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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. I am a new momma and soo excited!!! Rene came home this afternoon, we learned he absolutely hates his travel cage, we thought my cousin would loose a finger!!! well anyway, we put him inside his new cage and after yelling at a strange toy o0o0o he grabbed the water dish out of my hand and drank and drank, it was a looong 20 minute ride LoL, he has been out twice since he has arrived, and he bit and made my boyfriend bleed, but this is very stressful for him so no hard feeling there;) On a lighter note, he was doing the wolf whistle at me and making kissy noises but I am leary on putting my mouth to him just yet. He is whistling, saying "hi" and "woof woof" and "WOW" he is also mimicing my quaker already!! playing with his new toys, he hangs beak first does the splits and then kicks the toys to make the bells ring LOL. I tried to snap some pictures but it was an instant puff and growl.. I apolgized and put the camera away!! (what a bad new mom I am!!) I just went and put him to bed 10 was his bed time at his old home, when my cousin's son would go to bed, I said goodnite Rene sweet dreams and he made kissy noises at me again :cool: More hopefully tommorow!!
  2. King Spock, I have told my little ones to ready for your next orders, and to wait until Rene gets here for back up!! He's quite the biter er fighter lol and would be a wonderful addition to your court.
  3. I agree, I would keep the everyone in until the air has cleared alittle.
  4. They are very cute but Bazil is they "typical" quaker, he ABSOLUTELY hates you, when he is in cage or lately even within eye sight of it!! I was bribing him with sunflower kernels while taking pics today!! Also I CANNOT get him to eat anything BUT seeds I feel bad for him I have tried every trick I know and to no avail he kicks everything else out of his dish and poops in it to show me his displeasure!! He doesn't speak any other word but "what" and he laughs when you laugh. I made a HUGE mistake I bought him while at a flea market having NO idea what I was doing with such a smart quirky bird lol.. my lesson was learned VERY fast after days of bleeding hands and tons of growls
  5. Thanks so much for sharing the nice pics of your fids, I especially like Freddy's bath time pic!! I just posted in the other bird room of my 3 tiny babies, They are all incredibly camera shy and freeze when it comes into the room LoL maybe some day I can get some movement out of them!
  6. This is Rene's cage, I just set it up this morning, and a few of his favorite toys will be added when he gets here but here it is!
  7. I was trying to take some pics of my other little guys but they were not cooperating!! Bazil the quaker is LOADED with pin feathers and isn't looking very pretty but this too will pass...
  8. Thanks Dave for such a quick response! I tried and failed to do some research on it, ooh well.. I have it far away from any of my dogs who are plant eaters! and its a very good thing.. I also have a smaller one in the bird room thats coming out just incase!! ps and yes I did purchase it late August!!
  9. LoL thats too funny!! I made my boyfriend watch it as a warning, and his new punishment for not letting the birds have enough out of cage time!!
  10. Just a quick word of advise, If and when you go to the store to pick this plant up make sure that it is a medicinal plant, I bought one over the summer it was a big plant and was only marked Aloe, I brought it home to it needed some trimming and I had a bad sunburn!! I cut off a piece of stem and there was Brown Gel inside and it was VERY STINKY!! I do not know what kind of Aloe this is but it is definitely NOT Aloe Vera!!
  11. I hope it's not the F bomb that would not be good!!! Last night I got a big F bomb after being bit It wasn't funny but everyone laughed at me and the bird I had just been told off in human words and bird!!!
  12. LoL Now we just have to find the perfect Spock Pole Dancing music!!
  13. LOOOVVEEDD it!!! She's absolutely wonderful!! Great Job
  14. OK here is the update for today (Friday) I never got up to go get the cage yesterday so if plans stay as planned I will be going up this evening to bring JUST the cage home, to get it all set up before Rene gets here, My cousin will be bringing Rene down hopefully sometime this weekend (I'll find out def tonight!!) It's very cold and raining here, so we aren't too excited about bringing him outside and I am not to excited about moving the moving the heavy cage LoL I'll try to snap some pics if I can tonight wish me luck!!!??
