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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. :) I can kick myself for not having a camera...

    The McCaw is 1 month old, he is about the size of a cantalope, His crop is the size of a tennis ball!!!just so cute. He is a Blue and Gold McCaw...{Feel-good-000200B9}

  2. :P La cucaracha, La cucaracha,la,la,la,la,la,la.. My name is Salsa, my name is Salsa..I'm the coolest bird Ya-ya...cha cha cha...

    No more formula yuk, I like the good food like veggies, Spock's smash, and my seeds and pellets. Spock shares his smash with me...I think that's neat...I call out "Spock" a lot but he does not answer. I'm not like those other birdies...naaaa, they're stuffed shirts, sitting around, staring, contemplating their navel, ha-ha-ha. How now brown cow, yuk, gimmie food and toys...They have no color, a little red... look at me, green and blue and red and yellow, and I'm fun...My friends feed me and scritch my neck and pet my beak and feed me..no- slaves. I talk to Spock, I call his name but he don't answer..oh well, wait till I can fly, fun fun fun...Those little suns are a pest, they eat my food and goodies and crawl in in my cage....They tell me I'm just a baby still so we'll see...bye for now....Adios amigos...


  3. Bird date:07302009-1, Jim here, that's James T Kirk, don't exactly know whats going on, was just transported here a short time ago, there's a kid named Spock here, doesn't talk much, think he has ADD. There's a greenie here Orion, no, to much yellow,Salsa, what kind of name is that? Tribble? two yellow/green flighty things into everything... there all young, must keep quite for now...Jim out!

    To Boldly go where no Bird's gone before....

    :S<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/30 21:05

  4. :) Ok, camera is broke, I went into the kitchen, Spock is on top of the fridge, he's laying on his side neck, fluffed, one sun is preening his head and the other sun is "Walking" on his neck and preening him!Spock has his eyes closed!!! nirvana...{Feel-good-0002006E}no photo...:(
  5. :) Here goe's : If it's a Green-cheek conure, or a red belly, their one of the smallest, and least loudest,Their 9-10 inch,s long.(there's many mutations of GC)

    The next size up, Sun's, Nandays, Golden,Half-moons etc, a little more noisy. Next, Mitered, red-head, Crimson-headed,etc, can be noisy, their large and eat parrot food. As far as age,it's hard to tell. We have a few Conure,s let me know his whole name and maybe I can tell you more. Treat them as a Grey, just smaller size food.:)









  6. ;)A tear never hurt any one...you'll do great...We have 17 pet birds now, we sold 25 tiels for the rescue a couple of weeks ago, lutino's, white face, etc for $33.ea. We have 3 rescue were caring for at home, and 3 amazons we just finished weaning and 1 half moon,, there leaving tomorrow. So were down to 17 with Spock as flock leader...lol:woohoo:

  7. B) As a side note, cover his cage,he needs around 10 hr's sleep, he can hear you even if he can,t see you, but set the rules for him, you can vary the times slightly at first and after a while you have more leeway. When ever you leave, tell him where your going and that you promise you'll be back...Set him up to your schedules...Sometimes it,s not the best to have your bird in your sleeping room..:)

  8. If I may, can I suggest you set a routine that is suitable to you. Example: 5 days a week get up at the same time and greet him, 2 days a week get up at your sleep in time and greet him, do this on a regularly! At your greet time give him a treat, or hold him, etc. With our huge flock, we do this, and have time to our selves. We do this for feeding, bathing, etc, the fids love it.;)

  9. B) When we picked Spock's name, it was to denote intelligences, we love Star Trek, Einstein was taken, so it was logical to pick Spock... Our Spock is more like the Spock in the new movie ! Our new Grey seems more conservative,We'll probably go with Jim :side:

  10. Thank you, yes his past owner did a number on his wings, they really neglected the poor baby. Were thinking about calling him "Jim",Captain Kirk.

    He craves attention, and I had Spock on one hand and picked up our new boy with the other, they sat together for over 10 min's...that's great:laugh:

  11. He's home, after vet check, we got him to his home...A quick break down, He's a 2 year old male who had his wings clipped (bad),we evened out the feathers as best we could, they won't be clipped again... His owner died or moved out of there house, the woman of the house and the grandchildren didn't like him, so they ignored him. They finally sold him to Carol at Feathered Friends (rescue).It's Lucky that he shared a place with other birds, it helped prepare him for our home.

    To start, we moved his cage in next to Spocks, Talking to Spock all the time, then we brought in Spocks new room mate (sweat) Introduced him to everyone, Spock flew to the kitchen. In his caged he settled down and we left the door open, we try ed offering him treats but he ignored us.A short while later, he bowed down with his neck feathers raised, no eye,s pined, he let me scritch him, yea, he stepped up and I took him around the house, first to Spock, who got on my other hand. (interesting) Spock squatted down and turned his head to the side (like bowing) and let out a couple of bleeps! they were about 8 inchs apart, our new boy bob'ed his head a couple of times and Spock flew off....We put our new boy in his cage and he ate...Spock's doing great...

    Later that night, he flew(?) to me on the couch, he was calm, again he put his head down to be scritched, his grip was so tight it hurt, he took a piece of almond from me and made his first sound, it sounded like "1 drop of water" that's all, it's cute...put him to bed. This morning when we got up you could see under his cover, he was eating, than started playing with a couple of toys, he looked at us and made that water drop sound. Something he doe's is it looks like he chews his toenails ?

    We'll that's all for now, get back to you soon, it's wonderful him and Spock hit it off. We haven't named him yet.


    Picture006.jpgPicture005.jpgPicture002.jpgPicture008.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/29 16:28

  12. :dry:Morning, Spocks slaves here,(he's still asleep)This new young man is 2yr,s old, Yes, his last owners gave him a really bad clip,(he'll fly again for sure)...Clean bill of health from vet and we quarantined him over 2 weeks,s He "picks his toenails/talons".He lets us scritch him and perch him on or fingers. He is doing good after only 36 hr's with us.. We'll post more about him later today.. It's nice, Spook and him get along real good, we were worried.. Maggie:cheer:

  13. B)Hi, Spock here...well, the new guy is here...he seems the nervous type though, I watched him chewing his nails. My slaves aren't sure what they want to call him. I want them to call him Jim...I don't like his cage...its' too big and my slaves moved things around to fit him in..The poor guy can't fly but my slaves said he will...He lets my slaves scritch him and pick him up sometimes. It took all day for him to take an almond from our slaves. He is starting to trust our slaves...It has taken over 24 hours but he is taking almonds...I'm gonna snitch his veggies because he hasn't tried them yet and they are really gooooood! My slaves tell me that I am still #1 and I know it. I tried to talk to him but he is quiet. He did whistle at me so I'm sure he is the friendly type...I hope he likes peanut butter...Beaming you up some photos...hhhmmm, I wonder if he knows how to use the computer...oh well, I'm sure he will do his own posts...will keep you informed....


    Live Long and Prosper

    Having trouble with photo transporter, transport later....<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/29 01:19

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