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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. 10am: I am in the kitchen trying to clean up Hurricane Spock and I hear excited Sun babies. I drop

    what I am doing and run out to see what was happening. I saw Spock hanging upside-down on

    the side of the cage, trying to beak and preen the baby suns and the baby suns were giving as

    good as they got...

    10:20am: I hear Jay laughing hysterically and I go to the living room to see what Spock was into

    now...Spock is sliding, skipping and dancing across the length of the TV and back, while flapping

    his wings and squawking...TOO FUNNY!:laugh:

    11am: I sit for a moment to rest and realize that Spock is nowhere to be found...I start looking for

    him in the kitchen and the living room, the bird room, the bathroom...I am beginning to panic

    because Jay was outside in the garden. I go into the bedroom and he is there on the bed with

    a smug look on his face and a BIG BOMB on the sheet...:evil:

    11:05am: I am in the bathroom loading up the washer and I have Spock on the shower rod so I

    can keep an eye on him (if he was a child, he would be covered in dirt, scabs and mischief).

    When I turn around to get him, he is hanging from one leg upside-down and growling at me.

    (Oh God, is that another grey hair?)

    12am: I am serving lunch, pellets for Spock (he will only eat them soaked and softened...spoiled)

    Spock runs for the plate and takes his usual header in the pile and eats two huge bites...he then turns

    away and looks at the spoon and then at Jay...when Jay does not respond right away, he walks

    over and picks up the plastic spoon and heads back over to his food....he takes a few bites and

    wants to be fed after that with a lot of encouragement and praise....oh my!

    12:10pm: Jay and I look at each other as we watch Spock climb down and go under the desk...

    only 9 hours til bedtime....:whistle: to be continued:evil:

  2. :) Thank you, Starburst (has more green on head)is on the left, Skittles on right in photo's. The say that a young sun male, 6 months or younger, has less red! and a female has more red,than they change colors at around a year old? If so, Starburst is a male? Don't know if this true or not, we'll see...:huh:<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/06/20 04:22
  3. :)Another week, (7 wk's old)the sun's are doing great their eating 12cc's 3 times a day + squash, zucchini, crushed Zupreem fruitblend,millet, apple, keet seed,cucumber, and orange. They're hanging by one leg playing (lol). They have both flown a foot! They love to cuddle and squak....Fleging the've only lost 5 grams each.:laugh: Pictureh047.jpgPictureh048.jpg

  4. A day in the life of Spock:

    5:30am: Spock wakes up and greets the world with an unholy groan and squawk, starting a chorus of answering squawks from the other birds and starts the dog barking. He hears us getting ready to feed our baby suns and thinks he has to eat too.

    5:45am: Spock flies to the kitchen window and hangs upside down while watching the trash man empty the garbage cans. I am trying to heat formula water, fix his smash, drink a quick cup of coffee and juggle all the paraphenalia needed to feed the babies while he jabbers and hangs by one foot.

    5:47am: Jay is trying to feed two hyper babies while I try to feed one hyper CAG. Spock thinks it is great fun to try to play with the babies and then fly to the TV to be fed while I chase him around and clean the cages at the same time.

    6:30am: Everyone goes back to bed til 9am. We try to grab a nap too.

    9am: Spock's ready for his breakfast and is up for the day. After eating (again) he flies over to eat seeds/pellets at his station. I am at the refrigerator getting our breakfast, and Spock flies below the radar and startles me by letting out his loud groan/squawk and landing on my head. I know he likes to startle me daily but I am still surprised and he likes to scare me...:blink:

    9:30am: We are relaxing in the living room when I notice that it is too quiet. We look at each other and say, "where's Spock?" We run to the kitchen and find him on the table with his smorgasbord....chewed up bread, grapes with beak marks, cereal out of the box and....and enjoying a banana....AAARRRGGGG!:woohoo: to be continued....

