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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. Ha Ha! It's trial and error - you'll sharp find out what they do and don't like! Something with balanced amounts of seed, nuts and fruit will do the trick - not an overload of seeds though!
  2. Come round to mine - you'll sharp realise you don't want one!! Ha Ha - only joking! Don't feel rushed as parrot care have that "offer" on - it's on all the time! It's a good package though - the only useless thing being the "feather tether" harness !!
  3. I have this cage - but the rule of thumb regarding a cage is "buy the biggest you can afford and house". I'd love a bigger cage - but don't have anywhere to put it! This is absolutely fine for a grey - and if you go to parrot care to purchase your grey - this is the one that comes in the "package". I changed the dowell perches though and there is a big java branch and rope and cement perch - but it's a really good cage (especially for the price)
  4. I don't use Northern Parrots, (being strange as I live in the most Northern county!!), but like Judy said, loads of UK members do, but I use Midland Parrots (http://www.midlandparrots.com) - where I brokered a 5% discount for members of our forum (enter the code MP00100)! They're about the same - and in fact, I think they use the same suppliers, as I've often received stuff marked "Northern Parrots" when I've ordered from Midland Parrots!
  5. Ha Ha Ha Ha! Nope, sorry Jan - you are the only person on the PLANET that does this! Only joking! Harvey's new "game" is lying in my arms, on his back like a baby whilst I blow on his tummy! I told the girls at work this today and they've booked me an appointment with the work's psychiatrist!!!
  6. Lyn - I absolutely love, love, love your pictures!!! My favourite out of those five is the last one, the little white flower (I'm no gardener)!! Fantastic shots - perhaps I can start a "Lyn Photography" Thread! Keep em coming - I love them!
  7. I've been dying to watch this (as you know You Tube is banned at work). HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! Oh it is so, so clear! She certainly is a star!! Thanks for this Lyn - she is such a sweetie (and her speech is coming on leaps and bounds!!!)
  8. Clare ~ I go to Jolley's (they're nationwide I think) - they do a great mix with seeds, nuts, bits, pieces, dried fruit, chillies etc. It is very reasonable and you you only pay for what amount you want. Harvey loves it (though it is restricted due to the seed content).
  9. Oh fantastic! I'm sure that Precious will have missed you so! It'll be a great tonic for you both!! Have a lovely, lovely time xxx
  10. What a great thread Janet! What a smashing idea! Have loved reading everyone's replies! Here's mine ~ Harvey: Harvey: The Good: He has a way of reading my emotions, and if I'm a bit sad he is sooooo sweet and will pop along and just sit on my knee and let me kiss him to death (not literally of course). The Bad: He goes into the conservatory, up onto the top rail of the vertical blinds and proudly picks them off, one by one, and enjoys watching them drop to the floor. The Ugly: He's not very tolerant of my nieces, and will dive at them and try and land on their heads - I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and therefore he is caged on their arrival. Can't wait to hear some more!!!
  11. I'll try - but obviously it'll need two of us and getting Harvey to ignore the camera is difficult! I will try, but you will have to excuse my singing (because obviously it'll need an accompaniment)!!
  12. Harvey does this all of the time - he's an out and out lazy git! Nothing more, nothing less! The floor of his cage and his java stand are covered with bits of food just with the odd "nibble" removed. He will hold things now and then - but not if he can help it!!! Don't worry - completely normal!
  13. Ah, Happy Hatchday Josey!! I'm sure that mommy will spoil you rotten and let you get away with all kinds of hell and destruction today (you deserve it, go on, do it)!! Here's to many more xxx
  14. I've just realised there's a video! You Tube is banned at work and therefore there must have just been a hole where the video was - I've just watched it! Fantastic!!! Oh I am sooooooo jealous!!!
  15. You know the tune!! I wish I could get a photo of this! Harvey has taken to lying in the crook of my arm whilst I rock him back and forth like a baby! It's only in bursts of about 5 or 6 seconds, but when I go to put my arm back in the "cradle" position, he throws his head backwards so I can lower him into the crook of my arm! It's hilarious!!! I don't know what's happening to my once demonic grey - but he's turning into quite a sweetie!!
  16. Ha Ha! Well, that's the last time you listen to a vegetarian advising you on the shopping list!!! Excellent - even better - your new grey will be able to enjoy your tuna pasta COMPLETELY with you!! PS. That's my favourite picture ever of Spock
  17. Just shows that peer pressure does work! Harvey doesn't tend to eat pellets either - but I've been reading a lot lately about how they *perhaps* mightn't be needed in a bird's diet and are merely a "marketing tool". I don't force Harvey to eat them - I'm quite happy with his varied diet of seeds, nuts, fruit, veggies and protein - much healthier (anyway - have you tasted those pellets)!!! Go Charlie - you'll be a big boy soon enough
  18. Gosh, that will be such a tool in missing person searches etc - I can't wait to see how this develops. Mind you - I wouldn't fancy the job training the vulture!
  19. Bless him - and never mind the shame of his poor feathers - imagine flashing your bum to the world!!! Poor little Spocky - I'm sure that the new vet will come up with some ideas (or we could send you some feathers to stick on)!
  20. Ah, bless you - you won't EVER have one after your name (that you can see anyway) - the people with little pluses mean they are your "friends" and in your accepted contacts list - so if you see a "plus" next to someone's name - they are your mate!
  21. Ah, Rene's a little home bird! Harvey though is the same as Alfie - tends to dine out more than in (costs a fortune in tips )!!! Good to see you're finding a combination that suits you both (and offering the dogs a tasty treat or two along the way too)!!
  22. I agree fully!! Tanya is so lucky to have this lot's in depth knowledge - and she's doing a great job! Keep it up Tanya x
  23. Ah - what a (half) triumph!! What a shame it had to end in that way - but if Rene is going to be a dirty boy, then unfortunately the love affair must be thwarted!!! Good to hear there is at least a small breakthrough, and at least he sounds as though he loves you very much
  24. Well, it's cold and windy now - but I don't care - I'M AT WORK!!! Great pictures of Murphy Paul - looks like he's having a great time!
  25. Oh Lyn - I have laughed and laughed my lunchtime away at your story! Absolutely hilarious! I have shown all in my office the story board too - and they are amazed at your weekend!! I absolutely love the picture of Tia squaring up to Leah! Mint! Made my day! Looks like you had a great time - Alfie must be so laid back it is unbelievable! Great pictures - I have thoroughly enjoyed myself!!!
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