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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. Never mind me hearing Argyle say hello - Harvey did too - and said hello back!!! He is gorgeous Julie - I loved the way he was standing on the lip of the door eyeing you suspiciously! Thanks for this - it's hard to believe what a devil child he used to be!!!
  2. JillyBeanz


    Ha Ha! Great!!! Next I want to see the video where he hits the ball and goes for a home run (how American do I sound, eh!!!)!
  3. I've seen this before - and what you will see is very interesting is the jump in weight from 9 weeks to 12 weeks. Perhaps you could use the weight chart to date your grey if you are in any *sort of* doubt? My grey, Harvey, was a spoon fed, hand reared grey - but not by me, by the breeder and I can't say that this has harmed my relationship with Harvey. Take the last five minutes. I have removed him from my arm (that I'm trying to use to type) six times - he just wants to be near me!! I can't see that weaning him myself could have made our relationship any stronger - but if you feel that by you doing this yourself you will have a better bond, then so be it. I'm also truly amazed by the clicker training etc - Harvey's 17 months old and does nothing he is told to do - he'd rather do what he wants to do!!! Good luck - we'll be seeing you with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show soon - move aside Alex & Einstein!!!
  4. Since this room started I've extended my interest into reading about Amazons (definitely would be my next bird if I ever grow up and am brave enough!!), and I've found this great society: http://amazonaonline.com/TAS/modules/content/index.php?id=5 There's some really interesting articles that I'm reading my way though.
  5. I looked at these cages when I was thinking about getting a parrot, and didn't think much of them. I felt that there was a lot of wasted space "downwards" and like Judy says, it should have been wider. Once you get a few toys in and change the dowell rods to branches, there's not much space to move.
  6. We don't have any other pets, but when we are away and Harvey stays at my parent's house, they have a Weimaraner, Suzy - who finds Harvey fascinating. Harvey is totally not bothered by her at all - and she only sees her infrequently.
  7. Just watch where you give it to Francis - like not on a cream rug or carpet!! My fatal mistake was mixing it into some veggies, which were in turn tossed across the room!!!!
  8. JillyBeanz


    Yeah - Happy Birthday Bonnie - hope you have a good one!!!
  9. Quote # 1 "Maybe mine could be a week or two older but the birth date she gave me was 3/23" Quote # 2 "Well all birds grow and fly at different rates I guess and there is no reason why the breeder would want to lie to me" Which is it to be!!
  10. Cocoa's just a big softie! Great pictures - Cocoa just lies there like she doesn't have a care in the world!
  11. That's brilliant that the person who has him has joined your forum Debbie - they must be very caring people as they are trying to trace the owner. Hopefully the owner will be found soon.
  12. Good on you for taking Ruby in! The transition sounds as if it has gone really smoothly. Of course she's going to crave your time, bless her - it sounds like she's not had much attention, poor thing! Can't wait to see some pictures (hint, hint)!!
  13. All candle wax (other than beeswax candles) have toxic fumes in them. I use reed diffusers - these were actually recommended by my vet. As long as you buy the ones with natural essential oils they are fine for your fid. Just throw everything else away!
  14. What a clever bird Francis is! Harvey's not interested in learning anything - he's far to independent to spend any "teaching time" with me!!
  15. Hi Delma - welcome back! You won't know if you are coming or going with a grey and a REAL baby! Congratulation to you n Mia's birth! Hurry up and get some pictures of them (both) posted!!!
  16. Ah, happy birthday Ben ~ Make sure you're spoiled rotten!!!!
  17. Looking at your photos I too would say that the bird is around 12 weeks too - it looks exactly as Harvey did when I brought him home at 12 weeks (although he was weaned). He was able to fly then too - but still a little shaky, so I would have thought three weeks earlier he wouldn't have been able to fly at all! I'm not entirely sure why the breeder would "stretch the truth" - there's nothing to gain by "pretending" that the bird is younger, quite the opposite actually - I would shy away from a younger bird (well, it's actually against the law in the UK to sell/buy unweaned birds anyway) and I would have thought a large percentage of people would prefer a weaned bird - it's such a demanding role having to feed a bird.
  18. Hi to you both! I hope you enjoy being here and soaking up all of the information available to you. It's a hard slog to take it all in - but you'll get there! Just read, read, read - they're nothing like any other bird you've ever owned, and won't compare to anything else you own in the future either. I hope you get as much joy from Nala as we all do from ours. Welcome on board x
  19. Happy Birthday Bonnie! Hope you have a fab day xxx

  20. Check you out - pheasant! It's chicken here or nothing!!! Here in the UK we are too poor to eat anything other than chicken!!! Ha Ha Ha!!
  21. The pay is far too good to turn down! Anway - I see this bit as me getting into heaven - it's my bit of "care in the community" Ha Ha Ha!!
  22. Clearly you only read the first few lines you moron!! Read past the crap about cornwall and their southern softie pasties!!! Read the way the HARD MEN used to eat them!!!
  23. Ha Ha Ha Ha! I've just buried my husband under the patio - didn't even know he knew what Craiglist was!!!!
  24. He is beautiful Beth - shaping up like a cutie tootie! I absolutely love baby photos - makes me remember those days (you'd think it was a million years ago the way I go on)!!! Thanks for these - Hawkins is fab!!
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