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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. He's after eating little bits here and there throughout the day so Im not to worried now. I'll just make sure to keep an eye on him He loves been out of his cage an keeps flying back onto my shoulder even when I take him off:laugh: which means Ive got nothing done today lol He's asleep now In his cage so I have some time to myself. Owning a grey Is even more wonderful than I ever imagined It would be
  2. he hasn't eatin much today so far... Should I be worried?<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/09 14:08
  3. Thank you. He's very pleasent and friendly
  4. Another one as I dont know how to put a few pictures in the same message
  5. Here's a picture I just took... <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/09 11:47
  6. Here's a picture I just took...
  7. Hi everyone, I collected Georgie last night... He Is looking fantastic :kiss: He perched on my shoulder the whole journey home (an hour and a half) lol He was shy when we put him into his new cage but sarted exploring anyway. Ate a few seeds and had a drink.We left him to sleep then. He Is still a bit nervous this morning and wants to be on my shoulder all the time. :laugh: At the moment he Is sitting here with me at the computer trying to eat everything from the phone to the speakers :laugh: I think he's fav food are grapes at the moment So over all things are going great at the moment so hopefully will stay like that <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/09 11:18
  8. I will but pics up as soon as I get him all settled In Hope he's not camera shy:laugh:
  9. Well Im not looking for one straight away but It Is a bird Id like In the future and I just noticed that there very hard to come across here In Ireland which I find hard to belive as there are very beautiful and are known to be next intelligent to the African grey. I love the colours of both male and female but I think I would go for the female as I have a male African grey and male (suspected)Jenday already.
  10. Well the new grey was dna tested and all and does not have any virus so thats not a problem Louie does not have his wings clipped but my grey does so he can fly away not problem lol Im just keep an eye on them and hopefully they will get used to each other...
  11. I was wondering Does anyone know If It Is possible to get an Eclectus Parrot In Ireland... The internet Is giving me no info on Eclectus parrots for sale in Ireland at all???
  12. Hi Dee It's great to hear things are going so well with Juno. I am so happy for both of you and he sounds like a clever little grey I am collecting Georgie tomorrow so Ill be asking you lots of questions over the next few weeks :laugh:
  13. I'm bringing home my new baby grey tomorrow evening and I just need some advice on how to introduce him to my sun conure (which I'm certain Is actually a Jenday but breeder told me was a sun conure)... Is It ok to have the both out of their cages around the house at the same time??? I'm not sure If Louie (Sun conure)Is male or female as I never got him DNA tested, so will this matter to how they get along If they are the same sex? Louie Is one. My baby grey Is a male and Is 13 weeeks<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/07 13:27
  14. I know how you all love photo's so Ive put up some Of Louie for ye all
  15. My Sun Conure Louie's favorite way to bath Is under the running tap. Puts his whole head under and gets it in his eyes and all... So cute to watch
  16. Ok thanks for the advice Ill speak with my breeder and see what he's used to
  17. Hi all, Im bringing home my baby grey in about 3 weeks and i was just wondering what food to have in... I know to have the basic african grey mix but in regards to treats and other foods im not so sure as there is so many things to choose from. I know not all greys are going to like exactly the same foods but if ye could just give me a guide line so ill have some nice things for him when he comes home... he will be about 12 weeks. Thanks xxx
  18. Louie my sun conure is the same. loves the top of the door frame.. hes has them all destroyed n when you take him down hes back up there after 5 min.... :woohoo: and a teddy bear or anything like that wud not work as he is not afraid of anything :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/11/03 12:37
  19. Aww that Is brilliant:) I can only imagine how delighted you are
  20. Hi all This Is me. I will take photo with my grey when I get him home
  21. Your pictures are lovely :)I really like the one with the lampshade :laugh: Very cute
  22. Ive quit smoking a few months ago because I am pregnant
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