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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. To new Members: Please read caitb2007 past threads and posts before replying. Thanks Jayd
  2. :DSince Nilah calls you Bird, It's only proper you spend this day with the Birds...:cool: Must be nice to be under 29...... Love you, Jayd, Maggie, and the Flock... Spock here! Yeah, Live LOOONG and Prosper....
  3. In the last couple of weeks on the forums, a number of threads and posts have been about "getting new birds" or re-homing new birds....It's the birds who suffer when we return them, like returning a can of peas to Walmart!!!!! It's just wrong!!Doesn't anyone realize how much they suffer when we do this!!! "I know my son will be terrified today when he comes over and hears that scream, he's like that, plus it will scare the living daylights out of him." All birds scream!!! "I'm going to stop looking in Craigslist,"---"placed an ad on craigs....." In the same sentence" If you want to see sad, come over to my house and see what happens to "Returned Birds", Let me tell you, you TAG, has been with you 1 week. the baby hasn't even unpacked her bags yet. Jayd
  4. Aoodi is alright, to learn to eat veggies some times takes a while. Greywing's suggestions are good, I don't personally mix damp food with dry food and let it sit. I feed our fids chunks or large pieces so the get a form of foraging. If Aoodi is cutting his veggies, then he's on the road deciding what he likes and dislikes. Give him a assortment, 3 or 4 different types of veggies a day for a few days, the ones he"Don't touch", repalce with a different type of veggie and keep a list of likes and dislikes...It takes time!!! Note: "Abundant Feeding" Keep enough food in his cage at all times, enough for more then one bird, slowly cut down as you find out what he likes......Jayd
  5. YES!!!!!!! That's Grey't..................Jayd
  6. In all due respect, All cockatoos are noisy to one extent or another,In 37 years of working with these and other birds I've found this to be true. Fred is a Lesser, and Tango is a greater 'Too, in our case, Freddy is nosier. This yer and last year I've bee raising and socialize 7 'TOO's, from a Lesser to a Leadbetter. In the wild and in captivity, they love to be vocal, all to a different level. Our Grey's don't imitate them, nor do the one's I mentor. They are a demanding bird...Jayd Note: More 'TOO's are given up due to noise.
  7. Good morning, If the connector piece were purchased at the same store section, then there probably PCV, just wrap with a little vet wrap. The stands and where the bird can't chew is ok. PVC and CPVC, won't connect to each other, there a little different in size. Sounds really good... Jayd
  8. Greetings, and what beautiful birds you have, we love photo,s....Jayd, Maggie, Spock one of our Grey's who writes his own threads and the rest of our flock
  9. Hi, if I may with out getting anyone upset or mad, PVC is poisonous to humans and fids..[sorry] If you build a PVC play stand, etc, it should be wraped in "Vet Wrap" or equivalent, anywhere the bird can touch. when it gets tattered, you can replace it. What I use is CPVC pipe, you buy it at the same place, you work with it the same, it only cost a little more, it doesn't have to be warped, and, it's safe for human and birds. GLUE: if you roughen the end pieces, most of the time you can get a wedge fit without glue. If you must use glue, only use a dab, take a thin screw driver and place a drop in the female part, all the way in, always leave a opening when gluing. Try not to glue the last piece, if you must, drill a hole to let the glue gasses escape. Jayd http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorinated_polyvinyl_chloride
  10. Our fids, especially Joey, love uncooked "Wacky Macs". It is a rotini macaroni that is veggie based. (orange is tomato, red is beet, green is spinach and white is wheat) Where we are at, we purchase it at Smith's/Kroger's Market and at Safeway Market. They all get 4 pieces in their food bowl daily and as an occasional treat. Jayd
  11. http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/02/pepperberg.aspx A little more insight into the good Doctor. Jayd
  12. Dave, your knowledge is well respected by me, always will be. I'll be the first to cover your back...My choice for using canola oil is because of "EFA",[ Essential Fatty Acids ] and no saturated fats. The Hype in Red palm oil I refer to is the cost only, "supply and demand", and for our captive bred Grey's Id like to see a little less saturated fat. There's some good videos on the net of Macaws devouring them. This is just my opinion. Dave's post is a hundred and ten percent correct!!!!!! I can't remember the name of the thread, but I did one on "EFA's". Jayd '
  13. The Grey is Spock, our baby, 16mo's old, and Freddy our 18yr old rescue, Thanks all Jayd
  14. Hi Dave, great post, the avian Doctor that recommended Canola oil to me was a Dr.Chubb, I'll find her info about it for any one who wants. i WANT YOU ALL TO LISTEN, stick with what Dave says, just because I use it it doesn't mean it's right for you. I personally feel that "Red Palm Oil" is a Hype!!! In the studies and research I've done, it's not worth the expense. After blood tests being done after feeding Spock canola he has done very well, but remember my fids receive very little processed bird type food,[some day I might do a paper] almost everything they eat is fresh foods. Don't do as I do or as I say concerning food, there' a lot more involved then most people would like to mess with. DAVE007 RULES..... Jayd
  15. It's not how it ended that matters, but how it could have ended!!! What is Grey't about this forum is that you Can say what you want! But in return, remember,we can also reply how we want. nothing funny there. And yes, every time I here about someones fid, loose with out a harness out side, where it can fly away or get killed by any number of means, It's sad that some one might let this happen.
  16. This is grey't, a must see.....Thank you, Jayd
  17. Thank you Elvenking!! Hi, we have two, 1 a "Rescue" and 1 a "Re-home". In our case, All are birds are cage free when were home, they have "sleeping cages" and free standing play areas, so they're out all the time. Freddy, ans Spock [one of our Grey's] get along great, Freddy [18yr's old.] "Preens Spock", our other 'TOO , keeps to her self [8yr's old]. Our other birds just ignore them. A Ducorps Cockatoo, which is about the size of a Grey should cause no problem. http://www.avianweb.com/ducorpscockatoo.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomons_Cockatoo Remember Your Grey came first and you have to treat him that way, greet him first, treats first, petting first, etc...I would do it, but it's not for the faint of heart, with two such social and demanding birds, you really have to know each of the and they're ways, and remember they're diet is different...Go for it. Jayd
  18. ARE YOU TWO OK?????? Please let us know. Jayd and the forums....
  19. That's grey't, I never tired to click it for myself, with this being the case, i accept it as a honest tool... Sorry Boss... Jayd
  20. OOP's boss was listening, Sorry Boss. You work so hard you lose weight and sleep?, no, Ahh, I feel some of us have been doing a little extra thingy clicking, if it was set up where you couldn't click it [locked out] if your the person making the thread or post, it would be more honest..[sorry I feel that way] The last line was the realization that there's a lot more important thing's that need to be done first...Jayd NOTE: I can't click the "Thanks" button for my own post!!!
  21. No discredit to Talon, she work's her tiny,,,,,,,,,,,,, feathers off, and the post a note is fine if everyone would use them. You can't click it if your not loged in, maybe, when all is up and running, they could fix it where you have to be other then the name making the post? Jayd
  22. I don't like them, you can't monitor them, you can give them to yourself. I haven't done it to myself, honest!!! I miss Karma's, if you gave your self a Karma, bad new's, "instant Karma gonna get you", not so with a thingy, instant star....Some people who should have them don't, and some others, well? Just talking.....Jayd Pearllyn is a test case. she deserves them, this Talon, I don't know!!! Jilly, yah
  23. Make a Album? There so good!!! jayd
  24. NO POOR OZZY!!!!! He's rich beyond belief because of you.......us
  25. Aren't these grey't people wonderful!! Remember, you must use what best apply s to your Grey!! Jayd
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