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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. Oh, how to get a moment's peace.....! I know every trick in the book!!!! This picture was him indulging in a family BBQ in his cage! Clearly not in the mood for the aviator that day!!!!
  2. Wooo Hooo! Bank Holiday Weekend here in the UK!! See - there are some bonuses for living here! No work till Tuesday!!! I take it that this is you when you went to work on the rig Bernie!!! I've had a nice glass of Chardonnay already - and some of the world are just having their breakfast!!! Wooooohoooooooo!!!!
  3. Mmmm! I love them too!! Isn't it strange how they suddenly change their taste preferences? I've offered mash to Harvey since he was a baby (you all rave on about it here) and he's refused constantly to eat the mush....until now! Michael fed mashed potato to him from his fork (gross to those outside our fraternity - but I know you understand) and now he can't get get enough! He has his own little place set at the table now - with his bowl of mush! Great to hear that Josey is enjoying your home grown delights - and I am green with envy!! Send some to me
  4. Well done! I'm scared of heights and this has to have been the worst experience of my life!!!!
  5. Ah, bless them both, cuddly little devils ~ No cuddle pictures of Harvey (sees the camera and wants to make luuuurve at the moment) but I do have a chicken shot!!
  6. Read it and weep buddy!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasty !!!! Sorry it's taken me so long, I was out polishing the step!
  7. Light a Fire under your butt!! OMG!!! I wouldn't have been able to control myself for laughing - unbelievable!!! I have sat here, alone in the office, laughing out loud - they'll come and take me away soon!!
  8. Thanks so much for the fabulous Bud tale - he sounds like an absolute gem and clearly interacts so well in daily life. I love the fact that you are trying to "keep him moving" - and the idea about the food bowls being in different places is a great one. I was also picturing him snuggling up to his heated perch - what a cutie! I can't wait to find out more about you and Bud and hope you will keep us updated on his antics. I can't believe it's taken you so long to find us!!!!
  9. Thanks for this Debbie - and I hope that Poppy is found soon ~ her poor owners sound devastated
  10. Can you see a little restaurant off the Champs Elysee in France? I'm peeking out of a cable car up the side of Sugar Loaf mountain there's a couple of famous landmarks - what can I see?
  11. Excellent! Can't wait to see the finished article!!!
  12. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! What a nutter!! I can't believe Tiggs is just erm, well sitting there covered by that blanket. Now, shall I congratulate you on your news????!! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU GOT A PRAM FOR!!!!
  13. Ah, bless him - it must be so lovely to hear his sweet little coo ~ nice and content
  14. Good god! Check the size of that crop!!! Oink Oink!! They are coming on leaps and bounds Tanya - well done girl - keep the good work up!!
  15. ....and you shall be grinning like one when you get your baby! Hi and welcome to our world! It's great that you are taking the plunge and researching these marvellous creatures. Please read the bad, as well as the good - they aren't all "whistles and bells" - they are downright destructive and self opinionated too! Until you actually are in the company of one you won't realise what you've let yourself in for - that little baby sharp grows into a stubborn teenager (but you don't get the 13 years beforeharnd, it's round sooner than you know it)! Hope you learn lots from this forum - anything not covered, or you just want to ask - ask away!
  16. It's great that you're here Howardine ~ and I love to hear updates about Precious. Can't wait for the next instalment...... :D

  17. Ha Ha Ha! Yes! Straw/Hay! It's the country bumpkins who chew straw (and exactly like all of those Americans YOU have just insulted)!!!! A pastie is a snack which was "invented" by wives for their coal miner husbands years ago, made out of pastry with one half stuffed with a savoury filling (say corned beef etc) and the other was stuffed with a sweet filling, such as apple etc - so you had your meal and dessert all in one, small package. Things have rolled on now though, and pasties are one flavour only (and savoury) - there's loads of fillings and the most famous one of all is a cornish pastie (from Cornwall). As for getting you into trouble - when Bernie and I are banned soon, you'll be left to cause the mayhem alone
  18. Oh my goodness - how beautiful is Buddy!!! I can't believe that someone on here owns a birdie that was born a whole year BEFORE me! It's great that you've joined us Yossi - and I hope that you share a little of your life and experiences - it's great to get a new member with an Amazon - we just don't have enough of them Welcome to you both x
  19. Kodi is beautiful - such a sweet little baby! I'm a nosey so and so too, so tend to look into the background of pictures - HOW BIG ARE YOUR CAGES!! It's a zoo!!! I wish I could have a cage that big - alas, nowhere to put it!!! Thanks for sharing these x
  20. Do we know whether your new baby is male or female? Now, if it's female I would suggest that Jill is a good name...... If I ever got another grey (which I never will, I'm not cut out for it) I would call a male Archie and a girl Blossom - now, I'd get away with "Archie", but can't imagine my husband shouting "come on Blossom!!!".
  21. Stop sticking up for him!!! He's either done something or like Lyn says, wants something - he'll have broken the boat and needs to buy a part at the weekend, so sweetens Elaine up a couple of days beforehand to soften the blow!!!
  22. I don't think Crossfit meant any offence by her posting, I actually found it quite interesting!! There must be some parallels that can be transferred in order to help Girltron (sorry, I don't know her name either)! I've read the articles and comments through - and can definitely pick out some helpful points - such as getting the husband to relax etc, so I think most of it was quite helpful
  23. I haven't got a clue what the Andy Griffiths theme tune is, but have heard it mentioned so many times on here that greys go wild for it ~ how funny that Ozzy doesn't! Now the x-files is a different matter! What a strange tune to latch on to!!! He's definitely telling you he's a headbanger and want's to keep his name in true tribute to his legend, Ozzy Osbourne!!!!
  24. OOOhhhhh! I can "hear" the excitement and remember it well!!! Have you thought about any names? I can't wait to see some photos (hint hint) - they are just sooooooo cute when they are babies aren't they! Great news - you will definitely be on a high all weekend
  25. Ha Ha! It's like toy town!! Can't wait to see one of them bombing down the road!!!
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