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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Well we just got back. He was not too thrilled about the exam...but he made it. He is sitting and occasionally getting back to his little sounds. Now flying around again too. Getting full blood work done on him and will hear the results tomorrow. Nothing could be seen wrong with him physically. Probably hormonal. Guess I will just make sure he has all he needs...good food and veggies, toys...and tons of love. I'll let you know the blood results. I love my baby so much....Just want him to be happy.
  2. Yep we are just doing our normal thing this morning. The only things different would be that I have been on vacation, but home only slightly more often than normal. Isaac doesn't seem to mind this much. His behavior seems quite normal. Sexual frustration...that could be a maybe for sure. He does make his desires known sometimes. Over the last few days, when I get out of the shower, he fly's to my shoulder, does a phone ring sound, then a mourning dove call...then proceeds to get a little excited (beginning of panting). So I have been seeing slight elevations in his desires. Either that...or I get the idea something is itching his skin. There is no such thing as a nice bath with Isaac...he typically avoids them. I have given him a couple of quick ones over the past couple of days to see if it would help him. He didn't appreciate it much, but he seemed okay after the fact. He's doing a fabulous job of keeping me busy this morning as he usually does. LOL. If I try to spray anything at Isaac...I will be lucky to keep an un-mangled trigger finger. I tend to respect his desire to not have anything sprayed at him, but I can rub his tummy and take a few nibbles if I need to massage something in. I will report when I get back from the vet. Fortunately...it looks like they have some good folks there to help look at him. I just hope he doesn't get traumatized by the vet visit itself!!! I have to put him in his travel cage and that isn't usually the greatest thing in the world. When he gets scared of things, he flaps and I have to calm him down as much as possible. Hoping all goes well for my baby....I love this bird more than anything. I could barely make the appointment without crying...had to tell the lady on the phone to wait a sec while I choked back my tears to explain what I was seeing.
  3. The smoke alarm is one we all hope Isaac forgets one day. It is this tremendously loud and high pitched beep. We keep ignoring it, but he still likes to do it. The worst is when he flies to my shoulder and does it next to my ear. Then I get what they call a "temporary hearing threshold shift"...which basically means I can't hear stuff I used to for a little bit. Please forget this sound.
  4. I would be completely unaware anything was wrong if it weren't for the piles of feathers. He's playing and bouncing off me as usual. Anyway...I have an appointment with him at 2:20OM today here... http://www.drexotic.com/
  5. I am gonna see if I can get him to vet to get him checked out tomorrow, but in the meantime....he has stopped for now. Trying not to make a big deal about it with him....but it was hard to watch him just tweak feathers off and see them falling. Overall, he still seems to be a happy bird, cruising around and being the child he is. But about 5 days ago I noticed a little spot starting around his tummy. Now it is all too often I see feathers gathering underneath him...and I get worried because what was once his beautiful tummy is getting ravaged now. I wonder if it's dryness or what. He's happily waddling across the floor right now saying "peek-a-boo". I don't know what is up with him. I'll get him checked out though.
  6. I wish I knew of something I could do now. If anyone ahs any action I can take now, that'd be great.
  7. He is breaking them off around his neck right now as I sit here. Snapping little ones off on the shaft. The only considerable stress is now that he is doing this. He seems really happy otherwise. But right now..he is snapping them off and I can't stop him.
  8. Isaac seems to still be his normal little self save one thing. Looks like he is bent on taking his chest feathers out and over the last five days he has done a pretty decent number on his chest feathers. It's starting to look a bit furry and I find feathers littering the bottom of the cage. There haven't been any major changes in routine or anything. Is he molting or developing a bad habit?
  9. That is so sweet. LOL. What a beautiful bird too.
  10. I named Isaac after Isaac Newton just out of respect for his intelligence. Isaac does his fair share of defying gravity rather than defining it though. I should have named him "'Little boooooyyeee" though cause that's who he think s he is. Only because when I come home I get ridiculously excited to see him and say, "Hiiiiiii litttllleee booooyyyeee!". Now I am treated to this welcome when I come home. LOL. Funny.
  11. First of all....what a wonderful question. I used to just wad up a paper ball and roll it past Isaac...he'd do anything from just flip it to flapping his wings wildly and doing jungle calls. I often just resort to goofing off at him from time to time to see what he picks up. They love when you make funny noises at them. Play peek-a-boo with them!!...Isaac loves it. And it is the cutest thing in the world when you hear that first....'Peek-a-boo' as I am sure you will. So long as your excited when you play.
  12. Here is said Tui video.....just don't let this be you....cause he loved his bird quite a bit....
  13. I am wondering if you just want to have a 'flighted' parrot or one that will actually fly outside or simply to let the feathers grow out for limited flight indoors. Isaac has never been clipped and he flies like an ace inside. I originally was going to take him outside for some leashed flying but it was a bit difficult and I ended up giving up. I determined that he is pretty damned happy having the run of my house. LOL. Some ask me if they can really fly that well inside....the answer is a resounding yes. He has never made a flying mistake and he goes fast....knows how to air brake really well...and does banks and turns that continuously amaze me. LOL....when he flies to my shoulder after a good round, I can actually hear him panting in my ear....it's really cool. From what I have read of free flights, it is the ultimate risk. Quite simply, you might never see your friend again and the fate will be questionable. I understand the appeal of free flights and can see how it would be the ultimate act of resolving that final step of trust with freedom....but it is also the point at which a lot of owners find out that they are no match for freedom, and or something will inevitably go wrong and you two will be separated regardless of the intentions. Take care of the relationship you and your feathered friend develop by completely understanding the implications of all the actions you take for them. PS: If you really want to get some gravity for how wrong this can go....look up some YouTube videos about Tui and his affectionate owner who wanted to take the free flight step.
