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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. Just don't hang those boings too low! I have one hanging from Harvey's java tree and he regularly gets to the bottom, bounces up and down and then bangs his head of the bottom of the tray - it explains why he's so stupid I suppose!!! On a separate note - I've thought abut this again - do parrots get dizzy??!!
  2. Ha Ha! Great idea Dee - but I haven't got the patience with them! I've been off work today and so far I've had a phone call from these clowns, a "have you been missold payment protection" company, a research company and Sky TV maintenance department (it wasn't them either). I would HATE to be on night shift and be in bed during the day - no wonder Harvey "answers" the telephone if it rings that many times during the day!!!
  3. That's some back yard Ray! Can't remember the last time a hawk just dropped into my garden!!!! lol The tree does look like Snoopy! Brilliant! Thanks for sharing x
  4. These are absolutely beautiful! Mind, I would watch - your wife looks taken with the huge macaw!!! Keep her away from it or it may be in your house sooner rather than later! I loved the geese - they are sooooo cheeky!!!
  5. There are lots of people past and present on this forum who have more than one parrot - and I seriously take my hat off to them. I've had birds all of my life - but Harvey was my first parrot. I knew from bringing him home that there would NEVER be another bird brought into this house to live with, or alongside Harvey. It's too much work with one, let alone another one. Forgive me if I've missed this point - but you've said you've owned both macaws and greys in the past - it was a shame when you had to givethem away? Can I ask why? It's just that unless something seriously catastrophic happens in Harvey's lifetime, I expect him to outlive me and that I be his "forever home". At the end of the day, it is your choice whether you get another bird to accompany your grey - but considering it obviously didn't work in the past, then unless circumstances are completely different, why would you feel it would work in the future? I'm sure that Rambo will bring you all the joy and devotion that you crave from adding a macaw - why don't you just be happy with your lot!! Jill x
  6. Okay then, I'll fess up - I have just been drunk constantly for four months!!! ONLY JOKING!!
  7. I'm in Northumberland, England. Good topic "squiggle" - but I agree with Jay ~ you're very interested in where we are from - but we don't even know your name!!! Come on, let us know - or otherwise for therest of your life "squiggle" will be your mantra!
  8. I thought it would be nice to share the "most haunted" place in my area, Northumberland, England. If there's any "ghostie" stories about your area - please add them for us all to read - no matter how silly - it's just a giggle!! Dunstanburgh Castle. Near Embleton Northumberland Sprawled across a windswept cliff top, against which thunderous waves pound incessantly, the sinister ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle possess an uncanny aura that the proximity of a sea-sprayed golf course, does little to dispel. Begun in 1316 by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster and enlarged by John of Gaunt, the once proud fortress had, by the 16th century, fallen into decay being described in Henry V111’s reign as “ a very ruinous house and of small strength”. It was around this time, occurred the events which have endowed the castle with a ghostly reputation. Sir Guy the Seeker was a gallant knight who, whilst riding along the Northumberland coast one day, found himself caught in a dreadful storm. The lightning flashed above him, the thunder crashed around him, he was blinded by the rain and lashed by the wind. Desperate for shelter, he chanced upon the ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle and, leading his terrified horse up the perilous and twisting rocky path, took sanctuary from the tempest beneath the shattered turrets of its massive gatehouse. As the storm raged and the wind howled through the crevices of the castle walls, there suddenly appeared a hideous figure dressed in white that urged him to follow to where he would be rewarded by the sight of a “beauty bright”. The fearless knight followed up a narrow winding staircase and into a room where lay a hundred sleeping knights and their horses. At the centre of the chamber, in a sparkling crystal casket, there slept the most beautiful maiden Sir Guy had ever seen. On either side of her, were two serpents, one holding a sword, the other a horn. The spectre told the Knight that he could awake the lady, but that he must choose whether to use the sword or the horn. Only the correct choice would rouse her. He thought for a moment and then, striding forward took up the horn and blew it. Suddenly the sleeping Knights flashed into life and rushed at him, whereupon the bold, brave and fearless Sir Guy fainted clean away. As the room began to swirl, the figure in white came towards him, a look of contempt upon its twisted features and, as the gallant Knight slipped into unconsciousness he heard its taunting voice, echoing round and round inside his head: - Now shame on the coward who sounded a horn And the knight who sheathed a sword
  9. Great video - just like being in my house with Harvey!!! (certainly not)! They are so, so clever!! Thanks for this x
  10. On numerous occasions over the past month I have been telephoned from abroad (normally India) where the caller tells me that they are from "Windows Technical Support" and they have "detected" a virus on my operating system. They ask you to go to your computer, turn it on and they will "guide" you through the "maintenance" of the system. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not stupid or naive and therefore haven't even wandered into the study, let alone switched the computer on! Then, this weekend it was in the papers - MASSIVE SCAM - run from India and some unsuspecting, trusting people are going through their instructions and offering their whole operating system up to unscrupulous crooks! Hang up on them! Swear at them! Do what you want - just don't follow their "guidance"!
  11. I've read this before and always thought it was a load of old tosh! Harvey whistles "half a pound of tuppeny rice" and the "Laurel and Hardy" theme tune - that's obviously something I've taught him - but it doesn't mean it's unique just to Harvey - just as some daft Italian teaching a bird one of his local songs isn't proof that his parrot is unique either! Last time I looked the UK was drenched in Italian restaurants, some of which actally are owned by Italians! I don't think the fact that it sings that song is definitive ownership at all! Anyway - he couldn't have given two hoots when he buggered back off to Italy - so why should he reclaim the bird now! Right, I'll climb back down off my soap box!
