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Everything posted by Malikah

  1. She is beautiful! My first parakeet was named Blueberry. He was very sweet and quite the talker. I hope your Blueberry is that way too.
  2. I'm glad to hear everything is still going so well!
  3. Adorable! Tybalt will be tame in no time with Beaker's help.
  4. Cornstarch works even better than flour.
  5. can we get a Greycie update? I hope she hasn't had any more seizures.
  6. Awwww I'm so sorry! I wish I could offer some help. I've heard quite a few stories of parakeets showing up in peoples bird feeders hanging out with the sparrows.
  7. I found Bobbi Brinker's book For the Love of Greys very informative except for the fact that she is a big advocate for wing clipping which I am not. And Kito is also relatively quiet and makes happy sounds in her sleeping cage until I get up.
  8. I'm glad to hear she is coming around. Follow your heart as to whether or not you decide to adopt her in the end.
  9. Welcome! Love your long rambling post. You and Eshe will get along just fine I'm sure.
  10. It took me a minute to figure out why you wouldn't talk to your neighbors about getting a parrot. I'm just a small town girl.
  11. I am lucky to be able to have a bird room with a large play gym that I can leave her in. I also have a companion bird in there - Charlie the parakeet. I leave the radio on for them some days too. Some days I put her in her cage in the livingroom where she can see the TV and leave that on for her. She can also see out the window. I let her decide where she wants to hang out while I am gone. I have lots of toys, I rotate which ones are out, and rearrange toys and perches often. I do have foraging and destructable toys and hide treats around in her cage. She finds the treats all very quickly, so I don't know how much good it does except make her happy to go in there! LOL! I think Kito is pretty quiet for a larger bird, I have never heard her scream. My conure was much louder. I'm glad I didn't get Kito until after Jolly the Jenday passed away though. I'll bet she could scream good and loud if she wanted too! I'm pretty sure Amazons are considerably louder. I find all her whistles and noises quite pleasant, but if I were you I would talk with my neighbors first. Optimally (from what I have read), you should have at least 3 different areas where your parrot can hang out (even if one is on the outside of their cage) and they should have a minimum of 3 or 4 hours (total) out of the cage daily. Some days this isn't possible, so if they can get out for 30 minutes three or four times on those days it shouldn't bother them too much. Spend at least 5 to 10 minutes of that time face to face with them when they are out. I have rearranged my life so that Kito is rarely alone for more than 3 hours at a time. I miss her too much if I'm gone longer than that!
  12. We have a Pick n Save grocery store here that has a large selection of organic seeds/grains/nuts. If you have to make a special trip to get them the nice thing is you can freeze them without cooking to use later too. When my supply starts getting low I'll gather all the dry ingredients for the next batch and put them in a gallon freezer bag in my freezer. Once it's all cooked I put 2 or 3 day portions in sandwich bags, roll them up to get out all the air, zip them closed and then put those into gallon freezer bags to freeze.
  13. Happy belated Hatchday Biscotti! Kito is wondering if she can have a french fry if you're not going to eat them.
  14. Hahahaha, that little finch looks like he's yelling at you!
  15. Isn't it amazing how you can tell "your" baby's call from every other bird? Congratulations on a job well done.
  16. Wow! That is so amazing! Sorry you guys had a rough patch, but somehow it sounds like you are even closer than you were before. You both are amazing.
  17. What temp and humidity are you keeping the brooder at?
  18. Thanks, and you are welcome! I freeze in portions that last about 2 days and serve slightly warmed up with a piece of birdy bread and fresh veggies and the occasional piece of fruit. Oh yes and a little bit of what she can have of our meal at dinner time. I give the same but in tiny portions to my parakeet as well. I think he is going to live to be 20. I like the rice cooker idea, I'll bet that's a real time saver!
  19. I agree a vet visit to rule out any infections too. Good luck and keep us posted!
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