  14. Awe....thank you for this wonderful comment. He has brought so much to my life and he is quite equal to any other family member. Inside each one of these guys (all life for that mater) is a whole life with emotions and all the stimulation of life. I always think, it could be me inside that bird....how would I want it? I love Isaac a ton and hope that among the human species more people realize the miracle of all life and respect it. Thanks for your love of these wonderful grey feathered friends.

  15. Just keep going slow and always try to obey their wishes. I think Isaac started letting me touch him when he was preening himself. He would be really into his preening while sitting on my knee and I would sneak in a scratch on his neck. Eventually, he came to like the scratches...at least a little. I wouldn't ever expect to be able to walk up to him at all times to get a nice scratch. They will definitely tell you when they are not interested in this...and it'll be most of the time. I love to touch Isaac but sometimes...when he is scooting his butt out of the way in avoidance, I just say...'Ok...not now...I'm sorry' and move on. One piece of advice...don't attempt to pet them as they eat....they do not like this. It will frustrate them if you persist too. Just go very slow with intimate contact and see where it goes. Also, don't try to maintain expectation as for how long this should take. Be patient, a relationship with another species is a delicate thing. Your intentions are well-meaning and you only want to give mucho love to your baby, but no matter how slow you speak and how bright the love in your heart...there is no way for them to know other than through careful action.
  16. Parrot rescue is a wonderful thing. Maybe I was too brief in my point. Doing things for the well-being of parrots will always be good. I am just saying that if you truly look deeply into it, it is all just somewhat unnatural. No matter how good of a home we give our birds, they are still never totally free. It s not to say that we don't give them wonderful lives, but a little piece of my heart breaks each time I have to put Isaac into his cage. Though he is probably safer in my home than he may be in his natural environment, I can't help but sometimes wonder if it would still be worth it to him just to be completely free and with other parrots. Besides, he is only safer in my home because of trappers which are inspired by bird parrot lovers. I am not saying we should feel guilty for having companion birds...not at all. I am just saying that at some point, there comes an appreciation for the gravity of what we as a human species have done when we take in other lives in as companions...and we always know that in some way, they are captured by us. It really gives me an appreciation for just how much we owe to them....so much so to the point of wanting them all to be free. That's all I am saying. Give as much love to the guys as you can by all means though.
  17. Priceless quote! I laughed my arse off when this line came up. It perfectly embodies the full realization of having a parrot in your life. It's how you know your really love parrots.
  18. I cried the majority of the time while watching, so have yer Kleenex handy if you love birds in any way. One thing I have learned from having Isaac as a companion is that these birds are certainly meant to be flying free and need a lot of space to play. My very best efforts still leave me imagining how much more Isaac would love flying out in the wild. Having Isaac taught me to love parrots so much to the point of wanting them to be free. This documentary offers that impact. Should be a video that all prospect parrot owners should watch.
  19. Here is Bat Bird hanging from the oven fan. LOL....I love him.
  20. Okay....I do have some video of the lil bugger that is begging for some showtime. I'll get it up there.
  21. Hey Dan!! Isaac is still being the loveable rascal that he is. He loves to make himself useful by opening the food cabinets to show me where the food is. He just got done showing me how he can hang from the stove fan hood like a bat. Even I have to appreciate how much curiosity I allow him to satisfy. I still look forward to seeing the little guy every time I get home. I always get a "Hiiii boooyyee" when I get home. Shortly followed by "ouuuuutttt". He really knows how to make that sound really feeble so it pulls at your heart strings. He still doesn't talk too much but the things he does say are funny. He says, "Butt". I guess cause I call my daughter a butt sometimes. He loves eating cherrios with me too....among many other things. I have found it easier just to go with the flow and let him have something off my plate. How's Dayo?
  22. Yep...that is the lovers dance for sure. I don't think they can help it...I think they just get an overwhelming feeling for you and have to express.
  23. Hahhahaha...Isaac does a similar thing on his hanging rope....puts his head between his feet like that. Don't you just love them? Super cute pics. I always look forward to our morning routine where Isaac likes to do fly-bys over the top of my head saying "Little booooyyyeeee" as he passes above. Yep....flying and talking at the same time. To see a parrot excited is a pretty cute thing. It is the perfect thing to get my day going. I love my baby more than most anything.
  24. Ahh yes. The heavy panting...lol. Always a good time.
  25. Yeah...sometimes he is a bit more obedient....I think he knows when I really can't take it at the moment. But if he see's me relaxed....ohh it's game on. Either way....I love the lil guy. I'll have to make an update post to tell of the other things he is doing lately as well. What a character...I no longer see him much different than a little child. My little child that is.
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