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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. In the last 2 days Ive noticed Louie taking really big tunks out off his cuttle bone which he never done before and Its all broken at the bottom of the cage. does anyone know If there Is a reason for this?
  2. Yea i wouldn't think I'll find any info on It and Im to afraid to use It so I'll just forget that idea :laugh:
  3. .. <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2010/01/06 17:55
  4. Some more pic's for you all <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2010/01/06 17:56
  5. Here Is Georgie's cage and some of his favorite toys B)
  6. Im so sorry the hear all this Dee. I hope Java hasn't pick this up also. My thoughts are with you x
  7. I tried looking it up on the net but couldn't find anything the only name on it is powerpoint and its about 12 years old id say.
  8. Can anyone tell me If It Is safe to use a portable oil heater In the same room as my birds? There room Is the office and I am In here all day with them but As It Is Freezing out It gets a bit chilli from sitting at the computer all day and I have an old heater that would be great If I could use It but Ive read that PTFE can be found In some heaters. The leaflet that came with It Is long gone so how would I find out??
  9. I wish Georgie liked the water as much :laugh:
  10. Thank you Dee And happy birthday to your daughter B) I don't know If I'll get a look in atal as from the scan she is the imagine of my boyfriends 5 year old brother :laugh:
  11. I'm not due till the 14th of April but It won't be long coming all the same Bit nervous as this Is my first :unsure:
  12. Just thought I would share our good news with everyone We went for a 3d and 4d scan last week and found out were having a little baby girl New years eve was my birthday and my boyfriend took me away to Galway for the weekend and we bought loads of pink things!!! So excited !<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2010/01/05 17:05
  13. I would still never leave then alone together but it is great that I can let them out together as there out most of the day. Most of the time they don't even bother with each other :laugh:
  14. This site is so addictive!! Just so much info and storys Ive even made a folder with print offs of information from everyone on this site. Its handy to have so thank you everyone
  15. Poor baby... He's still so young and hasn't been given a chance atal I'd love to take him but I'm no where near you
  16. I just leave my fids in the normal cage during the night just turn off the light in that room and close the door. Sometimes i put a blanket or towel in the end and Georgie sleeps lying down. He just looks so comfy <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2010/01/05 13:14
  17. How old are these greys??? It usually takes alot more time and patiences for older greys to settle in. Just give them there space for a few days and let them get used to there new home. Do you know if these birds were like this before you acquired them or just since?<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2010/01/04 14:51
  18. Hi all, Just updating ye all on Georgies new Hello He's been saying It the last 2 weeks and its getting clearer all the time not 100% yet but anyone that hears him can make out the word
  19. I asked the same question yesterday and was told it was in stead of Kids. Fids as in feathered kids <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/23 13:50
  20. Peanut is lovely how old is she??? Can't wait to see more pic's B)
  21. yep friendly and nosy :laugh:
  22. man utd covers yes but not mine :laugh: My boyfriends brothers... So dont worry Jilly Altho my brother reckons they would look great with man utd hats <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/22 16:22
  23. That's a really lovely story.Thanks for sharing
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