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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. :S Caitlin to the rescue.... Thanks! Helen? Do you have any photo's? Everyone would love to see Cookie!!!Jay and Maggie{Feel-good-000200A1}(A man wrote this post, that explains the mess up!!!{Feel-bad-00020063}<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/19 20:49
  2. Hi Helen,;) Glad to hear Cookie is doing better!!!I feed Spock,9am, formula, 12:noon smash, 5pm, smash, then his bed time formula at 9pm...All birds are different! I put seed and pellets in his cage when he goes to bed then remove the seed at 9am, I put the cut Veggies in his cage at 12noon and remove them at bedtime.This is what we do,it might be different for Cookie!I don't leave smash in Spocks cage very long, long enough for him to eat it...:P Jay and Maggie

  3. Helen,

    Your baby should be eating formula. Exact Macaw or ZuPreem Formula Plus because Greys need the extra fat. I would feed him three times a day formula, hot.(105 to 109 degrees) I would supplement this with a "smash" of mashed sweet potatoes, peanut butter, butternut squash (baked til soft), banana. Serve warm around 103 to 105 degrees. Either spoon it or let your baby eat it. at all times, keep a little pellets, seeds and water. In the afternoon, put a bowl of fresh veggies rinsed in a apple cider vinegar water bath. Veggies could include chopped leafy veggies such as kale, swiss chard, carrot tops, romaine, collard or mustard greens, then, two or three pieces of lightly steamed carrots, include a couple of sugar snap peas, chopped chayote squash, zucchini and yellow squash (everything rinsed in the cider vinegar water solution.) Spock is 15+ weeks old and this is his daily diet. You will have some waste but like caitb said also, this is abundance weaning. Concerning clipped wings, the general rule is to not clip the baby's wings until they have flown 2 to 3 weeks and can fly, land, etc. excellently. the clip should be a light clip so the grey can glide to the ground. How long did you let your baby fly before you clipped him? Spock eats so few pellets or seeds its almost a waste to give them!

    Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/18 19:18

  4. {Feel-good-000200B9}{Feel-good-000200BB}Greetings from another "NEWBIE"B) I made a post on Bird Food about our Spock's eating and diet called Spock's Diet so he lives long and prospers. Spock's the same age as your baby. Maybe you'll find something interesting! A Karma to you for having a little shade of Grey.

    Maggie ;)<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/18 07:00

  5. This morning I was sitting on the couch with Spock on his couch perch (that's another story:laugh: )when I heard Spock growling softly. When I turned to look....No Spock!:ohmy: The couch is about 8" from the front window. I looked down to see Spock laying on his back on the 5" window ledge, feet and beak straight up in the air, playing with the curtain tassels above him!{Feel-good-0002006E} Later that morning, he was on the couch on his back playing and growling while he juggled his stick toy. :evil: It was really funny to see him trying to turn over. He looked like a turtle on its back:laugh: Another thing he likes to do is climb up the curtain (which is like an Indian blanket weave). He then hangs upside down and flogs himself while growling like he is under attack! {Feel-good-0002006E}

    Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/17 05:28

  6. Maggie here....caitb2007 and ranaz and all you food lovers out there, here's the recipes that I promised (Basically derived from other people's versions)

    Spock's Smash: this is Spock's lunch...it consists of

    *fresh boiled sweet potato (cooked until a fork or knife slides through it easily and peeled when cool) approximately one-half a cup.

    *cooked macaroni (any type - well done so it can be smashed)I use about the same amount of macaroni as above, give or take. (I don't measure too much, just throw this and that together:laugh:

    *cooked carrot slices (well done, etc)I use about a one-third to one-half a cup

    *Peanut butter (one third teaspoon)

    Smash this all together with a fork until somewhat chunky,pieces the size of a grain of rice. Make enough for two days or a whole batch and freeze.

    When I serve it to Spock, I smash up about one inch worth of ripe banana and add to the mix. I serve this to Spock at room temp, hopefully without a spoon:laugh: Some mornings, I feed it to him warm.

    When Spock was younger, I would add a few drops of warm water and puree it and serve it like formula at approx. 105 degrees. You can add any veggies or pasta that you would like. Sometimes I add some soft-baked butternut squash, green beans or peas. (Spock likes the peas but does not like the skins so I have to pick them out...:P )

    This is also a good time to add softened pellets to get the babies used to their taste. We call this nummies and he responds with bleeps and coos. He also makes the funniest growls when he devours this:laugh: He eats about 4 teaspoons of this daily.


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