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Everything posted by Joolesgreyuk

  1. I'm sure there used to be a joke room here? Am I wrong, being a woman I rarely am Anyways, with the absence of a joke room I found myself here. Thought you guys would understand these and they just might bring a smile to your face!
  2. That picture brought a tear to my eye. Nothing good about war is there?
  3. Happy Hatchday Josey, hope you get spoiled rotten. Bring it on mommy!
  4. Hi Jane, where abouts are you in England?

  5. Hi Jane, welcome. Can't wait to see pics of the timneh when hatched - I want one!
  6. Dave, by my opening comments I simply meant I didn't want to go into the reasons why this happened, only the tragic outcome.
  7. Great idea Dan, you get the drinks in eh?
  8. Thank you so much Daniela. This is the range of cookware: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_6?url=search-alias%3Dkitchen&field-keywords=ecolon&sprefix=ecolon%2Caps%2C227
  9. I have no wish to turn this parrot forum into a political battle ground so I will simply request prayers for the broken-hearted family, friends and colleagues of the brave soldier slaughtered on the streets of London yesterday, thank you. I can't stop thinking about him and his poor family today..
  10. Hello Dan, long time no see :cool:
  11. Yep, trust my besty to say it as it is..
  12. Ah right! Knew it's be something that'd make me look stupid...and so it goes lol. Thank you.
  13. I was just wondering if there is a simple way (which I've missed) of stopping the auto sign-out which seems to happen too quickly. I have a habit of having several sites open and then when I attend to one I find I've been automatically signed out here. I know, I'm lazy but I get fed-up with having to keep re-signing in.
  14. Thanks for your replies all. Yes I have already purchased mine but became a little concerned about the opinions of others. I think Dave has a point, we are all a little paranoid because miss-use of cookware can have such devastating results. It's a case of being cautious is it not? When there are birds in the house we cannot afford to leave things unattended in the kitchen. Not so long ago I accidently left a cooker ring on and something plastic was on it. I was in this room and after quite a while noticed a smell, on investigating I panicked and opened all the windows and the door next to Beau's cage. The birds were both fine but we just cannot know for sure what is potentially dangerous so it's best not to leave pans (and cooker rings) on when we are elsewhere in the house. Thanks for the welcome back Janet and also Dave. xx
  15. I've recently updated my cookware to the new ceramic-based "Ecolon" range, purchased from amazon, it's very modern-looking, reasonably priced and really is non-stick! Advertised as safe because it's simply ceramic with no coating. Since buying though I've seen birdy people elsewhere stating they wouldn't trust anything but stainless steel. All very well but stainless steel most definitely isn't non-stick - have you tried frying an egg in one??? So, all you experts out there, have I done the right thing - are ceramic-coated pans safe to use around the fids? Anyone?
  16. Yes Ray, it does - always but sometimes you have to look hard for it and sometimes it shows up much later.
  17. Prayers and thoughts from the UK going out to the people in Oklahoma. We don't get storms here on this scale and I'm somewhat pleased about that, I don't think you can comprehend something like this unless you witness it for yourself and I never want to come that close. Let's hope the worst is now over.
  18. I don't know the answer - sorry BTW, looks great where you are!
  19. I agree that a variety of perches is best. Beau used to sleep on a cement perch but I've been worried about how cold his feet feel in the winter and felt the cement perch was part of the problem so I changed it, within weeks Beau's nails were catching in everything so I put it back whilst searching for a suitable alternative - I found this: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.24parrot.com%2FSandy-Perch--Nail-Trimming-and-Conditioning-Perch--Large-P4370%2F&h=tAQAwGiB-AQBUMtEXb_CrkZJN9RRpQfgk2akEODK0_jq3Fw I remember thinking it was expensive but bought it anyway, when it arrived it was a lot bigger than I expected and very bright in colour and I thought to myself "he is going to be so afraid of this" and he was. I left it on the table outside his cage where he could see it for several days before putting it in his cage. He wouldn't sit on it for a few days but now he is sleeping on it just like the old cement one and it seems to be keeping his nails trimmed - so much better than nasty vet visits lol, kinder to feet too.
  20. No! Never give up on Murphy! I agree with Morana, nothing wrong in getting another grey but please don't use Murphy's cage, one day he will again occupy that cage and it must be ready for him when he comes home.
  21. Stay safe, you guys are doing a wonderful job out there.
  22. Wonderful news, be there BEFORE dawn and search the surrounding areas all day if you have to. Good luck, we'll all be thinking of you I'm sure.
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