  5. :) Buddy and Bj are doing better, They let me clean and change their cage, Buddy we'll take food out of my fingers with out removing a finger, most of the time. Not cussing all the time. Going to hold him with in a year or sooner. Jay and MaggiePictureh004.jpgPictureh007.jpg:cheer:
  6. :ohmy: We'll Spocks almost 18 weeks old now, Flys like a bird, Eats like a pig, and still cuddles... Made him a ATOM, he loves it, he'll get near the top and flap his wings and make it spin in a circle(lol)

    He loves to hang upside down, either by himself or if you turn him over..I guess I'm lucky, he will let me touch him any where. Spocks been talking and we didn't realize it!!! He would say "ACK" now we realize he was saying "Spock.(we think) Jay and MaggiePictureh003.jpgPictureh038.jpg

    grey.jpggrey.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/06/13 04:54

  7. B) New guys are doing great... Put them in their cage today, They love it, Starbust climbed up to the high perch!!!Skittles roamed the cage. Their eating millet, crushed Zupreem Fruitblend, and veggies!!!plus formula 4 times a day. Here's some currant photos, their puffed up right after moving them(lol). When I fedd them they perch on my finger, we have already started the step-up/step-down command.They love to cudle.. Jay and MaggiePictureh024.jpgPictureh033.jpgPictureh034.jpgPictureh037.jpg

  8. :) I'M SO HAPPY,:laugh: The food your feeding Cookie is good for him,and will keep weight on him!!! The pellets doe's the same thing as seeds, so if he don't eat much seed, the pellets we'll take care of him... Peanut butter and the other food you feed him will keep him healthy!!!

    Cookie might be a small bird so don't worry, You've done a great job and I know Cookie loves you very much...{Feel-good-00020114} Jay and Maggie

    p.s. like your new post

  9. What is Spock doing? 19 weeks old, As you know we have 2 new baby sun conures. Spocks been real good, curious somewhat,giving him extra attention, whenever we feed the suns we give him a treat, he sits with us sometimes when we feed them and he's beaked them...

    Today Spock was sitting with us while we fed them. After we fed them he tried to beak them then he regurgitated (vomit?)on my finger where he was perched by the babies, he did this 3 times.He was ok, just tried to feed the babies.

    I know they will do this at a older age.Any idea or

    suggestions? Thanks Jay and Maggie

  10. :( We lost Lisa today, Barts Mate for over 3 years. They are part of or "Rescue" fids... She left us a beautiful boy tiel, parent raised, but acts like you hand fed him...There was nothing the vet could do, she was vitamin A and calcium deficient, she had a hard time assorbing them.The 5 eggs she layed was just to much. We didn't want them to breed, she started laying in the bottom of the cage. Supplement didn't help. We held her and cryed it seemed like for hours, took her outside in the sun, and said goodbye!!She was a sweet petite cinnamon orange-cheek always took care of poor Bart...
  11. :S We tried everything....we modified Spock's playstand...we hung toys on it, we tried playing on it, we wrapped vets wrap on it, we tried to sit on it and convince Spock it was great...and now a cockatoo's slave owns it. We give up....:silly: We have another cockatiel cage with a perch on top that he likes; he also likes the top of the freezer, the kitchen chairs, the curtains,(his favorite), the top of the tv, under the couch....anywhere else. I guess there really is no accounting for taste...

    We got him a few new toys. One of them was a wood Kabob which he likes to take his aggressions out on which is better than seeing him demolish a calcium block or cuttle-bone (all that powder everywhere..whew!):blink: The other toy we got was supposed to go to the cockatiels but he got it first and will not give it up:laugh: It is a metal rod with a few chunks of wood and beads and it is now his personal foot toy...He has developed a bad habit; once a day in the afternoon or evening, he will get onery, won't do what he is told, won't step up or down unless you insist, chase after poor Rollo if they are on the couch together and shred anything he can get a hold of. We give him a time-out for a few minutes and then he is okay after that...:laugh:

    Spock's new game: I will get down on the floor with him and I will toss popcorn about two feet in front of him and he will jump and make a mad dash for the popcorn and then scatter it and growl when he gets to it. He then struts around like he saved me from a fate worse than death...too funny...:laugh:


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