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Everything posted by Malikah

  1. I'm glad you found Koko so you get to be "chosen" also.
  2. So precious, thanks for sharing Dave!
  3. Yeah, a REAL sighting! Odds are that he will be back to that area Paul. Keep the faith!
  4. I love that stuff! When Kito rendered herself flightless I strung plastic chain to connect her favorite places in the birdroom. It becomes a little more stable to walk on for flightless birds if you twist it.
  5. Wow, what a pretty boy! Even a clipped bird can fly surprisingly well if they catch a breeze. A bird who cannot fly well is easy prey if it does get outdoors. If you are intent on doing it, I would do it way before the trip. We went to a wedding out of town and had the birdsitter tend to Kito without letting her out of her cage. That was only 3 days, I don't know how long you are going to be gone.
  6. How sweet. Did Sully remember you? Well, I'm sure he did, but did he acknowledge the fact?
  7. I think she'll end up being just fine Samy. Ignore the bad and reward the good. Patience patience patience. And treats. LOL! P.S. I always put a snap on the travel cage door just in case.
  8. Oh that's a dastardly look in his eye! LOL!
  9. Small steps in the right direction are best.
  10. There are a lot of other factors besides boredom: How often are you bathing her? Do you spray her with aloe juice? Does she seem excessively itchy? Do you see lots of new feathers trying to come in? Any changes in her eating or activity levels? What is her diet? Do you have an avian sun light? She's at that age where she would like to be able to make some decisions about her life. Do you let her? I wish you the best of luck, there are a lot of us here who would like to stop this behavior in our fids. As Ranaz said, the odds are in your favor catching it as it just started. Of course, it could just be normal molting too.
  11. I wish I was more psychic, hey! What about asking Michelle Childerley? She's awesome!
  12. Welcome Samy, I'm sure you will get good advice here. Best wishes for your son speaking and Ziggy becoming a good citizen.
  13. Welcome Marybeth and Gabby and flock. It sounds like things are going really well so far. I hope the honeymoon never ends.
  14. First I had a budgie and a conure and then I acquired a kitten. One day kitten tried to climb the conure's cage and got bitten. Maxine cringes when Kito looks at her. I still never leave Kito unsupervised outside of her cage or bird room. She can't be trusted not to start trouble either.
  15. I'm so sorry. People are cruel. I'm still wishing the best for you and Murphy.
  16. Thanks for the pictures! Baby looks good, does he/she have a name yet? What a cutie pie. I introduced Kito to healthy cereal like multigrain cheerios, chex, cooked veggies, small pellets, etc., around this age. You can give him toys to play with and a stick that won't roll so he can start learning to perch too. Kito also liked snuggling with her stuffed toy lamb. She still likes to drink water from my fingers and she is almost 2. If I remember correctly I think I started giving her baths about the time her wings were mostly feathered and her tail and flights started appearing. Someone more experienced can give you better recommendations. Congratulations, it sounds like you are doing a great job so far!
  17. I'm glad to hear your baby is healthy and doing well! I'd love to see more pictures. How old did the vet say he/she is? I'm guessing 4 or 5 weeks comparing to pictures of Kito when she was a baby.
  18. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this! Best wishes on Murphy's safe return home.
  19. Congrats on your new baby Janet!
  20. Oh my. Prayers for this sweet baby coming from WI. As Dave suggested, I would call the vet right away in the morning to get a health check.
  21. Your post made me laugh, melt, and cringe! Thanks for sharing Dee. I hope your finger heals fast.
  22. That is awesome! Who could think these are just "dumb birds"?
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