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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. At this age, about 8-9 weeks, they look muck alike. Notice the Black beaks on the Blue-fronts. The one on the top row right and bottom row are Blue-front, the middle one is a Yellow-nape and the small one on the left is our Salsa, a Orange wing. Here's some treats: Blue Mutation Yellow-Nape Yellow Mutation Yellow-nape
  2. Sorry, after a couple of months old the mandible is bone/black, as well as a few to many traces of yellow on the head, along with the blue green on the cheeks and forehead. The Yellow-Nape doesn't develop the yellow on the nape for quite a while. Some Zon's don't develop there full coloration until their almost 12yrs old. As baby's,[immature] Yellow-nape, Orange-wing, Blue-front all look very much alike when it comes to coloration. In the 1st photo, I'm holding 3 zons,[immature] all the same age, 1 Yellow-Nape, 1 Blue-front, and 1 Orange-wing. In the second photo, same baby's with 2 blue-front. Thanks Jay
  3. Jayd

    New Bird

    Hi, Welcome, In this post she was referring that her cousin was sick, not the bird...Grey forum members really take well care of there fids.. Thanks Jayd
  4. Yes, I was referring to the link of the Yellow-crown you posted...Thanks Jay [This one] http://www.parrots.org/index.php/enc...rowned_amazon/
  5. Dan and Judy are correct, always keep track of what your parrots actions are like you did. Thanks Jayd
  6. A Yellow-nape or Orange-wing have the blue to blue green tint same as the Blue-front. not a Mealy for sure. A Orange-wing is is the only Zon with orange feathers. On the wing, instead of red the feathers are orange, the shoulder bend is light yellow. The photo of the Yellow-front you posted has a bone colored beak, not bone and black. http://www.avianweb.com/yellowcrownedamazon.html Thank you Jayd
  7. Many young Zon's don't show color change till they're older. Your photo could be a Yellow-nape or Orange wing, not a Mealy or Dbbl. Check here.......The has gray white feet, and bone/black beak, and blue shading on head..Check here.........http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index
  8. Do what you feel is right, she'll adapt...Happy for you.....
  9. Keep her warm, out of drafts, dry and call a avian vet,,,,Has she been eating? is she just trying to regurg? how else is she acting?
  10. ;)I brought this forward to introduce this room to those of you who are not familiar with it, the posts preceding it explains how the room works. All you new and old birds, give it a try. Thanks, Jay Maggie here, I post under the name of Spock, please enjoy this room, It's for the Birds, [Any birds]. From both of us again, we thank you and Spock thanks you from where ever he might be soaring......
  11. Bless you my friend.................................................
  12. Thanks, we've never had a problem, it's the same as you would put on a cut from shaving, the sticks are sold at drug stores. When using it you only put it on thr feather shaft. I'll check into it.
  13. Thank You, smart move, do you have septic powder, it works better then flour, being we have so many fids, we keep on in each room. Most good pet store carry it....Thanks
  14. There are no vets here, so we can only give our feelings, which could be wrong or right. Parrots break/lose feathers all the time, in most cases, we let the parrot take care of it. Medicine, if it were I, I would spray my my parrot with Aloe Vera juice,[this is if all bleeding had stopped and not restarted.] We prefer to use medicine when we have no other choice. Carprofen [Rimadyl] is a Nsaid for DOGS and CATs, I won't give it to my birds, period. This is my opinion and mine alone...... http://www.ckcbirds.co.uk/Rimadyl.htm EVERY BODY READ!!!!! It is not licensed for avian use but that statement alone is a bit misleading. This is called "off -label" use. Vets routinely use drugs "off-label" as there are very few that are actually licensed for exotics. If they could not use off-label drugs their treatment choices would be very limited. Thanks Jayd
  15. Greetings and welcome, were all ears, do you own a GREY OR PARROT?
  16. Speaking of Elephants, Our Spock was Hypoglycemic, whech meant he was opposite of a Diabetic, he required carb's lot's of carb's because he was so active.....Spock ate 4-5 big full meals a day, Sooooooooo, you know that big bomb your cute baby drops each morning? Spock would do that 4 to 5 times a day............LOL
  17. Thanks all and thank you, there's no one I respect more then some one who does reaserch...I've read the article by the gentleman who trashed Zoo Med, his is the only complaint on the www, he has no proof, the main complaint is weak stands....Thanks, Jayd
  18. Welcome, sounds like yo have a sweet little TAG Timneh, their tails vary from geay to maroon, we love photo, and welcome again...........
  19. Hi, and thank you for homing this Grey. The road ahead is slow, with time being your best friend. Put the new baby in the living room with the rest of the family, be careful of the dog, I don't think your Sun will be a problem... Every time you walk by your Grey, stop and talk to her, sit and read, sing and spend general time with her. Don't worry about touching or handling for right now. When the time comes make sure you don't wear a glove, Greys don't get along with gloves....More to come.......
  20. The FeatherBrite 20 Watt Spiral Compact Bulb is a full spectrum bulb which has a color temperature of 5500K and a CRI of 91. UVA 4% UVB .05% This bulb cannot be used with a dimmable light fixture. Replacement bulb for Zoo Med AvianSun Full Spectrum Lamp. 26 watts 5.0 UVB UVA + UVB = True Full Spectrum Light. This is Zoo Med response to my inquire: The AvianSun 5.0 UVB provides UVB and UVA in levels that are comparable to what would be received in the shade outdoors. Zoo Med has found that this is a safe and effective level of exposure, and can be used to provide birds with a normal photoperiod, without providing too much UVB. If the level was the same as that of the sun, the lamp could only be left on for short periods of time. This lamp can be used for 8-10 hours per day to provide true full spectrum light – visible light, UVA and UVB. AvianSun® 5.0 - 5% UVB Output, 30% UVA Output, FULL SPECTRUM. Thank you. The Avian sun is 26w and the featherbrite is 20w, [AS IS 6W BRIGHTER] the featherbrite UVB is .05. as 5.0 that's a big difference, ..500th of a % compared to 5 full % Thats 500 % larger..... Featherbrite says to use there bulb during the brightest part of the day, Zoomed can be used in a windowless room..Sorry to disagree with your vet..Thanks Jay
  21. We've stayed away from Featherbrite for a coupe of reasons: Product Description FeatherBrite 15w compact spiral fluorescent bulb, 5500k, 91 CRI, UVA 4%, UVB .05%. Guaranteed not to burn out before (1)one year. Standard socket base. A Zoomed has much more UVB, it doesn't have to be placed as cloce to your parrot, also it is 29w [Watts], a lot stronger. This is the reason featherbrite has a lower cost..... Featherbrite says to use there bulb during the brightest part of the day, Zoomed can be used in a windowless room....Sorry....Thanks Jayd
  22. Captive parrots vie for attention, two grays usually ignore one another unless one feels the other is getting more attention, the same goes for opposite species in the same captive flock. Instead of fighting, they challenge for position. All our parrots are weary of our Grey Cheek, he's never done anything to them, but he teases them with his presents. With that said, there are some parrots that just won't or can't socialize, these make good breeders[most cases]...Thanks Jay
  23. I'm happy to say, yours is a different circumstance....In your case it's like the baby was just moved to a different room.....Bless you.....
  24. I reloaded this for all our new members......
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