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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. That would be brilliant!!! Cant wait to get to know everyone:P
  2. Anyone know of a avian vet in Ireland other than the one in Wicklow? It's far from me and Im worried In case of an emergency:(<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/10/23 12:17
  3. Thank you all for the advice... Hopefully In time I will Have my Grey on the aviator xxxB)Oh one more thing... Is the medium sized harness big enough? <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/10/23 09:52
  4. Is It hard to train a new grey to let you put on a flight harness?? And how would I go about doing this without annoying her... As I want her to like me not hate me...:unsure: <br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/10/22 19:11
  5. nice to meet u.. i am also new to this site.. looking forward to getting to know you and others
  6. Hi B) I am picking up mu new African Grey In 4 weeks. She has been hand reared so Im just wondering does this mean she automaticaly wont mind been handled by me or will It still take some time before she will allow me to handle her? :unsure:
  7. Looking forward to getting my first African Grey soon and just want to find out as much as possible to give him the best home... I have a sun conure louie.... he is mad lol i hope they get along
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