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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. ;) Yea, they are bringing home a two-year old CAG male, I heard them say he was a rescue? Something about his male slave passed on(?), and the female slave and her little ones (grandchildren) didn't like him and they pushed his cage off into a corner and ignored him. I heard my slaves say; they fed him good and kept him and his cage clean but gave him no love or attention so he is afraid and alone. So, I want to make a good impression and be his buddy. My slaves have been telling me he will be moving in with us for about two weeks and tomorrow's the day...I hope he likes my "Sun-Buddies"...he knows the "Greenies", they don't like any birds...GRAY GREYS RULE! Ok, ok ok...wish us luck. We will love him, what's his name? Oh, we have to give him one...how about Kirk or Bones:evil: or Aristotle? I can call him Ari... :laugh:


    Live Long and Prosper

  2. :blink: Ok, tomorrow's the big day, he's coming here, his new home, my home, our home, Wow, what do I do? Where do I sleep, he sleeps, we sleep, together? My cage? His cage? He's older than me, whose boss? My slaves, his slaves, our slaves? They are in a tizzy changing things around for us. I'm in a tizzy. So many questions; I wish I can talk already...ok,ok,ok....I need peanut butter...where's my peanut butter...


  3. B) Hi, Spock here...it's only logical...That's what it is, fun. I do love the camera. Pull the camera out and I am there...:evil: As soon as I can sneak the computer away from my slaves and they aren't looking, I have some whoppers to tell you about...They are bringing that new Grey home Monday. I have to start preening now to look good....HEY, STARBURST, WANNA RIDE?....


    "Live Long and Prosper"

  4. Hi Spock here...with all these new feathers around here, someone has to keep order and I am Flock-Leader so I rule!!! My slaves have these green creatures they call Amazons...they start whining about 5 o'clock every night to be fed...I have to let out a "Quiet Down!" in Congonese and two of them reply "Spock" loud and clear (too loud as far as I am concerned). I get to eat my smash first (my "Sun"ny buddies and I share)and then my slaves finally get around to feeding them...(those greenies) It is funny to watch because they all want to eat at the same time and they pull the syringe from my slaves' hands and fight each other to eat. They get so loud I have to close my ears and fly to another room to get some quiet...

    Aaaaahhh, my Sun buddies and I have a good time together. I let them ride on my back and they do such a good job preening me, they are so gentle...Well, if I hurry, the peanut butter jar is open and the coast is clear so if I make a run for it...Busted!!! Time out in the corner...

    Spock "Live Long and Prosper"


  5. The one upside down is Salsa,she is the littlest and she has yellow on the top of her head all the way down to her nostrils, the one next to her has yellow on the head but not all the way down to the beak, the top right is a beautiful green and the front is the biggest with beautiful iridescent green (huge bird). They are all approximately 14 weeks. Salsa weighs 335grams, the next is 413grams, the right one is 424 and the big one is 445grams. They all eat about 35 cc's but they are all cutting down. We accomplished a little bit of perch training today and step-up training. Salsa is pretty well trained and the others we are working with...:P

    Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/18 04:46

  6. B) Hi, Spock here...My slaves are such suckers for birds...we have three more today. They are what you humans would call Yellow-Naped Amazons and they are babies too, only about 14 weeks old. They are a noisy bunch and they smell different...They also need to be fed too.

    They and Salsa can't fly though so I and my little sun buddies have the advantage...(hehehe):evil: we can fly around them and they just stare with envy. (Aaaahhh! It's good to be a grey):woohoo: It seems to be getting a little crowded with my new grey friend coming and these three plus all the others but the more the merrier, my slaves say...

    My slaves had a friend over the other night and he didn't know about us. We gave him a show...my sunny friends would land on his nose or ears and scare him (hahaha):evil: and I would fly by and graze his shaved head and growl as I did it. It startled him and I gave him my new evil laugh...I heard him ask where the dog was, he thought that Rollo was growling at him. Just for that, I had to lead the pack and fly over him again. I have to keep these humans in their place after all...It was fun!:P

    After he left, I stood at the kitchen window and made sure he left the building. The suns came over and sat on my back...I let one of them preen me while I watched...One of my sun buddies is still on formula and Salsa is still on formula and so is the new babies. My slave used to make enough for them (One bite for Starburst, one bit for Salsa...) but I taught him right...I sat on his shoulder until he learned to make extra, now its one for Starburst, one for Salsa, one for each of the babies and one for me...(they only give me two bites..not fair)

    Last night, my Maggie was making snacks and food bowls and she left the peanut butter jar open. (Peanut butter is my MOST FAVORITE THING!) I managed to get three good bites before she caught me and made me leave. I growled but she still would not give me any more. I flew over and played with the computer (boy, are those little keys easy to come off and play with...) I am a little grumpy sometimes but it is not my fault, I have all theses little white feathers coming out....what's up with that, I tell you!

