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Everything posted by tanyab

  1. tanyab


    Why does jackson have to put his beak on me??he dont bite but does at the same time..i try to love on him and give kisses and he bite me...i dont want him to think its ok bc when he gets older omg he will hurt....
  2. ok,i will.tomorrow its going to be warm again and ill give him some water then to play in. ive not heard from crickets mom to see how she ate today. ill try to call her in a while...if she dont eat tonite ill go over tomorrow and feed her...
  3. Thanks so much for changing my name....

  4. IS it time for a bath yet???i want him to get use to the water and a shower....should i put him in a shower with me???
  5. thanks so much.we are both already doing pbutter 2 day.ill tell her tomorrow.she is really trying with her and im trying to go everynite but this week its going to be hard to get over there everynight.cricket is so sweet and loves to be loved.jackson is to busy being niose with everything.ill try to get some pics of cricket this week and maybe the new mommy other birds also...i sent some of jackson the other day.thnaks sending love
  6. i weighed jackson today and he weigh the same as he did. he has not lost any but not gained also.... i weighed cricket and she has lost from 1.33pounds to just at 1 pound...i told her to feed her a little during the day also.i feed her 35cc tonite before i came home..the new mommy bought her a new cage where she will be out of the small one tomorrow.maybe that will help.cricket likes her new mommy she will flew to her in the house where she is to be with her..same as jackson will me.im worried about cricket... ps..i know i need a gram scale but low on money right now. so, still using the baby scales.
  7. tanyab


    I do listening to everyone who will post...yes judy has been a great help and plus a great friend..i love to hear whats next with jackson....he is into everything now and i love him so.thanks for ur help and ur wonderful friendship....
  8. tanyab


    thanks so much. im stilll offer 2 feeding to jackson and he will eat maybe 30cc at a time but cricket isnt eatting good at all. the new mommy offers 2 a day also. i told the new mommy that if cricket dont eat good in the morn. i would drive over there at night to feed her its about 20min drive so i can only go one time a day...cricket flew yesterday....i know the new mommy is feeding lots of vegs to her and i took some birdy bread over ther tonite to give her. jackson is so niose he wants to be in the middle of everything. he dont want to eat bc his scrared that he will miss something.lol.
  9. tanyab


    I went over to see cricket tonite and shes not doing to good. Shes not eatting much.so, im going to go over there if she dont eat in the morn so i can make sure she gets one good feeding in. i cant go twice aday but will go once if needed.cricket likes her new mommy and seems happy but she just isnt eatting good. jackson is doing good. flying and eatting ok.making lots of noises.
  10. tanyab


    well,my baby cricket is gone. she left about 30mins ago and im waiting for her to call to let me know how she ate.im so sad and miss her already. it was so hard to watch her leave knowing that she so young.i came in the house and loved on jackson and feed him and told him i was sorry. i put his blanket in his cage and put him to bed.i knew i would be sad but im really sad and my heart is broke...
  11. tanyab


    lol..love it...yes i put a hanging bird over my window..both french door and i have blinds over the windows....so, all window have something...his getting better at this flying thing. his learned to fly to me or around me i should say.... cricket she dont care much yet..she just like sitting in her cage or on top...i have to think good thought about her leaving and hoping that she does everything i tell her. i will be over there checking on cricket and see how she acts ect...i will miss her and loved her as she was my baby first.
  12. tanyab


    OMG Jackson is flying....He started this afternoon and I was making his nite time feeding and he flew into the stove beside me...im really going to have to watch him..his growing up now. cricket will be going to her new home tomorrow night.Im not to happy about it but her mommy wants her to come home to feed and bond to her.I talked to her for a few days but she wants to take her home.Im very sad and im losing my babygirl.I told her if she needs me or she cant keep her to bring her back.im sorry...i did try.
  13. Jackson flew today..into my french doors but he was ok.it scared him...but he flew
  14. hello I called the vet back waiting on him to call and yes, he is a bird vet.jackson ate ok and cricket ate ok but not as good as i like for them to eat.they have cute back so much on there own feedings. jackson still want eat pellits and cricket eats her seeds. i made birdy bread and they will nipple but thats all.they are growing up for sure...
  15. well juackson didnt eat much tonite, they will be 12 weeks tomorrow and the vet said they should be on 1 feeding aday.what do u think??they already eat one time really good then the other time not so good.cricket came out to her door today but that was it..she dint go no farther..i try again tomorrow..her mommy didnt make it today to see her. which i hate that...jacksons nail cut me under my nail...those nails are alful. they are like needles...im on blood thinnners so when i bleed it looks like im bleeding to dealth..lol
  16. Thanks Judy,i agree jackson was the better pick.his so much fun and social.likes to be with me and out of his cage to play.cricket isnt as soclial. she dont like for anyone to be in her cage. she bit donna yesterday for trying to get her out.she didnt eat much this morning but is eatting seeds today.its nap time for them and they are so sweet a sleep.the other mommy is coming tonite and im sure its going to be about taking her home.jackson ate 55cc this morn.
  17. cricket is the first 2 pics and jackson is the last 2.i tryed to get her out asking her to step up and she snaped at me.she dont like to be botherd in her cage. i leave the door open for her but she stays in......jackson is out and wanting to see the world.she eats better then him but jackson is more social then her.i do worry about her wanting to be in her cage so much....try to get her out tomorrow....
  18. jackson ate 50cc with pbutter in it tonite... sorry didnt pics in.. i went over to friends house to a pool party.get pic. jackson did play on top of his cage for a long time but cricket didnt want out to play. she likes it in her cage. i have the door open but she stays in her cage most of the time. not jackson he wants to be out and in to everything.
  19. do u remmber there weight last time when i took them to the vet???they was in the 500???I try to get jackson to eat but he wants out and to play. ive not seen him eat his pellits but he will eat the seeds.im getting worried .he eats better at night then in the morn....ill get some pics today..
  20. good morning i weighed the twins this morning..jackson 1.25 pounds, cricket weigh 1.33 pounds...jackson didnt eat but maybe 15cc this morning. he keeps spitting in the floor.she ate 50cc.going to make birdy bread for them today and ill do my best to get in some new pics.let me know what u think of there weight
  21. good morning. I meant to ask how much bready bread they can have at a time??i will get pics in this weekend...clean cages and jackson has to help by trying to catch the rag to clean with..he likes to play tuk of war...
  22. ooo wow Thanks maggie.i will fix these this weekend.I just got home and its so late. I feed them and jackson ate real good tonite. 50cc or so.cricket eats always good. u can tell they love those seeds but i really dont want jackson on seeds but for treats.i will wiegh tomorrow. i feed them and put them to bed.which they was ready....
  23. how would u like to tell you about his poop its green wormy looking. not runny,... solid ...he haS BEEN EATTING SEEDS TODAY.which i dont loike i want him to eat more pellits. I have grad. tonite with Isaac but will be home about 9ish.i can send a pic in the morning of his poop....also he hates Isaac. Isaac is tryinbg to so hard be friends with him and he get all puffed up when isaac is around.isaac has never done anything to scare him but he just dont like him...
  24. Ok im getting worried, jackson didnt eat but 20 cc maybe but spit some out this morning. didnt eat much last night also.his playing and talking like norm. the poop is green wormy...this morn. i put seeds and pellits in diff. bowls. cricket ate good and she like norm. im going to weigh them tonite when donna get home to help me with them.ill let you know.
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