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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. :) Thank you so much...A hawkhead is a great bird, much like a CAG, you have to praise them when good and don't let them start any bad habits. They have more fruit and veggies in ther diet and seed.They like to cuddle, talk and sing, but they can be head strong.They cost around $2000.00 USA.

    Amazons LOL, You treat a amazon with respect, love, praise, and a rod! (joking) They can be aggressive and stubborn, loving and bossie... You have to be strong with them, tell them No, not the same as a Grey...and during mating season it's best to use a perch with them...:ohmy: (love-um all)

    Jay and Maggie

  2. Hi, Spock here...it depends...how old is she and is she cute??

    Oh, sorry! Thanks for all your nice comments. My computer time is limited so I will see you all later...

    Spock Pictureh050.jpgB) "Live Long and Prosper":) Pictureh099.jpgPictureh094-1.jpgPictureh117.jpgPictureh114-1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/07 04:32

  3. B) Sorry, counted wrong, Spock is only 24.5 weeks old now !!!!



    Hi, Spock here...I haven't written lately because I have been busy...hey, a Grey's work is never done. Training my slaves is a non-stop job. You would not believe the effort I have to put into it daily. I have to ride herd on all the other birds in the house and keep them in line. The little ones are cute, although the new one is a little standoffish. I preen her but she doesn't get the idea that she is supposed to return the favor.

    I like to play on my back now and turn over whenever I can. My Slaves have all my toys handy so when I am ready, they can hand them to me while I play on my back. My little friends like to hide on top of my slaves' wardrobe and when my slaves bring up the stick, I like to chew on it. I don't know why they won't let them stay up there...

    Maybe I will have time to write more this week. I am banned from the computer because I played with a few of the keys...

    How was I supposed to know they came off so easy and broke...

    ooppsss! here they come...bye for now...



    Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/07 00:54<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/17 23:43

  4. We have had our new baby Salsa, about a week now. An Amazon is so different from a Grey. Spock, her and the two suns get along great. (We hope it continues, not much chance) The way Salsa got her name was really cute. We were driving her home and he/she was very quiet the whole time. We were tossing back and forth possible names when I said "How about Salsa?" All of a sudden, she started chattering. I said "do you like the name Salsa?" and she kept on chattering louder.:laugh: Pictureh022-1.jpgPictureh025.jpgPictureh063.jpgPictureh018-1.jpgPictureh070-1.jpg

  5. The other day I was preparing veggies for all our fids. I had the water running in the sink as I rinsed them off. Starburst was sitting on my arm watching me and Spock and Salsa were sitting on the Atom waiting patiently for a bite. Starburst must have thought the water looked good because a second later, he crawled down my arm and sat under the running water. {Feel-good-0002006E}He was really enjoying himself and a moment later, Skittles flew down to join him. They were so wet that we had to dry them with a towel. After that, they curled up under Jay's shirt and took a nap. (aawww!:P :laugh: too cute!)

    Maggie and Jay


    Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/07 00:17<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/07 00:18

  6. :P We have a doberman, aw Pincer, aw well he looks like one... Rolo, our 5 pound Min Pin, Little dog, Big bark.(This is all in fun, Listen to Dan and others!)He gets a long great with Spock and our other fids, Spock try's to preen his ears,(ow)lol...and chase him.

    Jay an:woohoo: d Maggie:woohoo: {Feel-good-0002006E}

  7. Thank You, Right now were hand feeding at our home 5 babies, 2 tiels, 2 sun's and Salsa..Our problem is where we help out we have access to all kinds of birds, from rescue to babies/adults and re-home, and it's hard, real hard to say No!!We just finished help raising a hawkhead(wow)3 CAGS, 1 Moulacan Too, 4 Amazons, 4 senagals, and 2 Half-moon parrots:blink: and we love them all,were pretty much devoted to birdies...were non-profit...:PPictureh003-2.jpgPictureh007-2.jpg

  8. :P Lol That's a nice size bird...Buddy freaks out if any kind of perch or stick or treat stick is put towards him:woohoo: Thats funny crawling over food guard...:laugh:
  9. :ohmy: Thank you, we love our birds so much, We wish we could keep hundreds of them, they always return your love, one way or another... Like Buddy, he'll eat out of our hands:) now....:)

  10. Update on Buddy (crimson-headed conure rescue):

    We are thinking of changing Buddy's name to Houdini :silly: since he has discovered the art of escape...the other day, I was cleaning the first few cages and I turned around to find Buddy hanging off the side of the cage, waiting for me to find him.:laugh: He won't let us touch him but if we open the cage door and tell him to go to bed, he will go back in on his own. (thank goodness!!!!)Last night, I had covered them up for the night and was sitting down and relaxing. I heard a noise and we looked over in time to see a lump moving under the towel across the cage and then a head sticking out from under the towel, saying "good night baby" {Feel-good-0002006E}

    The cussing is much better and he has substituted called for Spock and Rolo. He also barks now and when he gets started, he will go through his entire spiel, including "good night baby, here kitty, kitty, kitty, come on out baby, come here Rolo, what are you doing Spock?, etc, (sometimes it seems like for hours:laugh: )Pistachio is not plucking or itching anymore but he is pretty bare so he has folicle damage. He and Buddy still preen each other and cuddle together. Pistachio will also feed Buddy...(too cute)Even though Buddy loves Broccoli stems, they are banned from him...Every time that he is given one, he goes into a frenzy and rips it apart inch by inch while muttering loudly and cursing under his breath. I just know that he is thinking about our limbs as he tears this apart. After the carnage, he stands in the middle of the pile of shredded broccoli and glowers at us as if we are to blame...:whistle: and then he goes "kitty, kitty, kitty"{Feel-good-0002006E}

    Maggie and Jay

  11. B) Spock has been flying for quite a while now, no problem he can fly with the best of them... For long distance in our trailer Spock first flies the short distances of the trailer, turns around and goe's the long distance, turns around and flies back to where he started... That's about65-70 feet,as fast as he wants, boy can he maneuver lol:ohmy: Like in the jungle, he goe's vertical,landing between furniture in small spaces and doe's hopping to go small distances. All concerns are put to rest!!!:whistle:

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