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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. :) Greetings..Everyone's advice is top's, agreed, the amount of fruit should be reduced..It is generally believed that if a Grey is on a good balanced diet, no extra supplements are needed,(vit's,min's,etc.)(palm nut's/oil Yes.) You might want to check this out further...:side: (PHOTO'S,please :whistle: )
  2. ;) That's great,we like Zupreem, have you introduced Gracie to your Sun? Are they in the same room? You might want to try that. Salsa and Spock coexist, that's it so far.:P :P Time cure's all:side:
  3. B) Hello, Spock here, My best buddy's are sun's, If you would like to read my slaves post" Sun-shine on my neck" in " Other Birds", you might get a laugh...


    Live Long and Prosper :P



    Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/26 03:48<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/26 03:54

  4. B) Wow, All answers and reply's,are great, but you know what I've noticed? These new Grey owners really know what they're talking about and know the questions they need a answer to...It looks like they read the post first... Credit to all at "GreyForum"...{Feel-good-000200BB}

  5. ;) What I understand is that a Timneh leaves the flock or is on his own at around 6 months of age, whereas a congo doesn't leave flock till around a year...So it appears that a timneh matures at a early age. If this is so, that's explains some of the recent post about timnehs being independent at such a young age. (Please correct me if I'm wrong) Jay:)
  6. :lol: Major day for Jim: Jim's voice sounds like a 26 to 30 year old young man's voice. Two of Jim's sentences are "Hello Jim" and "Can I have a kiss?". Everyday since we've had him, I say "Hi Jim" and "Gimmee a kiss". Two days ago, he started saying in my voice (Jay's) "Hi Jim" and "Gimmee a kiss". He still says the other sentences in the other voice. (It sounds like Jay's voice). He has been spending a lot more time walking around the outside of his cage. The last few days he has been flapping down from his cage to the couch and will get up to the back of the couch by my head. When we feed Spock, Salsa and Jim, Jim stays in his cage, Salsa in on her playpen and Spock is not too far away in the kitchen on the back of the chair. This morning, Maggie was holding Salsa and Spock in the kitchen and was feeding them. Jim flapped into the kitchen and I picked him up. Spock climbed to the top of my head LOL, and Maggie fed all three their smash with a spoon. It was cute! Major breakthrough for Jim. I then walked Jim through the house (I have done this a number of times) before returning him to the couch back. When Jim says "Gimmee a kiss", or you ask him for a kiss, he leans forward, touches your nose with his beak and makes a bop sound (He knows what he's doing). Four or five days ago, we found out that Jim likes Elvis and soft rock. His favorite song is the "Hockey Pockey". Maggie has to sing it to him daily and dance with him..:woohoo: Whenever we play Elvis or some other songs, he bobs his head up and down vigorously and whistles to us to join him:laugh:

    A note on Spock: He still not talking but Spock and Jim communicate definitely through whistles and sounds. Two sounds that Spock makes that sound so close to spoken words is "Jim" and "Hello" (?)

    p.s.Most of this relates to danmcq post about words....

  7. ;) No problem, It's so hard to hold up a bird at the 25 cent photo booth and getting a good picture, especially one with a beak like Buddy's !!!:blink: You should have seen all the tricks I used to look under his wings.:ohmy: :ohmy:
  8. :) Sounds good, You might want to try "Exact MaCaw" or "Zupreem Embrace Plus" Some people have had a problem with "Exact"(including me) regular, Kaytee changed the recipe, New label white+green. The macaw or plus formula we'll also help put weight on...Spock and our two sun play with each other, it's funny...Our amazon could care less.You can also soak some pellet for him, Spock took 23 weeks to fully wean...

    Thanks Karma to you...


    {Feel-good-000200A2}<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/22 03:16

  9. ;) She is a small baby, We gave Spock,and all our birds what we call "Smash" It is baked or boiled sweet potato,Organic peanut butter, either baby apple sauce, or fresh pears or our favorite, fresh banana, plus sometimes organic baby fruits or veggies..This is all pureed, heated( under 109 degrees) and feed by spoon twice a day.(except to Salsa our Yellow-Naped who eats it off a plate.)We also have 2 CAG'S, 1 15 week old Yellow-Naped amazon, 2 15 week old sun's, etc,etc,etc. May I ask what formula you use?:cheer:
  10. ;) Buddy, is a Crimson-Headed conure,(cherry-headed) He is a member of the mitered family,one of the larger conure, he is the size of a small Grey...:) He mimics very well, he has a large vocabulary, they are also very noisy...He eats out of my fingers through the cage bars now...:P<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/21 20:40
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