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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. On a few weekends, I have gotten him out in the real sunlight. He will get more time out there as time goes on. I am just taking it slow cause a lot has changed over the last month. He also has a sun lamp on him all day. I am outfitting a cage for outdoors and that should make time out there a bit better.
  2. Well...my little guy has them sprouting all over again. Coming in under the wings this time too. He has been on his new diet for a bit and has had all no-no foods removed from the diet. He is getting baths regularly and I am using the 'Pluck No More' stuff now in his water and showers. He has got the best chances now. I have not seen a plucked feather yet since they have been coming back...and I see around 10-15 feathers grown out on his tummy. It really is looking good. Just an update. This could be the time folks!
  3. I remember Cocoa well. I am so glad to see that you are starting a new adventure. Have fun with your new little friend.
  4. Ohh heck yeah...he's got me trained in many ways. How I am able to cook food, monitor Isaac to make sure he isn't gonna hurt himself, monitoring my stuff to make sure he doesn't do anything that is gonna cost me too much, grab paper towels, clean poop...stir rice....pick up the cup that Isaac just pushed off the counter. Bird lands on my shoulder...tries to hang from my shirt collar like it's a game to get my nose. LOL. I am perfectly trained to allow a parrot free roam of my home only making sure of two things; 1) that he doesn't kill himself...and 2) that he doesn't do anything that is gonna make me wanna disown him. LOL. The funniest is when I hear wings flapping....I will turn around...and before my mind even calculates anything....there is a bird on my extended hand. Now, often...it is the case that I will just let him go to my shoulder, but sometimes I just want him to get to my hand and I have some sort of reflex that makes my hand materialize right under Isaacs feet at that very last moment. Almost as if the action is predetermined by the universe. Of course I have the natural fear of open doors at all times. It's a protocol of action for sure. The nice part, is he doesn't head for doors or anything when they open. Whew. But we always listen for flapping wings. Half the cabinets in the kitchen are Isaac's...the other half actually house my cups, plates, etc. and have child locks on them. By the way.....I recommend these things called 'Tot-Locks' http://www.amazon.com/Tot-Lok-9-Piece-Loc-Assembly/dp/B00068O28M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1406062518&sr=8-1&keywords=tot+lock+magnetic+key ...coolest cabinet locks I have seen. Anyway....he has the run of those cabinets...and I put cups and toys up in them for him to toss around and out onto the floor. He will keep busy in those cabinets for a while playing around....making sounds in the hollow sounding corners....it's hilarious. He loves tossing and doing everything with cups. I love that bird....can't wait to see him when I get home again. He has me trained to scan the countertops when I think that I am ready to sit down. LOL. Failure to do this will result in multiple rebounds from the couch to see, "Ok...what was that sound?". He's made it a complete pain in my butt to find a place for my Kerig coffee maker. It sure as hell isn't the counter tops. Right now it has to be in my bedroom bathroom. Life becomes creative with a flying parrot. I'm in it for the long haul.
  5. Isaac does a few cute things on...well...command. If I say 'Google'...he makes the sound of the Google Now application acknowledging the request....then I can ask, "What is the weather like"...and then he does the response sound as well. It is one of his favorite things to do....to ring and make sounds like my Android phone. (I have an iPhone now...and he is getting all those too) He also plays a good game of peek-a-boo and says it back. If I kiss him on his back....he goes "Woooooooo" like an owl. Finally...if I tell him he is beautiful...he does a wolf whistle sound. Do note that I do not use food as motivation in any of these....it is his unadulterated playful nature. Since that is the case....I can't really say that I "command" Isaac in any way. Let's call them requests.
  6. I had the EXACT problem you did with my Isaac. Same thing with trying in his bowl. I would see him looking like he was into it and put a little "pool" out for him. I ended up just having to spray him with a spray bottle. Everything else was a bit risky. I would try to hold him and get in the shower...got some of my worst bites that way. He figured I wasn't getting the picture I guess. LOL. Anyway...he is funny now....he just kind of climbs around for a bit now trying to get away, then he sits on the edge of his water dish and lets me spray lightly on his tummy as I tell him what a good boy he is. I then take him out of the cage and sit him on the perch where he shakes out....then shivers for a few minutes like a Chihuahua. He goes right to singing and whistling after that....I think he is okay.
