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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. I feel humbled by all your research - Harvey was named after a six foot three rabbit (from the 1950 film of the same name!!!). No meaning at all!
  2. I love them! At least you've got a bit colour to share around - mine would all be a drab grey colour! Harvey doesn't share his bum feathers very often - so mine would be a bit insipid!!! Great idea though (for the crafty souls amongst us)!!!
  3. Weeeee!! It's Friday again! Thank goodness for that!!! Hopefully the weather will stay nice and sunny and we can have a few "drinks" in the garden! The session is now declared open!!!
  4. Ha Ha Ha Ha! What a dozy cat!!! The stupid thing is - he does it again and again!!! Great video caleigha - thanks for sharing x
  5. Sounds like they are thriving Tanya! Keep up the good work xx
  6. Goodness me - you've got quite a zoo going on there!! You are clearly a well versed parront and I look forward to you sharing your stories with us (which I'm sure you have plenty)! You've picked the right name for yourself - and I always salute people with more than one fid - cos I couldn't do it!!! You are bang on about how different a grey is though - and your description of a toddler has hit the nail on the head. I hope you enjoy it here - everyone's really friendly and there's a 24 hour presence, with it being such an international forum. Any questions you have, just ask away - nothing is deemed silly, but you'll definitely find that Moussa has different needs and wants to your other birds - I hope you find all you are looking for here though. Now to the demands we require for the forum - WHERE'S THE PHOTOS OF YOUR TRIBE!! Once again, welcome - I look forward to learning more about you all x
  7. Harvey's the same as Alfie - looks at the flower like it's a poisoned chalice - but loves the leaves - he'll happily chew on them (of course washed and drained and only from my front lawn) for ages! They're great
  8. Oh this is awful - it's just so lucky you were indoors. Have you emailed the actual manufacturers or the retailer? One of our members is a personal associate of Steve Hartman and he is talked about in such high regard. I'm not sure if you have visited his website: http://www.theparrotuniversity.com/ There are phone numbers and contact details on there - my apologies if this is what you've already done.
  9. Oooh - I like them all!! We don't have any members to my mind with any of those names (other than Echo) - but they are all fab! Well done for such fantastic researched names
  10. You know what I find interesting - the fact that there are a lot of "oo" in the words Ecko is saying - he clearly likes the sound of the "oo"s!
  11. Ah, that is just so sweet!!! She's really coming along a treat - you'll be looking for the "off" switch soon!!!
  12. What great photos! What a joy to be able to swim outside too! I am so jealous!!!! Great pictures Brittany - Pepper's clearly having fun
  13. Good god Caroline - he looks like an entirely different bird. I remember your first picture so well - he even looked sad - look at him now!!! To the untrained eye anyone would think that he's spent his life in a loving home, not just the last six months. He is absolutely gorgeous ~ he's just sooooo lucky you came along.
  14. Yet again, David Bailey rides again! Lyn, these photos are absolutely superb and I am sooooo jealous that even a change in harness is just accepted by Alfie! I love the green though - perhaps it's the common silver that Harvey has taken an aversion to!!! Thanks for sharing them ~ I love them!
  15. Ha Ha! Cheers Mate!! Caroline - you must take medication with four - I really don't know how you lot with more than one do it!! I salute you all !
  16. He was on the laptop booking a secret, romantic getaway for next weekend! OF COURSE HE WASN'T!!! Ha Ha - fantastic, so early in the morning too - I'm not surprised he jumped out of his skin
  17. Oh she definitely doesn't look happy in the shots - poor Cocoa - glad she is okay though
  18. I need to stick up for the second breeder!!! It's where I got Harvey from and Lyn got Alfie from!!! He is an excellent breeder, his father before him too - they have over 35 years of experience breeding and they live three miles from me! The reason that you can't visit them early on is that he breeds from his family home - and he keeps his home address private due to the threat of thefts etc (which is rife around here as parrots aren't the most common of pets). I could still telephone him now, or visit his showroom now and he would still be happy to give advice or help - day or night, as Dan describes. So, as I have just shifted Harvey out of his "baby" position in the crook of my arm to type this - I don't think our relationship has suffered just because I didn't visit him every week! If it's the visitation you want weekly though - I wouldn't waste the petrol coming over here if you have it on your doorstep
  19. Harvey's 18 months old and I have NEVER seen him sleep - for all I know he lets himself out of his cage, undoes the cover, goes to the lounge and sleeps on the sofa until daybreak and then sneaks back to his cage before I get up! He's not a one for "napping" during the day, so I've never seen him with his eyes shut!! What a strange behaviour though - but considering the positions I sometimes adopt when I'm asleep - perhaps they enjoy it!!
  20. Ha Ha Ha! Chance would be a fine thing!!! Sleep ins were a thing from my teenage era - don't think I remember sleeping past 7.30 for a long, long time!!!
  21. Here in the UK it is recommended that a bird is covered - the temperatures drop too low at night and the covers keep the drafts out. This is the one I have - they are complete black out, but are also breatheable. Also - at this time of the year when it's very bright until late, it helps make them comfy for bed. http://www.cozzzybird.com/ I know this is the manufacturers site in the states - but you can buy them all over the place.
  22. What on earth posesses these people to have so many animals? These poor birds. I hope they all get loving, forever homes soon
  23. Oooh! These people make my blood boil! I can't watch any programmes like this. I might sound hard as nails - but I'm a pushover when it comes to pets! Luckily I don't think we have the pleasure of this programme over here!!!
  24. Hi Steve ~ Welcome to our Family! You will find absolutely everything you need to know around here - and anything you can't put your finger on, then just ask! Nothing is deemed silly or foolish and there are loads of helpful people around. Being an international site there are people around 24/7 here to help. Your little baby is a cutie - have you thought of a name for her yet? Hope you enjoy it here
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