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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. Louie and Georgie finally meet :silly:
  2. are the lazt bones cages ok??? i have one but i dunno what its made out of
  3. Awww cool I never realised birds would sleep like this
  4. Hi everyone, Just another quick question... I have a towel in the end of the cage incase Georgie falls from the top of the cage and when he's going to sleep in the night time he sleeps on the towel lying down on his side all snuggled up. It's the cutest thing iv'e ever seen, but i didn't know birds do this so i was wondering does anyone else's bird do this and is it a baby thing maybe???<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/21 13:24
  5. I love this idea it's so thoughtful
  6. Im so sorry to hear of your loss Dee I really can't belive it...
  7. I think it's so amusing and interesting to watch the different personalities of both birds when you have two... I have two but will eventually give in to another:laugh: I don't think 2 birds are any more hassle than one...
  8. Come on everyone post your Christmas pic's here, Cant wait to see them all
  9. Great link Thanks for sharing. The human saliva one was a surprise i must say.
  10. Yeah possibly Janet... Im sure he would eat out of the cage if he was on his own for the day and hungry (I hope)
  11. Really Jilly??? I didn't know that in the Uk the pet shops can't sell anything bigger than a budgie. That is great tho maybe someday this law will come In here... I hate seeing parrots when I go into the petshops it's just not right and there usually there for a long time as the pet shop prices are way above the price you'd pay from a breeder. Hopefully who ever buys this bird for a Christmas present loves it weather it talks or not. If this bird is brought home expecting to talk and doesn't the poor thing could be just left in the cage
  12. Aww he such a little cutie and he certainly wont ever get lost in the crowd B)
  13. Surely this African grey cannot be talking at only 12 weeks old????? http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/birds/1091126<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/17 18:08
  14. Congratulations!!! I can only imagine how exciting this is B)
  15. Hi i was just wondering how your baby is getting on... Georgie will still only eat when he is out of his cage or the food is on a blanket or towel at the end of the cage... So strange :dry:
  16. I put the grid above the sand paper so he couldn't do It anymore and now when the grid isn't there he only does It the very odd time I just didn't like to see him so frustrated. He's also found a new food he likes... Brussels sprouts (Sumone made a balls of the cabbage!):laugh: :laugh:
  17. I used the aloe vera on Georgie last night and he was fine with It. Didn't love been sprayed but didn't really mind either :laugh: I tried him In the sink for a bath last week and he hated It:woohoo: Also lovin the ana grey pic. Thanks for sharing I will snap a few soon <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/17 11:49
  18. Lol I love them. The first one is so funny x:laugh:
  19. Thank you and your right he Is fearless and so so nosy :laugh:
  20. This could be a really stupid question but here It goes... I know greys give off a dust and can suffer from dry skin and when Georgie is grooming himself and then shakes i can see lots of dust rising. I read that if you put aloe vera in the water that is used for showering that it can help so im going to try that but was also wondering if you could also put a drop into the drinking water????
  21. Aww that's so cute How long have to had him????
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