  7. Do be careful. I would go snorting bird dander! LOL! Hit....I mean sniff lightly.
  8. Oh every morning of course. It's a routine. I peek in under the cage cover....say "Good morning boy" quietly. Then uncover him. I take him out and hold him up saying, "Hiiiiiii boooyyeeee". Then I bring his face close to mine for a beak to nose touch, followed by a little smooch on his back which is the perfect opportunity for a little sniff. Ahhh....I'm awake now.
  9. Hahahhahha...yep. I am amazed to find out I am not the only one who really gets something out of it. Fruit Loops was my favorite.....ha! Bird breath is a whole other level......just funny. Stephen Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
  10. We can add "Parmesan Rice" from the Nourish to Flourish Parrot Cookbook. He is still face down in there after 15 mins. 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice 1 beaten egg 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese grated 1/4 cup of carrot juice Cook rice normally, add other stuff, stir simmer for 5 more.....yummy yummy for Isaac. [ATTACH=CONFIG]25382[/ATTACH]
  11. We can add "Parmesan Rice" from the Nourish to Flourish Parrot Cookbook. He is still face down in there after 15 mins.
  12. You know....he is always after my brush...I am going to buy about three of them from Target....they are only about 6 bucks or so about the price of a good parrot toy. Gotta also get more plastic containers. He seems to be a fan.
  13. LOL...I got out such a set of spoons...and he is actually playing with them right now. Gonna hang them in the cage after (and if) he gets done playing with them..
  14. Definitely going top be tried out. Thank you for this suggestion...love it!
  15. I can't get over those Blue Throat Macaws. Their colors are just the most beautiful thing I have seen!
  16. Yeah...I got some of the feather shine wash to start with which is an initial spray. Then 2 bottles of the Pluck No More. I hate the idea of holding back on his veggies and fruit...but Isaac is a dunker and ends up drinking a lot of water anyway. We'll see.
  17. So here is something that I have noticed about my little guy over time. I have bought toys, toys and more toys.....but my boy only likes to play when I am home....then he gets at cups, bowls...he seems to have an affinity for Tupperware and things of that sort. I will place items up in the cabinets and allow him to seek them out to toss them on the floor. He was trying to do this to my glasses in the cabinets...so I figured I would just give in and let him play in the cabinets on one side of the kitchen...and lock the other ones shut. LOL. (Have I spoiled him?) Now currently, I am trying to build other kinds of toys....he seems to have burned out on breaking up the wooden toys I rotate in and out and new ones aren't cutting it for him either. I come home and he is always perched in a familiar area...seeming like he is waiting for me. I often hear him singing, hooting and making noises when I am coming home....but I want him to have some fun in his cage. I am trying to use some toy supplies to make stuff out of plastic bottle caps, Tupperware lids...etc....but could use some ideas for what you do to keep them entertained while yer away. Pitch away the ideas...and I thank you for any help. Cheers!
  18. They are claiming a 90%+ rate of success....wow....with lots of testimonials....my hopes are certainly up.....a link for those who want to click along. http://www.kingscages.com/pluck-no-more.aspx
  19. I wonder if this would help Isaac too.
  20. LOL....that is hilarious. I love it when they do expressive sounds you make.
  21. Hahahahahha Fruit Loops....I think I have smelled this from the Amazons at the bird store. Very close parallel.
  22. How cute! Isaac did something similar when I would kiss him on the side of the wing. I would say "Whoooo" kind of like and owl. Then he started doing that after I did it.
  23. Hahhahahahha...I have smelled Isaacs breath too. Too funny. We must have all been birds in a previous existence. It is a blissful activity smelling parrots.
  24. I am just wondering....does anyone else just absolutely LOVE the smell of their African Grey? Ohhh my gosh....when I get my nose close to Isaac, I simply love the way he smells. It is kind of a musky smell...I am sure you know it. I can't get enough of it really. Love it!
  25. I now use Almond Milk in my cereal and my lil guy can still perch bowl-side for a few licks. No more flirts with Dairy. He hasn't had any baby formula for about 3 weeks now. Here is how the food trials are going: He likes Kale and Ocra He likes the Volkmans with and without red pam added He really took to the sprouts. I can almost get rid of his regular seed, but I still put some below the sprouts. ...about the only thing he is not taking to is birdie bread. On one of the first times...he ground up a lot of it. All subsequent times have been met with some rejection. I have two loafs though...so I will continue to try to defrost pieces and give him the option. I still have to make something from the cook book. I just got the ingredients for some Parmesan Rice....I think he will like that as it has brown rice, eggs, parmesan cheese, celery seed, and carrot juice. Well...he is saying "Hi Boooyeee" and asking to get out. So I have to go for now. Cheers!
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