My grey, Harvey, is terrified of nothing! He is as hard as nails - he's not scared of toys, people, noises ANYTHING!! I can introduce a new toy quite easily - and he just accepts it. I've just got him a new "boing" to hang from his java tree and he's bounced and swung quite happily to and fro!
Right, regarding the barney that is ensuing - throwing a "damaged" bird whether it's your bird, my bird, their bird, our bird whoevers bird is wholly unacceptable. It doesn't matter if you throw them on concrete, on grass, on hay, on cotton wool or on a trampoline - this isn't acceptable either.
What you have to remember, this poor bird weighs the same as a bag of sugar - try throwing that from any height, onto any surface and you'll cause damage.
Please, please, for Abby's sake don't throw her anywhere - I have the joy of being able to throw Harvey anywhere, at any time, onto any surface - he has a pair of good wings, and good lungs and can fly to where he wants - poor Abby can't
I'm afraid that you've taken grave offence to what JayD has said - but I'm afraid I tend to agree with his sentiments about "throwing a damaged bird". Even psychologically this must be painful for her.
I really hope you heed JayDs advice - please don't throw Abby anywhere