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Everything posted by Malikah

  1. This morning she FINALLY said I love you again. I think it was 10/10/10 the one and only time she said it. It has been nothing but peek-a-boo since then. Just now I heard her say baby, what cha doin, and a bunch of mumbling. Woo hoo!!!!
  2. 15 bean mix, brown rice, alphabet noodles, wheat berries, cooked millet, barley, pepitos, frozen veggie mix, boiled popcorn, golden flax, sliced almonds, pecan pieces, a few sunflower seeds. Everything organic of course.
  3. Best wishes for Sully and Jordan! What a wonderful thing you have done for them both.
  4. Here's what I did today. Now it's resting in the fridge and I'll bag and freeze it tomorrow.
  5. I'm happy to report that my little girl is doing great. She will be finished with her medicine on the 20th and has a vet follow up appointment on the 24th. She is not chewing or picking feathers at all anymore and they are coming back in droves. She's on the verge of a bunch of new words too. Here are some pictures: 1/27/11 After she had been chewing feathers for about a month. 3/27/11 At her worst. It was actually worse than it looks in this picture too. Today Belly feathers! Right side Left side and back
  6. Yeah! Lucky birds indeed. Talon, if they don't have them in the hardware stores where you are try a farm supply store, or home and garden center.
  7. Congratulations! I'd be crying too.
  8. Welcome! This forum has been very helpful to me too. Congratulations on your new baby! Please tell us more about BB Chu in the "other birds" topic.
  9. I love his raspy little voice. If ducks could talk they would sound like Opey.
  10. Yes, you have to work hard on teaching him and don't let him go until he is good at grabbing the worms. Robins develop very very fast and the parents only feed them for a couple of days after they are flighted. It's not hard to release robins, you just have to put a lot of time into it for a couple of days. Sparrows and starlings on the other hand - argh!
  11. Aww, I hope Slater is feeling more at home today.
  12. It's kind of a blurry picture, is it a baby robin? If it is, that one is big enough that you should start weaning him onto earthworms. He doesn't need a heating pad anymore if you keep your house at 70 degrees or above. It's good that he is attached to you for now. That way you won't have to be chasing after him when you take him outside and play with him and put worms on the ground and encourage him.
  13. The only time Kito digs is when she is begging for more table food. I always give in (or at least make her think I did). Her cage is right next to the diningroom table.
  14. A closet sounds bad, but maybe it's bigger than my 8 x 8 bird room! A nightlight is important to help prevent night fright. What an adorable baby he/she is! Your little friend is probably going to need a few more toys of all different varieties and another perch or ladder or swing.
  15. Pictures please, and make sure the heating pad is not under all of the "nest" so that if baby gets too warm it can move to a cooler spot.
  16. Salsa you are not a good girl! LOL!!
  17. This kind of reminded me of your style for the leaves and flowers http://www.antiqueamericanstainedglasswindows.com/fid5039-1.JPG
  18. It is a joy to read this thread. Cyberhugs all around!
  19. I looked at your pictures and I may have figured out part of the problem. It's totally adorable except for the vines on the trees remind me of snakes. Maybe if you painted a few leaves on them here and there they would be less scary. I dunno, maybe I'm just weird. Well, yes I am weird, but maybe it will help.
  20. I'm glad to hear she is taking her to the vet. Congrats from me to on the switch to e-cigs. Can I get a copy of that pm too please?
  21. Malikah

    Sick again

    427 grams after the morning bomb. I'm a happy bird momma!!!
  22. I'm no expert, but do you have an avian sun light? Also I would suggest some red palm oil. She might just be molting, but it might not.
  23. Great news! Kito and I are going through a very similar situation, only she had aspergillosis. She gets retested in another month, but seems to be feeling like her old self again. Jayd suggested to only bathe her once or twice a week and Danmcq suggested a product called Feather-In to someone else in another thread somewhere. I also got her an avian sun light along with increasing the red palm oil. Mostly she has stopped chewing, but I still find chunks once in a while. Did AnnaBella chew off her flights and tail feathers too?
  24. Wishing you the best of luck with Lucy. I'm glad you have a good avian vet. I hope you keep talking to Jayd and others who have dealt with self mutilation as well. It sounds like you have your hands full with a new baby too. Please don't forget to take care of yourself as well. We're all pulling for you!
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