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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. what I great idea! I'll probably grab a couple when we go somewhere to eat that has those cups... and see what Yoshi thinks!
  2. Hmm... this is worrying. Yoshi poops on command no problem. About every 20 minutes I put her on her playstand and say 'go EW' and she does within the minute. Then back to me again. If I don't take her in time though she still poops wherever so I know she isn't going to hold it or anything. Sometimes she does just a tiny poop and sometimes a full size poop. I've been told about every 20 minutes is right though and that has always worked for us... I have never heard of them pushing it out and hurting themselves, that sounds a little odd but still worrying... yet if I take Yoshi to her stand too early she doesn't try and try or anything, so just wont poop and if she hasn't in about 1 minute I bring her back with me and return her to the stand about 10 minutes from then.
  3. Wow that looks pretty neat Too bad Alfie thinks it's a death trap!
  4. I love the pictures... Yoshi also likes the Florida sunshine Luckily it is often nice weather here!
  5. Lovely photoes... it's amazing all the pretty places you can take your Grey
  6. Poor little guy! Barely has a feather left
  7. We definatly had that problem Ozzy! Yoshi loves shoulders too, and really we both like having her up there, that way she can go where we go but we still have free hands. At first she tried that biting, same thing, not aggressive just curious. She would nibble a bit then bite down and it would hurt. We started telling her when she nibbled "Be gentle!" or "Be carefull!" and if she bit down we said 'No' and removed her to her cage and left the room. 5 minutes later I'd come back, get her out, talk to her, not let her on my shoulder for a little while, then put her up there and say "Be gentle!" and she would be all happy to be up there again. If after a couple minutes she bit again... then the process starts all over again. Believe me it's frustrating at first, you do it several times a day and then you think they understand and then the next day it happens again. But she bit for less than a month and I have never had an ear or face bite since (that's like 8 months ago) so she has been trained. Of course you could always ban her from your shoulder if you need to, but for us this was the good option Especially if it's curiousness, they soon realize that their beaks upset you. If Yoshi ever gets moody when I remove her from my shoulder, she is done with the shoulder for the day, but that rarely happens anymore. She is a pretty gentle bird Hope this helps!
  8. Lol I call in 'Gremlin talk' and say "You're a gremlin!" cause it's all low and nonsense Then Yoshi will yell 'Peek-A-Boo!' just to prove to me she can talk human too
  9. Aww they are so lovable sometimes Yeah Yoshi will fall asleep on my shoulder sometimes when watching TV after dinner, and just tuck her head back and get all comfy... it's fine in my opinion, just don't squish her Since you are not laying down and she is on your chest you should be fine lol.
  10. How funny... I have to watch out with Yoshi as my husband and I get into a good video game with Yoshi mumbling or eating on her stand and do tend to curse if something happens in the game.
  11. What a lovely picture... Sounds like Alfie had a nice exhausting day!
  12. Yoshi does that often after a long day or if I have her up late Their little sneezes are cute, you are right
  13. Cute pictures it's funny when they are all nosy... Yoshi will investigate anything Im holding or paying attention too... I believe to assess what right it has to my attention on it over her. If it interests her... Then she wants it too
  14. Yoshi has a cement perch located near the majority of her toys... It slowly dulls her nails but they still require a trim about once every 4 or 5 months... The breeder I got her from does it for free (if you bought the bird there) when we go visit her and see all her new babies... She also does free wing clipping and thinks Im crazy for wanting to let Yoshi become flighted as she has always clipped all her birds...
  15. That sounds great! I'd love to see a house full of birds and how they all interact with each other
  16. Yeah the second one is pretty lame... But that's Craigslist. Honestly Im glad to see these types of poor birds posted on there... Hopefully they will then get a chance at a better home!
  17. Sounds too complicated for me! I'd probably buy a more secure cage Good luck though, looks like you have gotten several suggestions!
  18. That's a hilarious picture Poor keyboard, lol...
  19. Lovely pictures How neat, taking them all out together
  20. I've never owned a cockatoo but a friend has one that is the sweetest bird ever... slight feather plucking problem but will bow her head for anyone for a scratch, she's your best friend if you scratch and talk to her... and I have never heard her get loud. ANY parrot can be loud... Yoshi my Timneh can shriek quite shrill and ear piercing if you are in the same room, but she doesn't do that much these days thank goodness!
  21. Lol what an experience! I'm glad you and all your animals are safe Good job on the quick acting! xcel - Yoshi is clipped and while at first she stayed on her cage top and play stands, she is much more adventurous now and soon jumps and flutters down in an attempt to find me if I'm not in the same room as her. When she is flighted again there will be no stopping her, lol, and I know she can't be trusted while I'm away. It just isn't a good idea because there is so much they can get into! I've heard several bad stories about birds being left out, so I prefer to play it safe! I leave plenty for her to do in her cage, and soon as I'm home she is back out again lol.
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