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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. Im not sure if the grey feathers will lighten but the red tail feathers do have a tint on black at the end which will come back without the black after they molt
  2. great pics my George would not be so obliging lol
  3. You are very welcome He has lost quite a few red tail feathers so I'm waiting patiently for them to grow back! He thinks he is an acrobat at times and breaks them when he gets a fall lol
  4. Myself and my partner are going to go. Really looking forward to It now. I had never heard of her before but you obviously have
  5. This Workshop Is on soon. I'm thinking of going. Anyone heard of this lady before? http://www.parrots.ie/workshop.htm
  6. Thank you for all the helpful information over the last year :)

  7. We are all doing really well thanks Dee id love to hear all about you and your new fid :)

  8. Ah thank you Janet i wish i got to come online more often :)

  9. just took these there now... will get few better ones during the week he wont stand still for a min lol
  10. i had loads of him out on his harness all all but my memory card got damaged and i lost all my pics including new born pics of the baby. i will take some more of george later and post them
  11. Some more pics... prob boring you all to dead lol
  12. Thanks jillybean i will try put some up really soon x
  13. hi katana you brought home the brother in the end then did you? im delighted for you after your bad luck with poor juno. how is java? sadley i had to find louie a new home as his shrieking was waking up our new arrival as he is extremely loud at times. a lovely lady took him and i know he will be looked after oh i know all about attitude george can be like that at times lol and so lovelable at other times! Mia is 2 months and 4 days today. she was born on 30th march at 6 lbs 11 oz... She is gorgeous will add sum pics soon x
  14. Sorry I havent been online in a long time. we moved house and dont have the internet yet Just letting you all know that Georgie is talking!! He is saying hello, hello georgie, hi george, hello joe and georgie george george, ssshhhhh and also wolf whistle and othe noises... and hes not one till september...
  15. This is def my next bird... Won't be for a while tho as 2 is enough work with a baby on the way aswell:laugh:
  16. A quick update for ye all Georgie stopped saying hello after saying it for weeks as he has found a new whistle that he loves instead. Little devil :evil: Also he's gone so clever that when he knows your going to put him in his cage he will climb up your arm and onto your head or hang upside dwn from your clothes and grip onto everybit of you with his beak or claws so that you can't get him in...:laugh: It's funny but i know its something ill have to try stop. Ive no ideas how tho :laugh: I brought him out on his harness twice this week and he doesnt mind me putting it on him... He was a bit nervous outside tho and wouldnt leave my shoulder lol He is gone so much fun to look at while he is in his cage with all his toys... One minute he'll be attacking them and screaming at them and next hes talking away to them he is a great little character and a brillint acrobat :laugh:
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