My how the time has flown, I can't believe you are 2 already! I thought you might be saying more than peek-a-boo and the occasional hello, whatcha doin, luv you, and your name by now but that's ok. I know you'll say more some day when you feel like it. Your whole flock loves all your whistled songs and silly noises.
Thank you for letting your tail and flight feathers grow back in. I can see how happy it makes you to be able to wing around the house again and avoid baths and bedtime for as long as possible. Please stop plucking your chest and under your wings though. You have a clean bill of health and it's just a bad bad habbit now. I have tried everything and there aren't any more hours in a day, toys that I can buy, nor dietary or environmental changes that I can make. I promise to try to quit fretting about it even though it breaks my heart to think I might be missing something that could make you happier or healthier.
I love you my sweet sweet girl, I hope you always stay that way, even if you decide you love someone else more than me some day. Like the Daddy who has started bribing you with almonds and flirting with you all the time. Or Neil who is the only one allowed to give you bananas because he is the only one you ever bit hard.
Love always,