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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. ok thanks everyone. He has a gap in his tail so hopefully they won't take to long
  2. Can anyone tell me how long it will take for 2 tail feathers to grow back?? The problem Is they didn't fall out there broken so im thinking unless the rest falls out they would grow back??? Georgie fell from the top of his cage while playing and broke two feathers which didnt brake off completely for a few days. But the tips still didnt fall out... Will they fall out in there own time?
  3. Georgie is still only young hesa about 4 and a half months so he likes everyone still and is friendly with anyone who's playing with him... He likes men more i think as no man can walk into the room with out Georgie flying over to land on them. He has knocked my dads glasses to the ground so many times now :laugh: and my brother is afraid to walk around with no top on as when he lands on him it's sore
  4. Hi everyone We're trying to pick a name for our little daughter to be. It's not easy at all :whistle: Anyone any suggestion on nice names???
  5. As Judy said just give him time. Poor thing is in a new place with new people and is probably very causious and a bit scared. Him will in his own time settle in just be patient with him. Look forward to hearing much from you and your new friend x
  6. I was thinking It was a mynah bird but wasnt sure... I heard they are great talkers and mimic's and was wondering are they popular in the uk or us ect... A guy who works with my boyfriend told him a while ago that he breeds them and that was the first time i heard of them. I wonder why they are not heard of much here in ireland....:unsure:
  7. Welcome to the forum. Everyone here is great with info and advice
  8. I really wish there was some sort of law in Ireland where Bigger birds could only be sold from breeders and not in petstores. It's not right! These birds are sitting in the cages all day and then left alone all night! There not getting fed the right foods and they don't get any attention only a hello of every costumer. Most of the staff don't know anything about them either.It's so sad Their way to intelligent for that treatment!
  9. My baby Is still only learning to fly (bless him) And at first When I brought him home he crashed into walls and windows and even flew too high and crashed into the ceiling. He also couldn't get the whole turning thing :laugh: But now even tho he's still not great at flying he doesn't crash into things anymore as he has got used to the layout of the house. Birds are very clever and yours to will have a few bumps here and there but he/she will get used to your house layout and know where to fly and not to fly. Use little stickers on your bigger windows so they know you cant fly through them. limit the amount of mirrors as these are a hazzard. My little Jenday Is fully flighted and he flys really fast all over the house and never flies into anything. When i got him first he had the odd knock tho
  10. I wish The weather was as beautiful here so I could train Georgie on his harness. Its snowing here...
  11. What typr of bird Is this?? Lovely pic by the way x
  12. Oh I cant wait to see some pic's... What a really kind thing you have done. Karma to you x:)
  13. File is too big it says ill try again later x
  14. I know yer prob all sick of looking at my pic's but heres a couple more anyway as I can't help myself. I love snapping pic's of the boys
  15. Thank you for that very useful tip I must try It out next time
  16. My Jenday Louie also often has kinda bad breath but i never really thought much of this... Now im a bit concerned It's not really bad but you'd notice a little smell.<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2010/01/08 13:57
  17. I clean my whole cage once a week and just the bottom and food and water holders every day and I find that just really hot water and a little scrubing brush works great and for really really stubborn bits i use some wash up liquid. Just make sure to rinse it really well after you can also but cage cleaner solution In the pet shop which might be worth getting if all else fails
  18. Im not sure how long it would have to be i suppose it would depend really on how big you want It and where you want It for. I think the name Is a Boing
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