  12. Ha Ha Ha! I didn't even have to say it..........!! Great video Janet (not sure who Billy Joel is, I'm obviously far too young to know who he is.........!) Thanks for sharing it with us xx
  13. I know where you hang out Adina - I'll just come and stalk you and Emma (my favourite grey of all time)!!! Just keep uploading those videos I love so much!!!
  14. I have read this thread and laughed all the way through it! You certainly are persevering Barbara. I too had triumps and disasters with the aviator ~ and then the first winter in the UK arrived and I didn't even think to even put it on him even in the house - then tried it again in the Spring - DISASTER! All of my great efforts unravelled in the space of three months. Once you do get it on - don't stop - keep going. Don't end up with the battle I had this summer to get it on Harvey!
  15. Ho Ho Ho! Be ready for all of the noises in the house that you take for granted, but your grey will pick upon. By far Harvey's most annoying is the timer on the oven, oh and te microwave, the squeak on the door (that doesn't squeak any more and hasn't since he started it when he was 18 weeks old), the electric opening bin, the cough, the sneeze, the telephone............!!! Oh the joys of being owned by a grey! I'm sitting here upstairs and I've put Harvey in his cage for a bit (he's been out three hours already and had me run ragged) and he still hasn't shut up - he goes on and on and on and on........!! You sharp find you have "selective hearing" and switch off!!! Good luck x
  16. Ha Ha! Fab Stephen! You put it quite rightly so - very "Cirque du Soleil" !!!! Isaac's quite clearly crackers! I was waiting for him to bang his head off the wall though!! Brilliant - thanks for giving me a giggle!! Jill x
  17. Ah, thanks Paul - it's nice to be back - looking forward to hearing how Murphy's been progressing!!!

  18. Ah, how nice that my legacy lived on after I left!!! Thanks for taking time to read my posts, even though I wasn't here - but I'm back to insert some of my happiness!!! Thanks all xx
  19. Just an old softie eh Jay!!! What a fabulous passage - it really does stop and make you think doesn't it. Thanks for this - it's gorgeous xxx
  20. Hi Pradhu - your baby will eat only what it wants (if that "want" is available). You need to start introducing some variety to his diet. Don't give him the pomegranite or the grapes - give him some broccoli, kale, carrot, green beans and perhaps introduce a little bit of seed (not too much though). Have you thought about pellets too? Although they aren't "essential" if your grey is getting a balanced diet (which yours isn't) it may tempt him to eat other things. You need to have food and water available all day, every day - they don't have set meal times and just eat when they want (constantly normally!!!). If he won't let you touch him then I wouldn't be allowing him on my shoulder - they should only be allowed there if you have full trust - a quick swipe of that beak to your soft tissue areas won't be nice! Try putting him on your knee and talking to him. I presume he wasn't hand reared if he is refusing to let you touch him at such a young age? Time and patience is what matters - don't give in and just give him lots of variety in his diet. There are lots of decent subjects round here to help you out. Keep going, good luck - it's worth it in the end!
  21. If I were a parrot I would have liked to live with Dee - her devotion and love is boundless. Juno and Kopi are lucky to have lived their too short lives with her ~ thoughts beaming their way across the Atlantic xxx
  22. Yes, whilst I've been away Harvey's had a little "accident" - well, saying "accident" isn't quite true - he meant to do what he did, but didn't expect the consequences! He was sitting on my knee during "cuddle time" one night, when he spotted the toggle from the end of my hoodie. It is a hard plastic ball thing. He can't do much harm to it so I just let him carry on - it was keeping him quiet. I didn't actually realise the impact it would have on him though........ There was a massive squeal (which I'd never heard before) and he flew back off to his tree. I obviously jumped up to go and see him and there it was - the end of his beak literally dripping in blood. I have to say that if it wasn't for this forum Harvey would have bled to death - but remembering what I'd read I jumped up to the store cupboard for the flour, made him "eat some", where it gathered in a "globule" at the end of his beak. After a short while the bleeding stopped and I surveyed the damage. There was a bit chipped out of his beak which had caused the bleeding. I kept an eye on him for a couple of days after (soft foods only - he wasn't impressed) and he was soon back to normal and all that was left was a little hairline crack which soon disappeared. Moral of the story - make sure that you read all the advice given here, store it in the back of your brain and jump into action! It ended well for me, but parrots don't have that much blood to lose - and if it fails to stop - visit a vet swiftly!!!
  23. Ah, thanks everyone! I hope to bring back a few laughs and a bit frivolity!!! Now, I'm off to read the 20,000 posts I've missed in the last four months!!!!
  24. Harvey is now 22 months old and some of you may remember that I'd decided that I had the only mute parrot of the forum. Everyone told me that Harvey would flourish and would start talking when he wanted - and of course you were right! I'm now having trouble finding the "off" button! He NEVER shuts up! He even scolds himself before, and during any misdemenour he gets involved in! This usually is "no, get off, get out, step up"! He knows when he is in the wrong and likes to tell me so! His other favourites are "where's dad", "where's Tom" and "WHAT" !! He is still a little git! He is unclipped (and staying that way) and does exactly what he wants! At the end of the day though - he's my baby and at "cuddle time" he does just that! He will actually lie on his side on my chest if I lie on the settee and will lie there until I tell him it's "birdie byes"! He is nice really! Well, I could ramble - but I'll save that until another posting!!! I'll get some pictures soon!!
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