    Spock signing off for now....Live Long and Prosper...;)Pictureh115-2.jpgPictureh117-1.jpgPictureh145.jpgPictureh147-1.jpgbeammeup.gif


    Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/18 01:05<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/18 01:14

  7. Okay, as you all know, we have Salsa , our 14wk old Yellow-Naped Amazon a couple weeks ago. She is doing great,she obeys the step-up/down command, she eats 35cc's formula once a day and is starting to chatter a bit. Our friend is going on vacation for a few weeks and asked if we would watch them and finish weaning Salsa's three brother/sisters (35cc's once a day). No Problem! Got home with them at feeding time and took them out the carrier and put them on the playpen while we set up their cage and then made up the formula for the four of them. (3 plus Salsa) We fed Salsa while they talked in the background (no problem with her) We started feeding the others and found out they are not perch trained, step-up trained, step-down trained, any kind of trained:ohmy: We got food down them, down the walls, down us, down the cage...these guys are not CAGS....:laugh: Salsa and Spock are laughing in the background and the suns are in their face wanting to play and not understanding why they are being growled at...:( Imagine trying to put three large Amazons who don't know you, in a cage they don't know....Sticks and Stones may break your bones but beaks and claws can tear your skin...

    First step: Perch training...

    MaggiePictureh164.jpgPictureh165.jpgPictureh171.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/18 01:17

  8. B) We'll, they've done it again, not logical, another bird they tell me, a friend for me, they say, I have my two sun buddy's, there cool, oh well, they say he was ignored and pushed aside and no one spent time with him.(how sad) They tell me he's about 2 years old, shy and scared, and they don't know his name...

    He's at there rescue now and they'll bring him home in about two week's...Ok , I'll be good, teach him the ropes, doe's he no how to preen? sorry, I'll be good....;)


  9. Thank You Very Much ... Carol is our closest friend , we see this in her everyday all she doe's for all animals, no matter the cost or sacrifice.. she really is broke up over this. It's a honor to know her. The rescue birds I have listed are kept by her..If any one ever get to Kingman AZ, stop by and see her at Feathered Friend.

  10. We would like to thank everyone, including those who sent a condolence to Carol. You are all appreciated and Carol said thank you and it brought tears to her eyes that there were so many caring people out there.

    Jay and Maggie

  11. This is to Carol and Baby, and to all who has lost a True Companion.....


    We said a pray for you and your true companion, So many years together and now you'll travel different roads, apart but so much closer.You were always there for her as she was for you. Your talks were never long but you each new each others needs and desires. You gave and she gave back, and she knows you have so much to give to your other true companions.Shes ok now, and your friends need you, and you need them. In your heart she'll always be and you in hers your true companion

  12. :) Greetings, Sully appears to be a pied/split tiel, How old is Sully? Sometimes a Male tiel can have barring up till a year old! Mostly males sing more than a simple note or two. We have a female that sings as good as any male, even looks like a male, didn't know till she laid eggs. They don't become mature till some where after a year old...

    Jay and Maggie:lol:

  13. I would like to thank you all. Carol does so much for rescue animals and she is completely devastated by this. She blames herself, feeling she should have done more. Her personal birds are all rescue, they are Baby, a Citron Cockatoo, a beak-deformed caique, 2 plucked and mentally handicapped cockatoos, a black-headed caique and last but not least, 2 CAGs, one young and one quite old. These are just a few of her personal fids plus all the others she rehabs and rehomes.

    Thank You...

    Jay and Maggie

  14. Thank you all, I just made another post "Broken Leg/Baby passed" This lady is the one rescues all the birds and animals. Surgery went good, Baby passed during night...

  15. :( Baby passed during night, Surgery and everything went ok but she didn't make it to morning...Carol had her 15 years,she's a CAS, now she blames herself, If any one would like to send her a smile, she could sure use it... it's" Carol Vine feather@ctaz.com


    Jay and Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/09 19:57

  16. :( A very close friend of mine has a cockatoo named Baby she's had for a long time. When Baby first was mated, her mate tore off her lower mandebil,now by a freak accident Baby twisted her leg in her cage and broke it high up... She had surgery Wed, They have to put a pin in it, she was on "Metacam" for pain...We'll find out today how things went!!In Las Vegas this costs $1500.00.

    Jay and Maggie:silly: :(

  17. Thank you to all{Feel-good-000200A1} I know I would be very sad too if the babies were moved somewhere else. It is amazing to see how much Spock and the two suns get along so well. Spock is very protective of them. They are holding their weight at about 100grams and are being fed twice a day (formula) along with their veggies, fruit, pellets and seed. After 3ccs they start to give us trouble and we are lucky if we get 9ccs down them a meal-time. We have a system because Spock, Salsa and the two suns all eat at the same time. Skittles loves to sit on Spock's back and Spock will tolerate her for a few minutes before squawking. :woohoo:


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