I've seen this before - and what you will see is very interesting is the jump in weight from 9 weeks to 12 weeks. Perhaps you could use the weight chart to date your grey if you are in any *sort of* doubt?
My grey, Harvey, was a spoon fed, hand reared grey - but not by me, by the breeder and I can't say that this has harmed my relationship with Harvey. Take the last five minutes. I have removed him from my arm (that I'm trying to use to type) six times - he just wants to be near me!! I can't see that weaning him myself could have made our relationship any stronger - but if you feel that by you doing this yourself you will have a better bond, then so be it.
I'm also truly amazed by the clicker training etc - Harvey's 17 months old and does nothing he is told to do - he'd rather do what he wants to do!!! Good luck - we'll be seeing you with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show soon - move aside Alex & Einstein!!!