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Everything posted by Malikah

  1. I bought The Bird Sitter DVD (google it for more info) for Kito when I first got her and she haaaates it. NickJR is much more to her liking.
  2. Hey Janet, I'm almost afraid to say it "out loud," but it seems that Kito is plucking less. At first it got worse, but lately it seems she is doing better. I ended up getting hemp hearts at the organic store because she wasn't eating the seeds. These are smaller and stickier so I sprinkle them on her wet food so it's harder for her to avoid them. Thank you so much for the tip!
  3. Ha ha Ray LOL! OK, I got the hemp seed, now how much should I give her per day? She weighs about 430 grams.
  4. Thanks for the hemp seed suggestion, that is actually one I haven't tried. Here are some pictures from this morning.
  5. My how the time has flown, I can't believe you are 2 already! I thought you might be saying more than peek-a-boo and the occasional hello, whatcha doin, luv you, and your name by now but that's ok. I know you'll say more some day when you feel like it. Your whole flock loves all your whistled songs and silly noises. Thank you for letting your tail and flight feathers grow back in. I can see how happy it makes you to be able to wing around the house again and avoid baths and bedtime for as long as possible. Please stop plucking your chest and under your wings though. You have a clean bill of health and it's just a bad bad habbit now. I have tried everything and there aren't any more hours in a day, toys that I can buy, nor dietary or environmental changes that I can make. I promise to try to quit fretting about it even though it breaks my heart to think I might be missing something that could make you happier or healthier. I love you my sweet sweet girl, I hope you always stay that way, even if you decide you love someone else more than me some day. Like the Daddy who has started bribing you with almonds and flirting with you all the time. Or Neil who is the only one allowed to give you bananas because he is the only one you ever bit hard. Love always, Mommy
  6. It is so nice to hear how he is blooming. Thanks for the update!
  7. Kito has the Paradise Toys foraging wheel and a Caitec buffet ball. I put her pellets in the wheel and fill the ball with shredded paper, wood beads, etc.
  8. Thanks for the update Dee, I was just thinking of you and Gilbert today! I'n glad to hear you are finally on the way home, but I'm sorry if that means your friend's mom has passed away. Cyberhugs from Kito and me {{{{Dee & Gilbert}}}}
  9. Happy anniversary! May courage and trust grow by leaps and bounds in the next year.
  10. My heart aches for you too Paul. Only you will know when or if you are ready for another "baby". It's been almost 8 years since our yellow lab died way too young and we still aren't ready for another.
  11. Glad to hear you were even more spoiled than usual on your hatchday Ana Grey!
  12. It's hard to hear, but Charlie is chirping along like crazy in the background. Kito did a little happy headbob towards the end too. Yes dear husband, your secret is out. It's just one more reason to still be so in love with that man 28 years later.
  13. That is funny! I don' think I snore but maybe I'll find out the same way some day.
  14. Or so he says. Sorry it's sideways: http://s836.photobucket.com/albums/zz282/Malikahsfriend/Videos/?action=view&current=VIDEO0011.mp4
  15. That's good progress then! I guess we just have different philosophies on trust building. There are some bird trainers who tell you to towel a bird and pet it until it stops trying to bite, and others who won't even let you go into the same room with the bird until it will visibly relax. Those are two extremes, but I don't ever try to pet Kito unless I ask her first. She almost always says no unless it's bedtime. When she asks for a scratch it's like a gift. Have a great weekend and enjoy your company!
  16. Thanks GT, that's the other side of the coin of what I make. I feed fresh or frozen veggies with mine since it's mostly grains, and she feeds beans on the side of hers since it's mostly veggies.
  17. Here's a good article: http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww3eiii.htm
  18. It sounds like Ziggy is probably getting a bit overstimulated by all the commotion and that's probably why she is nipping. Maybe a combination of fear/over-excitement. And I'm sorry, but I must give you a slap on the wrist for the sneak attack scratch on the head. That's not the way to build trust with a bird. Don't think she's going to forget that anytime soon. LOL! Be sensitive to how stressed the birds are while all the extra people are around. I wouldn't want anyone to get a serious bite when it could be avoided.
  19. Did someone say they like to roost in tall trees near water? I also think he will be back to that lady's garden. Maybe very early in the morning. What if you made a recording of you and your family doing his favorite contact calls and played it over and over. Then you could concentrate on watching and mentally calling him back to you. I'm praying you get him back soon.
  20. Let us know what the vet says. Bless you for being a foster!
  21. Aww, how could you be mad at that sweet face. LOL! I use the bigger one of these for Kito's toybox in her sleeping cage. http://shop.hobbylobby.com/products/wood-storage-box-722744/ They have no hardware, even the cover is hinged with small pieces of dowel.
  22. I agree, this forum has the best people, and you are one of them Ray!
  23. Happy Hatchday Sydney. . . and many more!
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