  15. I second that! I'm having trouble picturing a "shopping bag" grey :rolleyes:
  16. I am hoping to get there on Friday, my car is still at the mechanics :sad: I am going this evening to pick up a cage for him and play with him at his house. I'm really excited now!!
  17. Welcome back!! I remember comparing baby photos!! they grow so fast, Lovely pics!!
  18. Ok so here is an update, I talked with my cousin last night, and can go get Rene (said Rainy) I was spelling it wrong!! oops!! anytime, Trouble is my car is at the mechanics and cannot get up there until Thursday or Friday.. now the time is REALLY killing me!!! I was asking about him any likes or dislikes that I should know about, but he just kept saying he is going to love you and you will love him, but he is not really a cuddly bird and is happiest inside his cage or on a play stand playing by himself, so thats a wee bit dissapointing but we can't all of love bugs right? lol but I remain hopeful that maybe a new place and new parronts will bring out his softer side so to speak... I was also told about some of his favorite toys, which include the foraging toys and those indestructable bells the bullet proof one I believe, which is good because I have bunches of toys left from my shopping sprees before! ok, he also said he is not shy for the camera so I am hoping to get pics but he has started molting so he is a little cranky and looking a little shabby. enough jibberish for now, I'm so destractable right now!! one of these is the Rene I believe he is the one on the top of the cage in front!! they were all young when this photo was taken so I am not sure!
  19. OK, Clyde and I have had a looong chat, and I sent him to go see my boyfriend LOL, (he is always a little to cocky about things so maybe Clyde will help me on this one!) I am feeling much better, but wishing that I could go see Rainey before he comes here. Just to re-establish the friendship we had before but do to the circumstances of him being re homed that is not an option. So anyways I am going up Saturday I think and taking apart his cage and toys etc to bring them home and than we start the rest of our forever journey.. I am soooo excited!! oh and on a side note.. When akima had her accident, my cousin had offered for me to take Rainey just so that I could at least hold a Grey, but I had turned him down, not wanting to take away from his family... Its alittle odd how fate works out huh? I want to thank all of you for your confidence in me... I am now using positive thinking and keeping myself busy preparing my bird room again! I have also been telling Bazil my quaker that he is getting a new roomate and to please please please do not teach Rainey the annoying song that he sings lol...(dreaming) ok... off to clean cages...
  20. Hello everyone, With only a week away until Rainey comes home I have thrown myself head first into learning the best way to transition him in to my home. But in the back of my head a tiny voice is yelling at me "What if he doesn't cope with moving?" or "what if he doesn't like being with us?" "Just because he has never bit me at his old house how will he react to me here??" The voice is small but getting louder lol.. These are some of the conclusions I have come to in my research.. 1. Give him the time and respect he asks for 2. Hang out in the room with him, close talking to him telling him about yourself your habits and how excited and happy you are to have him with you. 3. Keep the same routine everyday with him. 4. If it doesn't work the first time try try try again, Don't give up on yourself your little birdy is counting on you! So my friends I am looking for some help, maybe alittle more back bone! any other tips from anyone would be perfect!! Thanks in advance ~Bonnie{Feel-bad-0002007F}
  21. Thanks everyone for the welcome back I am soo excited to take in Rainey, which should be next weekend!!! YAY LOL, I am also getting a "loner" cage for him because I sadly had to sell my other one, but as soon as pics are available you all will have bunches so thanks again for everything, man oh man does it feel good to be home Bonnie
  22. Well it has been a long time since my last post, and I thought that I would start here again! After grieving for our little lost one, and taking time for myself to pack all the little birdy things up, we have decided to get another grey, (almost 1 year to the day that Akima was hatched) We are not getting a baby but his older brother he is about 2 years old and is now in need of a new home... we expect to go get him in about 2 weeks so I will be busy un-packing the birdy boxes lol and making the adjustments in the bird room my quaker has been talking so it will be a great time in there to understand more the jibberish well now Im going to start looking through the threads for the best way to transition older fids wish me luck! Bonnie
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