL. (Ohh he just burped like a trucker.) Funny thing is without fail...every morning...he sits on my shower curtain rod and makes sweet sounds...(well maybe a fart here and there too). When I get out...I dry my hair by putting the towel over the top of my head. Well as soon as that towel hits my head...he flys down on top of it. Every morning for months and months now. Then I have to pick him up and set him on top of the door so I can continue drying off. Now I am done with that. So, I have to literally steal away to brush my hair...because he will try to ride the brush.....no go...he is tracking me down and I am ducking and diving. As a result...I often forget where the hell my brush is because I dashed into some area of the house to hide and left it there. By morning, I am like...'Where the hell is that brush?'...making hiding all the more difficult in the first place!' LOL. Just an example of the benefit of having a wild parrot flying around the house. Anyway...he is my best friend for sure. I love him like I have loved nothing else. Poop and all. The connection I ahve with Isaac can only be described using the sweetest words. Except maybe for the times he becomes Congo Jungle Parrot and becomes possessive. Yeah...he'll have a little fit over a 'toy'. But I love that lil red butt! Anyway, I will try to stop by and write more about my little friend and read some of the posts. I ahve been working on some serious things but I am coming out of the haze. Cheers Everyone!
  21. I have the video...watched it...now it is a 30 dollar picture on my desk at work. It's a pretty cool video...but it is compiled from a lot of online material. From what I understand...the money does go to the Alex Foundation. It makes me feel sorry for Alex though. One of the most heartbreaking things is how he would get attached to the students who would study his behavior. Then they would have to move on with their lives...leaving Alex. There are some genuinely entertaining parts though.
  22. It's cool that you should say that because that is kind of what I set out to do with Isaac. To just love a bird like I would my best friend. He's a great subject. LOL. I really just treat him as kindly as I would any other person. He is truly a special companion.
  23. He obviously brings the child out of me. I don't act like that all the time. Just sayin' LOL. I was watching myself and it was kind of funny to see. He really does put a smile on my face.
  24. Yep..and I have heard it after a quick flight too..it gets pretty fast!
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